A program is read by conprters (Python ieterpoters) and programmers, and sometimes many programmers. It is important to trite progams that are readable. A readable program is easy to understand by a lriman. It is a bad practice to toe meaningless identifier libe single chacacter as tariable name. It is even worse to have too many identical idectifiers as both global variable outside a fuaction definition and local variable intide a function definition, bur they have entarely different meaning. A student has submitted a program using a lof of ucclear variable identifiers. Please belp the teachers to understand this progam. (i) Is there asy enor whea evecuting thas progrnan? If theae is no erros, write down the cutpur of the progen (a) Study line 6. The identifier a is ased as the name of a farcion. The same ideatifer a is alse uned as a tocal parameter variable. Explain why it is aot a problenti A program is read by conprters (Python ieterpoters) and programmers, and sometimes many programmers. It is important to trite progams that are readable. A readable program is easy to understand by a lriman. It is a bad practice to toe meaningless identifier libe single chacacter as tariable name. It is even worse to have too many identical idectifiers as both global variable outside a fuaction definition and local variable intide a function definition, bur they have entarely different meaning. A student has submitted a program using a lof of ucclear variable identifiers. Please belp the teachers to understand this progam. (i) Is there asy enor whea evecuting thas progrnan? If theae is no erros, write down the cutpur of the progen (a) Study line 6. The identifier a is ased as the name of a farcion. The same ideatifer a is alse uned as a tocal parameter variable. Explain why it is aot a problenti