According to Maslow's theory, when a need is satisfied Multiple Choice the need disappears, and will not reappeat. another, higher-level need emerges and motivates a person to satisfy that need. it will continue to motivate a person, but not as strongly. we are content, and will continue to work, but will only be motivated by more money. Darla was born in 1972. As indicated by her generational cohort, she's most likely a manager who tends to Multiple Choice focus more on results than on hours in the workplace. be inflexible and irritable. have narrower viewpoints than het predecessors. closely supervise her workers, even the dependeble ones. A university student spends his summer months in his home town, where he works for a local microbrewery during the evening hours. In the late moming. he attends the local community college, where he takes summer courses that he knows will transfer back to his school. Although he finds the courses just as chalienging as at his regulat university. he does not worry about his summer grades affecting his 32( out of 4.0) grade point average. because his university only accepts the transfer credits. As long as he recelves C grades or better, he maintains his current grade, point average. Which theory suggests that the student will work only as hard as necessary to earn a C grade? Mut pite Chaice equify theory abjectivesetting theory Masiowis theory expectancy theory Wiliam Ouchl's Theory Z recognized Multiple Choice the combined benefits of Theory X and Theory Y style managers. particularty the motivation by feor of Theory X manogers and the belief that employees like work, as percelved by Theory Y managers. the combined ettorts of Frederick Taylor and Eiton Mayo, and crested a hybrid opprosch to management that reflected Taylors concem for. productivity and Mayo's lesser concern for the human side of mansgement the merits of a hybrid form of Japenese-stye management and American stye of managensent. that conformity was the only way to manoge successfully. The central idea of MBO is that Muliple Choice manegers need to set realistic goals for employees. employees need to motivate themseives by perticipating in goal setting. job satisfaction comes from the abilty to learn new skills. employees must be closely supervised; and giving them far reaching goals will help to achieve thot