(a) ts 6201 a samble seatistic of a pooutation paraneter? Explain. It is a population parameter, tiroe it is a meawure based on the pooulation of us residents. It is a sampit statistic, since it is the coserved sample oroportion. answers to two decimal placen-) We are 95 wh conticent that apprciciately x wo x Wo of Americans think marjuans thould be legalized. (e) A craic paints out that this 95 s, conniderce inserval is only accunate if the statstic follows a hormal diatribution, or if the normal motel is a pood appreximation. Is this true far these data? Expiain. The sample randem and cemprises 10% of the Americien population. therefore we assume that the individusis in this sumple are inseoencent of nach etiet Tha number of cyocnsses is and the number of fallures is , so the wiccers-fallure condition distribution of the semple prosortion expected to be apcroximately normal. (d) A news plece on this survey's findings stotes, 'Msjority of Americans think marluana should be lagalited." Bosed on your confitence interval, is this news plece's statement justified? bectuse the interval contain 50\%, sugpetting that the true proportion be 50% or higher, Arandom survey asked 1,600 us fesidents: Do yeu think the use of marijuana should be made legal, ce not?" 63% of the respondonts said it should be made legal. (a) is 635 a sample statistic or a populaticn parameter? Explain. It is a population parameter, since it is a measure based on the population of u5 revidents. it is a sample statisic, since it is the coserved simpla prosortion. anserers to two decimel places.) We are 95% convicent that aporoximately x \% of Americans think marjuana should be legsized. (c) A cite points cut that vis 95 th conndence interval is caly accurate if the statielc foliows a narmal distribution, or if the rotmal mosel is a good approximation, Is this true for these data? Exgian. The tample 7 Fardom and comprises Indebendent of each other. The number of successes is 4 10% of the American populution, therefore ne: the diteritubss af the strele proscrition. x and the number of failires is expected to be asprowimately namoly asturne that the indivituals in Bis sampit are , because the interrat contain 50-s, stragesting that the true propertian be sow or migher. (a) ts 6201 a samble seatistic of a pooutation paraneter? Explain. It is a population parameter, tiroe it is a meawure based on the pooulation of us residents. It is a sampit statistic, since it is the coserved sample oroportion. answers to two decimal placen-) We are 95 wh conticent that apprciciately x wo x Wo of Americans think marjuans thould be legalized. (e) A craic paints out that this 95 s, conniderce inserval is only accunate if the statstic follows a hormal diatribution, or if the normal motel is a pood appreximation. Is this true far these data? Expiain. The sample randem and cemprises 10% of the Americien population. therefore we assume that the individusis in this sumple are inseoencent of nach etiet Tha number of cyocnsses is and the number of fallures is , so the wiccers-fallure condition distribution of the semple prosortion expected to be apcroximately normal. (d) A news plece on this survey's findings stotes, 'Msjority of Americans think marluana should be lagalited." Bosed on your confitence interval, is this news plece's statement justified? bectuse the interval contain 50\%, sugpetting that the true proportion be 50% or higher, Arandom survey asked 1,600 us fesidents: Do yeu think the use of marijuana should be made legal, ce not?" 63% of the respondonts said it should be made legal. (a) is 635 a sample statistic or a populaticn parameter? Explain. It is a population parameter, since it is a measure based on the population of u5 revidents. it is a sample statisic, since it is the coserved simpla prosortion. anserers to two decimel places.) We are 95% convicent that aporoximately x \% of Americans think marjuana should be legsized. (c) A cite points cut that vis 95 th conndence interval is caly accurate if the statielc foliows a narmal distribution, or if the rotmal mosel is a good approximation, Is this true for these data? Exgian. The tample 7 Fardom and comprises Indebendent of each other. The number of successes is 4 10% of the American populution, therefore ne: the diteritubss af the strele proscrition. x and the number of failires is expected to be asprowimately namoly asturne that the indivituals in Bis sampit are , because the interrat contain 50-s, stragesting that the true propertian be sow or migher