a. In the first chapter of your text, the authors detail the seven parts of an effective interview process. In your own words, indicate why each part is important to the overall process. Part one is Preparation and Strategy. This part is taking the time before the interviewlinterrogation to think up any possible responses to questions that the suspect might give. Considering the suspects legal rights and how to work with in them during the interview. To me I think this part is when the interviewer considers what they would do or say if they were the suspect. What body language and wording the suspect might use when responding or listening. Trying to plan out what might be said by the interviewee and how they might act when asked questions. Part two is Interviewing I see this part as the action of sitting down with someone and have a discussion about what happened. This part is the chance for the interviewer to ask questions about the situation, taking notes on the information given by the witness or suspect and watching/evaluaung the person's reactions. Are they talking faster, stuttering, taking long pauses before responding or maybe they are speaking in an aggressive tone of voice. This part is a great opportunity to take a good hard look at the people involved in the situation, whether they are part of the guilty parties, just witnesses or they don't know anything. Are they sweating and if so what question or topic made them sweat, do they seem shaky or dgety? If they are fidgeting a lot it would be important to observe that same person when they are not being questioned, some people just fidget. Part three is called Establishing Credibility. This part of the process pertains to a suspect once they have been discovered to be guilty. At some point in the interview/interrogation the