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A problem in which to practice: -- IMPLEMENTING a CLASS -- using SEQUENCES Authors: Valerie Galluzzi, David Mutchler, Dave Fisher, Amanda Stouder, their colleagues

""" A problem in which to practice: -- IMPLEMENTING a CLASS -- using SEQUENCES

Authors: Valerie Galluzzi, David Mutchler, Dave Fisher, Amanda Stouder, their colleagues and Katherine Fox. September 2016. """ # DONE: 1. PUT YOUR NAME IN THE ABOVE LINE.

import rosegraphics as rg import random import sys import time import m1t_test_CircleChanger as m1_tests

######################################################################## # IMPORTANT: # Your instructor will help you get started on this exercise. ########################################################################

def main(): """ Calls the TEST functions in this module, but ONLY if the method to be tested has at least a partial implementation. That is, a TEST function will not be called until you begin work on the code that it is testing. """ if m1_tests.is_implemented('__init__', 2): test_init() if m1_tests.is_implemented('get_distance_from'): test_get_distance_from() if m1_tests.is_implemented('swell_or_shrink_once'): test_swell_or_shrink_once() if m1_tests.is_implemented('swell_or_shrink_repeatedly'): test_swell_or_shrink_repeatedly() if m1_tests.is_implemented('swallow'): test_swallow() if m1_tests.is_implemented('change_color'): test_change_color() if m1_tests.is_implemented('change_to_original_color'): test_change_to_original_color() if m1_tests.is_implemented('change_to_next_color_in_tuple'): test_change_to_next_color_in_tuple()

######################################################################## # The CircleChanger class (and its methods) begins here. ######################################################################## class CircleChanger(object): """ A CircleChanger has an rg.Circle and a list of colors. Methods can draw the circle and change its characteristics, """

def __init__(self, x, y, radius, fill_color, colors):

self.animation_factor = 1 self.seconds_to_sleep = .5 = rg.Circle(rg.Point(x, y), radius) = fill_color self.colors = colors """ What comes in: -- self -- Three integers: x, y and radius -- A string (or other value) that represents a color in RoseGraphics -- A non-empty tuple of strings that represent colors in RoseGraphics, e.g. ('blue', 'gray', 'light green', 'yellow', 'black') What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: -- Constructs an rg.Circle whose: -- center is an rg.Point at the given x and y -- radius is the given radius -- fill_color is the given fill color -- Stores that rg.Circle in the instance variable: circle -- Stores the given tuple of colors in the instance variable: colors -- [Eventually] Sets additional instance variables as needed for other methods. Example: See test_init below for an example. Type hints: :type x: int :type y: int :type radius: int :type fill_color: str :type colors: (str) """ self.animation_factor = 1 # Smaller => faster animations self.seconds_to_sleep = 0.5 # Default for each call to draw # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Change the above "animation_factor" if the animations # go too fast or too slow for your tastes. Setting it to N # makes the animations go N times SLOWER. # --------------------------------------------------------------

################################################################ # TODO: 2. # First, READ the green doc-string (specification) above. # Second, READ the test_init function (below). # Third, implement and test this method. # # Each TEST function gives an EXAMPLE that helps you understand # the SPECIFICATION of the method. That is why you read the # TEST function before implementing the method that it tests. ################################################################

def __repr__(self): """ What comes in: -- self What comes out: Returns a string that represents this CircleChanger. The string has the form of the following example: ANIMATED_CIRCLE: Circle: center=(10, 23), radius=50, fill_color=None, outline_color=black, outline_thickness=1. colors: ('blue', 'gray', 'light green', 'black') Side effects: None. """ # -------------------------------------------------------------- # We have already implemented this __repr__ function for you. # Do NOT modify it. # --------------------------------------------------------------

# Break the string for the circle into two lines: circle_string = repr( circle_string = circle_string.replace(' outline_color', (' ' + ' ' + 'outline_color'))

# Use lower-case C for 'circle' to match instance-variable name: circle_string = circle_string.replace('Circle', 'circle')

s = 'CircleChanger: ' s = s + ' ' + circle_string + ' ' s = s + ' ' + 'colors: ' + repr(self.colors) return s

def draw(self, message=None): ####### DO NOT MODIFY THIS METHOD ####### """ What comes in: -- self -- an optional message What comes out: Nothing (i.e., None)

Side effects: This method draws and renders this CircleChanger on an rg.RoseWindow.

