a. Masetials puichased on account $33,100 b. Mafenils reoursioned and tactory tabor used c. Faciory cinetsead cests incuered oc account, 30,470 a Depreciabon of faktory machinery and equipment; 51,700 c. Factory overhead costs incurred on account, $6,470. d. Depreciation of factory machinery and equipment, $1,790 e. The factory overhead rate is $65 per machine hour. Machine hours used 1 Jobs compteted 301,302,303, and 305 a. Jobs Were shipped and custoners were baled as folows Job 301,523,450,Job302/519,210,506303,517,360 Required: explanations Evory ine on a purnal page is used far debt ar credt entries crow joutnabs wat automaticaly notent a crest enty iwhen a credt amount is entered Determine the correct ending balance. The ending balance label is provided on the jeft aide of the T account even when the ending balance as a credt. The inused celt on the balaince ine ahoud be ieft bank: 3 Prepare a schedule of unfinisied jobs to support the balance in the work in process account * 4 Prepare a schedule of completedjobt on hand to suppoit the balance in the frished goods account. Fntries and Schedules for Unfinisheal Jobs and Completed Jobs Inatructions Chart of Acoounts Amount Doticriptionm Joininat Therebinte Instructions Chat ol Accounts CHMRT OF ACCOUNTS Kaymer Industres ine. General Ledger ASSETS the Gavn 121 Nccoans Receivale 126 Nobes Rencevable 170 inters Aecenvatio 131 Maleriads 132 Work in Focess 13) Factory Civitueat 134 Fished Coods tat Surphes REVENUE 419 gales 610 interout Revenue Expenses 510 Cloat at Copods sold tao Wayes lipeme 5)1 Seling fxpenses 5) Uabtes Fxpenap Instructionts LABELITES 210 Accounts Payable 221 Utanies Payable 231 Noles Payable 236 Interest Payable 241 Lease Payable 251. Wapas Payable Chart of Accounts LIABILITEES 210 Accounts Payable 221 Uulities Payable 231 Notes Pavable 230 interest Payable 241 Lease Payable 251 Wages Payable 25 ? Comultant Fees Payable EQUITY 311 Common Stock 340 Relained Earnings 351 Dividends Entries and Schedules for Unfinished Jobs and Completed Jobs Instructions Chart of Accounts Amount Descriptions Journal TAccounts Schodule of Unfinished dobs instructions Chart of Accounts Amount Descriptions Amount Descriptions Job No 301 Job No 302 Job No 303 J0b No. 304 Job No 305 Job No 306 Entries and Schedules for Untinished Jobs and Completed Jobs Instrugtions Chart of Ageounte Amount Deseriptions Journal TAGsorinte Gehedule of Unfinished cobs Instructiocis Ehart ot Accounts Kinquit Desciptions (x) sournal jouline por wos (B) bontiny iater Viceicity Entries and Schedules for Unfinished Jobs and Coenpleted Jobs instructoce I Nocoundy Entries and sehedules for Untimished Bolis and Completed Jobs insinuctions 1 Accouns eviries