According to the information presented below, can you calculate the Cach Rotio for Altemotives, INC? "Round your answer to the nearest two decimals, if needed. If the answer is a percentage, please type as a percentage and not as decimal (i., 5.2 and not 0.0524. Please do not type symbols in your answer (c, ,5,%,1) EXTRACT FROM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ..... Alternatives, INC Balance Sheet Extract Alternatives, INC Income Statement Extract According to the information presented below. can you colculate the Days of Pavables Outstanding for Alternatives, INC? -Round your answer to the nearest two decimals, if necded, If the answer is a percentage, please type as a percentage and not as decimal (i.e., 5.2 and not 0.0521 . please do not type symbols in your answer (eg, 5,,. - EXTRACT FROM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ..... Alternatives, INC Balance Sheet Extract Aternatives, inc Income Statement Extract: According to the information presented below, can you calculate the Asset Ublitation Ratio for Alternatives, INC? 'Round your answer to the nearest two decimals, if necded, if the answer is a percentage, please type as a percentage and not as decimal fie, 52 and not 0.052. Plose do not trpe rymbols in your answer (e,S4,5.K,h) EXTRACT FROM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Alternatives, INC Batance Sheet Extract Alternatives, INC Income Statement Extract According to the information presented below, con you calculate the Equst Multiplier for Alternstives INCT 'Round your answer to the nearest two decimals, if needed. If the answer is a percentage, piense type as a percentage and not as decimal (i.e. 5.2 and not 0.052 . Plcase do not trpe symbels in your answer (e,5,5,x, EXTRACT FROM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Alternatives, INC Balance Sheet Extract Aiternatives, iNC Income Statement Extract According to the information presented below, can you calculate the Cach Rotio for Altemotives, INC? "Round your answer to the nearest two decimals, if needed. If the answer is a percentage, please type as a percentage and not as decimal (i., 5.2 and not 0.0524. Please do not type symbols in your answer (c, ,5,%,1) EXTRACT FROM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ..... Alternatives, INC Balance Sheet Extract Alternatives, INC Income Statement Extract According to the information presented below. can you colculate the Days of Pavables Outstanding for Alternatives, INC? -Round your answer to the nearest two decimals, if necded, If the answer is a percentage, please type as a percentage and not as decimal (i.e., 5.2 and not 0.0521 . please do not type symbols in your answer (eg, 5,,. - EXTRACT FROM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ..... Alternatives, INC Balance Sheet Extract Aternatives, inc Income Statement Extract: According to the information presented below, can you calculate the Asset Ublitation Ratio for Alternatives, INC? 'Round your answer to the nearest two decimals, if necded, if the answer is a percentage, please type as a percentage and not as decimal fie, 52 and not 0.052. Plose do not trpe rymbols in your answer (e,S4,5.K,h) EXTRACT FROM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Alternatives, INC Batance Sheet Extract Alternatives, INC Income Statement Extract According to the information presented below, con you calculate the Equst Multiplier for Alternstives INCT 'Round your answer to the nearest two decimals, if needed. If the answer is a percentage, piense type as a percentage and not as decimal (i.e. 5.2 and not 0.052 . Plcase do not trpe symbels in your answer (e,5,5,x, EXTRACT FROM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Alternatives, INC Balance Sheet Extract Aiternatives, iNC Income Statement Extract