Then, if message is: None (the default): This method pauses for the default number of seconds (multiplied by self.animation_factor). Any number: This method pauses for the given number of seconds (multiplied by self.animation_factor). There is no pause if the number is 0. Anything else: This method prints the message on the rg.RoseWindow and waits for the user to click the mouse. """ # -------------------------------------------------------------- # We have already implemented this draw function for you. # Do NOT modify it. # # You can do this entire exercise knowing only that draw # "Draws this CircleChanger on a window, # pausing briefly after doing so." # # per the green doc_string (specification) above. # You do NOT need to know HOW draw does its work. # # But feel free to ask your instructor about it if you # are curious as to how draw works. # --------------------------------------------------------------

####### DO NOT MODIFY THIS METHOD ####### m1_tests.draw(self, message)

def get_distance_from(self, point): """ What comes in: -- self -- An rg.Point What goes out: Returns the distance between the center of this CircleChanger's circle and the given rg.Point Side effects: None.

Example: See test_get_distance_from below for examples.

Type hints: :type point: rg.Point """ ################################################################ # TODO: 3. # First, READ the green doc-string (specification) above. # Second, READ the test_get_distance_from function # (below). Third, implement and test this method. # # *** YOU ** MUST ** USE the relevant method # of the rg.Point class to compute this distance. # NO CREDIT if you use the distance formula here. ################################################################

def swell_or_shrink_once(self, amount_to_swell_or_shrink): """ What comes in: -- self -- An integer that indicates how much this CircleChanger's circle is to swell or shrink by, that is, how much this CircleChanger's circle's radius is to change by. What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None).

Side effects: The following happens IN THE ORDER LISTED. 1. The radius of this CircleChanger's circle changes by adding the given amount_to_swell_or_shrink to it.

So the circle: -- swells if amount_to_swell_or_shrink is positive -- shrinks if amount_to_swell_or_shrink is negative.

Exception: If the change would make the radius LESS THAN 1, the radius should be set to 1.

2. The outline_thickness of this CircleChanger's circle is set to a random number chosen from [3, 15] (that is, between 3 and 15, inclusive).

3. The fill color of this CircleChanger's circle changes to a color chosen at random from this CircleChanger's list of colors.

Example: See test_swell_or_shrink_once below for examples.

Type hints: :type amount_to_swell_or_shrink: int """ ################################################################ # TODO: 4. # First, READ the green doc-string (specification) above. # Second, READ the test_swell_or_shrink_once function # (below). Third, implement and test this method. ################################################################ # # IMPORTANT ** HINT ** Regarding randomness: # # The following statement chooses a random number between # 3 and 15, inclusive: # r = random.randrange(3, 16) # Note the 16 -- randrange is like range in that # it does NOT include the ending number. # Use the above to help set the outline_thickness. # # To get a random COLOR, you need to get a random INDEX # into the self.colors tuple. So something like: # r_index = random.randrange(0, ??) # # where you figure out what ?? must be, and then # # r_color = self.colors[r_index] # # will give a randomly chosen color from self.colors. # # Simply ** ASK FOR HELP ** # if this does not make sense to you. ################################################################

def swell_or_shrink_repeatedly(self, amount_to_swell_or_shrink, times_to_swell_or_shrink): """ What comes in: -- self -- Two integers (see Side effects below for what they do) What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: Does the following 4 steps repeatedly: 1. Calls its swell_or_shrink_once method with the given amount_to_swell_or_shrink. 2. Draws this CircleChanger (by using its draw method with no arguments). 3. Calls its swell_or_shrink_once method with an argument that will UNDO the amount of swell/shrink it just did. 4. Draws this CircleChanger (by using its draw method with no arguments).

The argument times_to_swell_or_shrink says how many times to do the above 4 steps.

Example: Suppose that the radius of this CircleChanger's circle is currently 50. Suppose further that: -- amount_to_swell_or_shrink is 10 -- times_to_swell_or_shrink is 3. Then this method would: -- Increase the circle's radius to 60. Draw the CircleChanger (by using its draw method with no arguments). -- Decrease the circle's radius back to 50. Draw the CircleChanger again. -- Increase the circle's radius to 60. Draw the CircleChanger again. -- Decrease the circle's radius back to 50. Draw the CircleChanger again. -- Increase the circle's radius to 60. Draw the CircleChanger again. -- Decrease the circle's radius back to 50. Draw the CircleChanger again. So, 3 times it did an increase by 10 followed by a decrease by 10. Since the draw method pauses briefly each time it is called, this creates an animation.

