Abraham Shono recently opened his own accounting firm on April 1 which ho operates as a corporation. The name of the new emey is Abraham Shone, CPA Shone experienced the following units during the organizing phase of the new business and its first month of operations in 2018 Click the icon to wow the transaction Read the requirements Requirement 1. Analyze the effects of the events on the accounting equation of Abraham Shane CW Analyze the events chronologically one transaction as a time beginning with the transaction on the Sth For each transaction that follows the transaction on the 5th, calculate the centrach counter traying its ect on the counting equation Alle calculating the ending balance of each account on the oth calculate total assets and totalities and goy (Complete only the recewa boxes for your transaction in Denofontere for your transaction lines Carty down at balances to the line chudine co nigay what decrease an account with a minor parentheses Abrissed AP Accounts Payable Account Roc Co-Conno Com Contine: Expense Fumumitur, Labbe Re: Sup - Supplies ASSETS EQUITY Conte . Retained Earnings M Cash Once AP - Fum Util Com DW Serie Rant Rev Stock Sup Exp EN 415 - Shone deposited $45,000 in a new business bank account titled Abraham Shone, CPA. The Apr. 5 business issued common stock to Shone. Apr. 6 Paid $400 cash for letterhead stationery for new office. Apr. 7 Purchased office furniture for the office on account, $6,800. Apr. 10 Consulted with tax client and received $3,400 for services rendered. Apr. 11 Paid utilities, $100. Apr. 12 Finished tax hearings on behalf of a client and submitted a bill for accounting services, 518,000 Apr. 18 Paid office rent, $1,600. Apr. 25 Received amount due from client that was billed on April 12. Apr. 27 Paid full amount of accounts payable created on April 7 Apr. 30 Cash dividends of $2,000 were paid to stockholders. Requirements 1. Analyze the effects of the events on the accounting equation of Abraham Shone, CPA 2. Prepare the following financial statements: a. Income statement. b. Statement of retained earnings. c. Balance sheet