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A real estate agency collects some basic data on recent home sales, which can be found in the HomePrices file. The variables are: Size -

A real estate agency collects some basic data on recent home sales, which can be found in the "HomePrices" file. The variables are:

Size - the size of the house, in square feet Age - the age of the house, in years Foreclosure - an indicator variable equal to 1 if the house is a foreclosure, and 0 otherwise Crime - the violent crime rate of the area, in # per year per 100,000 residents Price - the sale price of the house

Build a regression model with Price as the dependent variable, using all four of the independent variables provided.

Using this model, predict the price of a house with the following characteristics: -2000 square feet -50 years old -Not a foreclosure -400 violent crime rate

Size Age Foreclosure Crime Price
1784 8 0 411 395000
4500 50 0 411 1221000
1334 84 0 635 238000
3205 12 1 488 1013000
3165 86 0 411 818000
1269 29 0 411 365000
3014 47 0 306 758000
3677 43 0 488 1009000
1066 21 0 411 257000
1042 47 0 488 187000
1070 55 1 635 217000
1470 44 0 306 363000
3528 95 0 488 1028000
1536 65 0 306 352000
4547 98 0 306 1343000
1262 100 0 306 347000
1574 72 1 306 388000
1168 26 0 1126 167000
2615 12 0 817 677000
1290 93 1 306 287000
1782 45 0 306 496000
2731 7 0 306 831000
2190 95 0 411 634000
1873 91 0 955 321000
1188 81 0 1126 158000
2819 63 1 306 756000
1000 18 0 488 224000
2076 77 1 306 675000
2748 60 0 306 732000
2795 88 0 1126 460000
1182 13 0 306 246000
2488 24 1 306 789000
1006 67 0 306 211000
1136 69 0 306 277000
1601 62 0 955 278000
1061 6 0 488 201000
4329 95 0 411 1184000
4304 30 0 306 1353000
2054 9 0 817 431000
1973 59 0 817 459000
3916 66 0 817 1031000
2179 72 0 306 635000
2294 73 0 306 657000
4324 29 1 411 1313000
2518 88 0 411 635000
3040 67 0 306 1009000
1227 85 0 817 119000
1150 41 0 306 292000
1061 65 1 1126 142000
1593 66 0 1126 162000
1034 38 0 635 231000
1515 8 0 635 336000
1000 11 0 488 204000
1573 49 0 1126 152000
2412 22 0 306 686000
2331 52 0 635 633000
4144 6 1 411 1336000
2201 37 1 1126 482000
3335 56 0 306 967000
3554 70 0 411 1161000
2969 76 0 955 824000
1044 56 1 306 300000
2030 50 1 817 443000
4074 47 1 411 1256000
1135 47 0 817 207000
4434 60 0 411 1239000
3857 43 0 411 1124000
1176 74 0 635 278000
1015 35 0 1126 143000
1685 59 0 411 504000
1010 27 0 411 267000
3252 64 1 306 1042000
2355 2 0 635 470000
1619 55 0 306 464000
2503 33 0 411 714000
1919 88 0 488 391000
3150 1 0 306 942000
1206 69 0 817 157000
2825 85 0 635 644000
1677 76 0 306 461000
1187 20 0 411 241000
1059 99 0 306 209000
4443 40 1 488 1461000
1763 42 0 488 371000
2671 50 0 955 648000
3804 82 1 817 974000
1087 8 0 306 243000
3391 1 0 411 1094000
1359 77 0 817 280000
3612 21 0 817 879000
3909 46 0 817 957000
2888 51 0 306 695000
2748 30 0 306 913000
3331 33 0 1126 905000
2409 18 0 306 789000
1413 3 0 306 336000
1148 91 0 955 137000
1000 20 1 817 153000
2460 93 0 306 653000
4312 15 0 635 1359000
1000 78 1 1126 143000
1151 2 0 817 147000
3090 58 0 306 899000
3457 48 0 488 896000
1037 3 0 306 255000
1671 43 0 955 331000
1727 36 0 306 547000
2048 51 0 955 513000
1508 58 1 817 256000
1004 61 0 488 256000
1331 22 1 411 399000
2273 13 1 1126 400000
4566 50 1 817 1350000
3856 60 0 306 1194000
1074 28 0 488 231000
1076 46 0 488 160000
1346 24 0 1126 150000
1517 63 1 306 370000
2389 84 0 955 497000
4379 6 1 306 1273000
1192 62 0 488 304000
2230 67 0 635 459000
1167 38 0 635 243000
1907 6 0 817 332000
1012 25 0 411 275000
1428 38 0 488 401000
1200 90 0 817 189000
1010 47 1 411 207000
4005 19 0 306 1376000
1328 88 1 1126 179000
1559 15 0 817 336000
2019 6 0 411 514000
1005 43 0 488 209000
1427 5 0 306 383000
3362 59 0 488 867000
1209 3 0 306 280000
2006 23 0 411 508000
1012 27 0 411 184000
4332 94 1 411 1244000
1401 25 0 306 323000
1035 50 0 411 158000
1995 85 0 306 479000
1791 5 0 955 193000
1101 37 1 411 311000
3438 88 0 955 792000
3715 40 0 955 903000
4353 62 0 411 1420000
3147 59 1 488 750000
2775 42 0 488 653000
3660 33 0 306 944000
1122 76 1 1126 144000
2058 2 0 635 379000
2499 92 0 306 605000
2428 24 0 306 775000