Type hints: :type amount_to_swell_or_shrink: int :type times_to_swell_or_shrink: int """ ################################################################ # TODO: 5. # First, READ the green doc-string (specification) above. # Second, READ the test_swell_or_shrink_repeatedly function # (below). Third, implement and test this method. ################################################################

def swallow(self, other_circle_changer): """ What comes in: -- self -- Another CircleChanger What goes out: -- Returns a new CircleChanger: -- whose circle is a new rg.Circle that: -- is centered at the point that is HALFWAY between the center of this CircleChanger's circle and the center of the other CircleChanger's circle. -- has radius that is HALF of the DISTANCE from: -- the center of this CircleChanger's circle to -- the center of the other CircleChanger's circle. -- has 'red' as its fill color -- whose tuple of colors a new tuple that is this CircleChanger's tuple of colors plus (that is, concatenated with) the other CircleChanger's tuple of colors. Side effects: None. Example: See test_swallow below for examples. Type hints: :type other_circle_changer: CircleChanger :rtype CircleChanger """ ################################################################ # TODO: 6. # First, READ the green doc-string (specification) above. # Second, READ the test_swallow function (below). # Third, implement and test this method. # # *** YOU ** MUST ** USE the relevant method(s) # of the rg.Point class AND this class to compute # the center and radius of the new CircleChanger. # NO CREDIT if you use the distance formula here. ################################################################

def change_color(self, index_of_color): """ What comes in: -- self -- An nonnegative integer that is less than the length of this CircleChanger's tuple of colors. What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: -- The fill_color of this CircleChanger's circle becomes the color in this CircleChanger's tuple of colors whose index is the given index_of_color. Example: If this CircleChanger's tuple of colors is: ('blue', 'gray', 'green', 'black') and if index_of_color is 2, then the fill_color of this CircleChanger becomes 'green'. Type hints: :type index_of_color: int """ ################################################################ # TODO: 7. # First, READ the green doc-string (specification) above. # Second, READ the test_change_color function (below). # Third, implement and test this method. ################################################################

def change_to_original_color(self): """ What comes in: -- self What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: -- The fill_color of this CircleChanger's circle becomes the same color that it was when this CircleChanger was constructed. """ ################################################################ # TODO: 8. # First, READ the green doc-string (specification) above. # Second, READ the test_change_to_original_color function # (below). Third, implement and test this method. ################################################################

def change_to_next_color_in_tuple(self): """ What comes in: -- self What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: -- The first time that this method is called, this CircleChanger's circle's fill color changes to the first (beginning) color in this CircleChanger's tuple of colors. -- Each time therafter that this method is called, this CircleChanger's circle's fill color changes to the NEXT color in this CircleChanger's tuple of colors. -- It "wraps" when it reaches the end of the list. Example: If this CircleChanger's tuple of colors is: ('blue', 'gray', 'red') then: --- The first time this method is called, it sets this CircleChanger's circle's fill color to 'blue'. --- The second time this method is called, it sets this CircleChanger's circle's fill color to 'gray'. --- The third time ... to 'red'. --- The fourth time ... to 'blue'. --- The fifth time ... to 'gray'. --- The sixth time ... to 'red'. --- The seventh time ... to 'blue'. --- and so forth. Note: Other methods that affect this CircleChanger's circle's fill color have no effect on or interaction with this method. """ ################################################################ # TODO: 9. # First, READ the green doc-string (specification) above. # Second, READ the test_change_to_next_color_in_tuple # function (below). Third, implement and test this method. ################################################################

######################################################################## # The TEST functions for the CircleChanger class begin here. ########################################################################

def test_init(): """ Tests the __init__ method of the CircleChanger class. """ m1_tests.test_init() # This runs OUR tests.

# This is a VISUAL test. m1_tests.start_drawing('Testing: the __init__ method')

# Construct two CircleChanger objects: circle_changer1 = CircleChanger(100, 150, 100, 'blue', ('red', 'blue', 'green')) circle_changer2 = CircleChanger(300, 50, 30, 'yellow', ('green', 'gold'))

# Print and draw them: print('After construction:') print(circle_changer1, ' ', circle_changer2, ' ', sep='') circle_changer1.draw(0.5) circle_changer2.draw(""" A BLUE circle at (100, 150) with radius 100 and thickness 1, and a YELLOW circle at (250, 50) with radius 30 and thickness 1.""")

# Change some of their characteristics, then print and redraw them: = circle_changer1.colors[2] = 10 print('After changing characteristics:') print(circle_changer1, ' ', circle_changer2, sep='') circle_changer1.draw() circle_changer2.draw(""" Now the leftmost (formerly BLUE) circle is GREEN and the YELLOW circle has a thicker outline.""")

def test_get_distance_from(): m1_tests.test_get_distance_from() # This runs OUR tests

print() print('The following are tests from within m1 itself.')

circle_changer1 = CircleChanger(100, 50, 30, 'blue', ('red', 'blue', 'green')) circle_changer2 = CircleChanger(160, 50, 10, 'red', ('red',)) circle_changer3 = CircleChanger(163, 46, 40, 'blue', ('red', 'green'))

print() print('Expected:', 60.0) print(' Actual:', circle_changer1. get_distance_from(

print() print('Expected:', 5.0) print(' Actual:', circle_changer2. get_distance_from(

print() print('Expected: about', 63.126856) print(' Actual: ', circle_changer1. get_distance_from(

def test_swell_or_shrink_once(): """ Tests the swell_or_shrink_once method. """ m1_tests.test_swell_or_shrink_once() # This runs OUR tests random.seed(42) # Lets us determine the results of the randomness

# This is a VISUAL test. # Construct 3 CircleChanger objects, printing and drawing them. m1_tests.start_drawing('Testing: the swell_or_shrink_once method') print('After construction:') circle_changer1 = CircleChanger(200, 150, 30, 'blue', ('blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'aquamarine', 'brown')) print(circle_changer1) circle_changer1.draw()

circle_changer2 = CircleChanger(400, 100, 50, 'red', ('green',)) print(circle_changer2) circle_changer2.draw()

circle_changer3 = CircleChanger(300, 200, 10, 'green', ('yellow', 'blue')) print(circle_changer3) circle_changer3.draw(""" A BLUE circle at (200, 150) with radius 30 and thickness 1, and a RED circle at (400, 100) with radius 50 and thickness 1, and a GREEN circle at (300, 200) with radius 10 and thickness 1.""")

# For each of the three CircleChanger objects, # apply the swell_or_shrink_once method, then redraw/reprint. print(' After the first set of swell_or_shrink_once calls:') circle_changer1.swell_or_shrink_once(100) print(circle_changer1) circle_changer1.draw()

circle_changer2.swell_or_shrink_once(-30) print(circle_changer2) circle_changer1.draw()

circle_changer3.swell_or_shrink_once(40) print(circle_changer3) circle_changer3.draw(""" After the first swell_or_shrink, now: Left circle is bigger (radius 130), still BLUE but thickness 13, Right circle is smaller (radius 20), GREEN with thickness 3, Middle circle is bigger (radius 50), YELLOW with thickness 6.""")

# # Apply the swell_or_shrink_once method to each a second time: # circle_changer1.swell_or_shrink_once(-80) # circle_changer2.swell_or_shrink_once(30) # circle_changer3.swell_or_shrink_once(50) # # print('After the second swell_or_shrink_once:') # print(circle_changer1, ' ', # circle_changer2, ' ', # circle_changer3, ' ', sep='') # m1_tests.start_drawing('After the second swell_or_shrink_once') # circle_changer1.draw() # circle_changer2.draw() # circle_changer3.draw(""" # After the second swell_or_shrink: # The leftmost circle swelled to radius 130 and thickness 4, # and a RED circle at (400, 100) with radius 50 and thickness 1, # and a GREEN circle at (300, 200) with radius 10 and thickness 1.""") # # circle_changer1.swell_or_shrink_once(-50) # circle_changer2.swell_or_shrink_once(100) # circle_changer3.swell_or_shrink_once(70) # print(circle_changer1) # circle_changer1.draw('Now GREEN, radius 80, thickness 10')

def test_swell_or_shrink_repeatedly(): """ Tests the swell_or_shrink_repeatedly method. """ m1_tests.test_swell_or_shrink_once() # This runs OUR tests random.seed(999) # Lets us determine the results of the randomness

# This is a VISUAL test. # Construct 1 CircleChanger object, printing and drawing it. title = 'Testing: the swell_or_shrink_repeatedly method' m1_tests.start_drawing(title)

print('After construction:') circle_changer1 = CircleChanger(200, 150, 30, 'blue', ('blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'aquamarine', 'brown')) print(circle_changer1) circle_changer1.draw(""" A BLUE circle at (200, 150) with radius 30 and thickness 1.""")