1201 72 0 411 294000
3505 77 0 306 938000
2571 8 0 306 801000
1097 96 0 411 256000
1813 3 1 411 462000
1631 7 0 411 494000
2347 55 0 306 641000
1324 29 0 1126 146000
3132 18 0 306 1039000
3696 54 1 306 1265000
1227 66 0 817 133000
3216 46 1 635 780000
1597 24 0 411 356000
3968 49 0 411 1143000
4559 87 1 306 1439000
2124 3 1 411 530000
2244 17 0 635 440000
3240 62 0 955 768000
2872 89 0 306 877000
1418 90 0 411 400000
3262 28 0 411 986000
1039 67 0 817 165000
2870 22 0 306 812000
4486 34 0 817 1199000
2394 59 0 306 791000
3316 78 0 488 960000
1062 6 0 306 235000
2175 93 0 306 705000
1492 73 0 955 249000
1814 8 0 635 478000
2250 6 0 306 640000
2448 15 1 488 743000
4015 11 0 488 1233000
4039 77 0 635 1104000
1123 92 0 306 264000
1001 58 0 817 124000
1597 92 0 411 408000
3433 36 0 306 1163000
3886 49 0 306 1354000
4488 91 0 955 1320000
4538 18 0 955 1212000
1014 77 0 488 198000
2198 7 0 306 649000
1076 56 0 488 211000
1202 59 0 306 284000
1646 90 1 306 524000
3178 81 0 306 898000
2353 5 1 306 647000
1215 100 0 306 281000
3989 30 0 306 1318000
1336 92 1 306 390000
1005 71 0 1126 119000
2142 95 0 955 524000
1001 41 0 306 283000
1103 18 0 306 293000
1847 62 1 411 560000
4224 25 0 411 1059000
1209 17 0 306 358000
2825 42 0 306 708000
2174 72 0 1126 376000
2558 51 0 817 514000
1219 99 1 411 263000
3374 45 1 306 963000
1351 90 0 488 363000
2675 16 1 635 587000
1698 61 0 306 384000
2185 5 0 306 735000
1057 25 0 955 122000
1123 44 0 817 144000
4197 9 1 306 1216000
1008 50 0 488 213000
1130 41 0 411 265000
2185 31 0 411 638000
1157 76 0 306 318000
1373 69 0 635 210000
4237 3 0 306 1427000
1020 95 0 411 199000
1480 78 1 306 385000
1313 52 0 306 294000
1793 58 0 411 500000
1024 41 1 306 250000
1377 69 0 955 130000
1650 70 0 817 237000
2507 84 0 1126 435000
1818 41 0 306 568000
3522 41 0 306 1149000
4101 89 0 306 1235000
1099 99 0 635 168000
1009 58 0 411 155000
1254 35 0 955 137000
3304 61 0 306 901000
1120 89 0 306 262000
2616 39 1 635 764000
1004 48 0 488 176000
1138 6 0 411 213000
1895 85 0 306 521000
1036 57 0 306 269000
1206 9 0 411 235000
1671 29 0 488 414000
1760 3 0 306 455000
1051 37 0 411 230000
1534 5 0 306 433000
2611 57 0 306 841000
1162 11 1 635 297000
1002 88 0 306 229000
1633 96 0 1126 255000
1076 14 0 306 274000
3310 7 1 1126 679000
3895 36 0 306 1336000
3159 22 0 306 1045000
1501 78 0 411 421000
3515 31 0 1126 591000
1614 73 0 306 384000
4152 56 0 635 1280000
3261 28 1 955 949000
1956 91 0 1126 234000
1042 13 0 817 160000
1254 37 1 955 122000
1057 13 0 635 238000
4512 58 0 635 1343000
1353 98 0 1126 133000
1108 53 0 306 256000
2347 26 1 955 534000
1991 51 0 306 637000
2370 42 0 1126 487000
3158 97 1 306 789000
3464 63 0 411 989000
3600 41 0 306 1189000
3723 55 0 306 1261000
2501 70 0 635 515000
2684 89 0 955 629000
2828 97 1 306 905000
2127 100 0 488 568000
3081 41 0 955 729000
1484 96 0 488 310000
1150 87 0 306 320000
3633 25 0 1126 629000
1002 83 0 306 220000
1975 28 1 817 498000
3442 9 1 635 748000
1447 22 1 306 340000
4425 38 0 635 1299000
2224 97 1 411 621000
1194 17 1 411 210000
1048 65 0 306 240000
1015 45 0 488 149000
1401 48 0 411 389000
2328 27 0 306 594000
1266 47 0 635 220000
1032 47 0 306 267000
1596 70 0 306 467000
2650 44 0 306 873000
2833 15 0 411 714000
1128 77 0 411 234000
4440 18 0 635 1138000
1188 93 0 306 321000
1406 9 0 306 414000
2363 61 1 488 643000
1159 29 0 411 312000
1004 95 0 635 143000
1217 55 0 411 289000
1849 79 0 955 194000
2117 52 1 817 300000
1038 14 0 306 205000
1226 85 0 488 216000
1007 13 0 817 138000
1545 8 0 1126 126000
1957 14 1 817 466000
1477 1 0 411 289000
2080 61 0 635 540000
1055 23 1 411 295000
1598 57 0 306 434000
3391 24 0 955 855000
3001 29 0 1126 632000
1159 89 0 411 317000
1580 36 0 488 361000
1079 10 1 635 247000
3006 54 1 306 907000
1728 42 0 1126 117000
1102 43 0 306 229000
1032 51 1 306 220000
3231 17 0 306 1091000
3434 25 0 635 1117000
1677 40 0 306 528000
1362 11 0 635 316000
1180 45 0 306 306000
1332 1 0 635 176000
1040 86 0 488 204000
2713 95 0 306 841000
2141 26 0 488 472000
1571 49 0 411 404000
1023 75 0 306 286000
3880 1 0 306 1100000
3257 61 0 411 946000
4055 47 0 635 1088000
1015 63 0 306 226000

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