# Apply the swell_or_shrink_repeatedly method. print(' After the first swell_or_shrink_repeatedly call:') circle_changer1.animation_factor = 0.25 # faster animation

circle_changer1.swell_or_shrink_repeatedly(50, 10)

print(circle_changer1) circle_changer1.draw(""" The circle should have swelled/shrunk by 50 10 times, changing color and thickness each time. It should end with the radius that it began (30), GREEN with thickness 10.""")

def test_swallow(): """ Tests the swallow method. """ m1_tests.test_swallow() # This runs OUR tests.

# This is a VISUAL test. # Construct 2 CircleChanger objects, printing and drawing them. title = 'Testing: the swallow method' m1_tests.start_drawing(title)

print('After construction:') circle_changer1 = CircleChanger(200, 150, 50, 'blue', ('blue', 'yellow', 'green')) circle_changer1.draw() print(circle_changer1) circle_changer2 = CircleChanger(450, 180, 30, 'green', ('yellow', 'magenta')) print(circle_changer2) circle_changer2.draw(""" A BLUE circle at (200, 150) with radius 50, and a GREEN circle at (450, 180) with radius 30.""")

# Apply the swallow method. Then print/draw the resulting # circle, drawing the original circles on top of it. print(' After the first swallow call:')

circle_changer3 = circle_changer1.swallow(circle_changer2) print(circle_changer3) circle_changer3.draw(""" The RED circle should be centered at (325, 165) with radius about 126. It should cover approximately HALF of the BLUE and GREEN circles.""")

circle_changer4 = CircleChanger(200, 150, 50, 'blue', ('blue', 'yellow', 'green')) circle_changer4.draw() circle_changer5 = CircleChanger(450, 180, 30, 'green', ('yellow', 'magenta')) circle_changer5.draw(""" Here are the BLUE and GREEN circles again, on TOP of the RED circle. The RED should appear to be underneath approximately HALF of each of the BLUE and GREEN circles.""")

# Test that the swallowing (red) CircleChanger # has a colors attribute that is the CONCATENATION # of the colors attributes of the swallowed CircleChangers. if circle_changer3.colors != (circle_changer4.colors + circle_changer5.colors): message = """The colors instance variable of the swallowing CircleChanger (the one RETURNED by the swallow method) is wrong. It should be the CONCATENATION of the colors instance variables of the two SWALLOWED Animated Circle objects. For example, if circle_changer1.colors is: (blue', 'yellow', 'green') and if circle_changer2.colors is: ('yellow', 'magenta') then circle_changer1.swallow(circle_changer2) should be: ('blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'yellow', 'magenta') and circle_changer2.swallow(circle_changer1) should be: ('yellow', 'magenta', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green') """ time.sleep(0.5) print(message, file=sys.stderr) print('The colors instance of circle_changer1 is:', ' ', circle_changer1.colors, file=sys.stderr) print('The colors instance of circle_changer2 is:', ' ', circle_changer2.colors, file=sys.stderr) print('The colors instance of the swallowing', file=sys.stderr) print('CircleChanger (circle_changer3) is:', ' ', circle_changer3.colors, file=sys.stderr) print('but should be:', file=sys.stderr) print(" ('blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'yellow', 'magenta')", file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(1)

def test_change_color(): """ Tests the change_color method. """ m1_tests.test_change_color() # This runs OUR tests. random.seed(77) # Lets us determine the results of the randomness

# This is a VISUAL test. # Construct 2 CircleChanger objects, printing and drawing them. title = 'Testing: the change_color method' m1_tests.start_drawing(title)

print('After construction:') circle_changer1 = CircleChanger(100, 100, 70, 'black', ('blue', 'yellow')) circle_changer1.draw() print(circle_changer1) circle_changer2 = CircleChanger(350, 130, 50, 'purple', ('yellow', 'magenta', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'aquamarine')) print(circle_changer2) circle_changer2.draw(""" A BLACK circle at (100, 100) with radius 70, and a PURPLE circle at (350, 130) with radius 50.""")

# Apply the change_color method. Then print/draw the results. print(' After the first set of change_color calls:')

circle_changer1.change_color(1) print(circle_changer1) circle_changer1.draw()

circle_changer2.change_color(5) print(circle_changer2) circle_changer2.draw(""" Same circles, but now YELLOW and AQUAMARINE. The next test will cycle the LEFT circle through: blue and yellow (repeating as needed) and the RIGHT circle through: yellow, magenta, blue, green, yellow, and aquamarine.""")

# Another test: for k in range(6): circle_changer1.change_color(k % 2) circle_changer1.draw()

circle_changer2.change_color(k) circle_changer2.draw()

circle_changer1.draw(""" Should have finished with YELLOW and AQUAMARINE.""")

# This tests change_color and swell_and_shrink_once # repeatedly. for k in range(20, 0, -1): circle_changer1.change_color(k % 2) circle_changer1.draw(0.05) circle_changer1.swell_or_shrink_once((-40 // k) * (k ** -1)) circle_changer1.draw(0.05)

circle_changer2.change_color(k % 6) circle_changer2.draw(0.05) circle_changer2.swell_or_shrink_once(50 // k) circle_changer1.draw(0.05)

circle_changer1.draw(""" Should have ended with two YELLOW circles: a TINY one on the LEFT and a HUGE one on the RIGHT.""")

def test_change_to_original_color(): """ Tests the change_to_original_color method. """ m1_tests.test_change_to_original_color() # This runs OUR tests. random.seed(123) # Lets us determine the results of the randomness

# This is a VISUAL test. # Construct 2 CircleChanger objects, printing and drawing them. title = 'Testing: the change_to_original_color method' m1_tests.start_drawing(title)

print('After construction:') circle_changer1 = CircleChanger(100, 100, 100, 'black', ('blue', 'green')) circle_changer1.draw() print(circle_changer1) circle_changer2 = CircleChanger(280, 100, 100, 'purple', ('yellow', 'magenta', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'aquamarine')) print(circle_changer2) circle_changer2.draw(""" A BLACK circle at (100, 100) with radius 100, and a PURPLE circle at (280, 100) with radius 100. You will next see a bunch of colors, ending with BLACK and PURPLE again.""")

# Flash through many color changes. Then apply the # change_to_original_color method and print/draw the results. print(' After the first set of change_to_original_color calls:') for k in range(30): circle_changer1.change_color(k % 2) circle_changer1.draw(0.05)

circle_changer2.change_color(k % 6) circle_changer2.draw(0.05)

circle_changer1.change_to_original_color() print(circle_changer1) circle_changer1.draw()

circle_changer2.change_to_original_color() print(circle_changer2) circle_changer2.draw(""" Should end as it started: BLACK and PURPLE.""")

def test_change_to_next_color_in_tuple(): """ Tests the change_to_next_color_in_tuple method. """ # m1_tests.change_to_next_color() # This runs OUR tests.

# This is a VISUAL test. # Construct 2 CircleChanger objects, printing and drawing them. title = 'Testing: the change_to_next_color method' m1_tests.start_drawing(title)

print('After construction:') circle_changer1 = CircleChanger(100, 100, 100, 'black', ('blue', 'green', 'red')) circle_changer1.draw() print(circle_changer1) circle_changer2 = CircleChanger(280, 100, 40, 'purple', ('yellow', 'magenta', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'aquamarine')) print(circle_changer2) circle_changer2.draw(""" A BLACK circle at (100, 100) with radius 100, and a PURPLE circle at (280, 100) with radius 40. You will next see a bunch of colors, cycling through BLUE, GREEN, RED (for the left, larger circle) and YELLOW, MAGENTA, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW (again) and AQUAMARINE (for the right, smaller circle).""")

# Cycle through the CircleChanger's tuples of colors: print(' After the first set of change_to_next_color calls:') for _ in range(16): circle_changer1.change_to_next_color_in_tuple() circle_changer1.draw(0.25)

circle_changer2.change_to_next_color_in_tuple() circle_changer2.draw(0.25)

circle_changer2.draw(""" Should end with circles: BLUE and GREEN.""")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If this module is running at the top level (as opposed to being # imported by another module), then call the 'main' function. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': main()

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