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According to this cord use LongFifoWait Notify thread methord in CircularArrayLongFifo class. According to this cord use LongFifoWait Notify thread methord in CircularArrayLongFifo class. public

According to this cord use LongFifoWait Notify thread methord in CircularArrayLongFifo class. According to this cord use LongFifoWait Notify thread methord in CircularArrayLongFifo class.

public class CandidateGenerator { private final LongFifo outputFifo;

public CandidateGenerator(LongFifo outputFifo) { this.outputFifo = outputFifo;

Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { runWork();}};

Thread t = new Thread(r, "CandidateGenerator"); t.start() }

private void runWork() { try { outputFifo.add(2); long number = 3; while ( true ) { outputFifo.add(number); number += 2;} } catch ( InterruptedException x ) { // ignore and let the thread die}}} ================================================


/*Implementation of {@link LongFifo} which uses a circular array internally. Look at the documentation in LongFifo to see how the methods are supposed to work. The data is stored in the slots array. count is the number of items currently in the FIFO. When the FIFO is not empty, head is the index of the next item to remove. When the FIFO is not full, tail is the index of the next available slot to use for an added item. Both head and tail need to jump to index 0 when they "increment" past the last valid index of slots (this is what makes it circular). See Circular Buffer on Wikipedia for more information. */ public class CircularArrayLongFifo implements LongFifo { // do not change any of these fields: private final long[] slots; private int head; private int tail; private int count; private final Object lockObject;

// this constructor is correct as written - do not change public CircularArrayLongFifo(int fixedCapacity, Object proposedLockObject) {

lockObject = proposedLockObject != null ? proposedLockObject : new Object();

slots = new long[fixedCapacity]; head = 0; tail = 0; count = 0;}

// this constructor is correct as written - do not change public CircularArrayLongFifo(int fixedCapacity) { this(fixedCapacity, null);}

// this method is correct as written - do not change @Override public int getCount() { synchronized ( lockObject ) { return count; }}

@Override public boolean isEmpty() { synchronized ( lockObject ) { return count == 0; }}

@Override public boolean isFull() { synchronized ( lockObject ) { return count == slots.length;} }

@Override public void clear() { synchronized ( lockObject ) { // No need - just keep the old junk (harmless): // Arrays.fill(slots, 0); head = 0; tail = 0; count = 0;}}

@Override public int getCapacity() { return slots.length;}

@Override public void add(long value) throws InterruptedException {}

@Override public long remove() throws InterruptedException { return 0L;}

// this method is correct as written - do not change @Override public Object getLockObject() { return lockObject;}} ============================================

public interface LongFifo { /** Returns the number if items currently in the FIFO. */ int getCount();

/** Returns true if {@link #getCount()} == 0. */ boolean isEmpty();

/** Returns true if {@link #getCount()} == {@link #getCapacity()}. */ boolean isFull();

/** Removes any and all items in the FIFO leaving it in an empty state. */ void clear();

/*Returns the maximum number of items which can be stored in this FIFO. This value never changes.*/ int getCapacity();

/*Add the specified item to the fifo. If currently full, the calling thread waits until there is space and then adds the item. If this method doesn't throw InterruptedException, then the item was successfully added. */ void add(long value) throws InterruptedException;

/* Removes and returns the next item. If currently empty, the calling thread waits until another thread adds an item. If this method doesn't throw InterruptedException, then the item was successfully removed. */ long remove() throws InterruptedException;

/*Returns a reference to use for synchronized blocks which need to call multiple methods without other threads being able to get in. Never returns null.*/ Object getLockObject(); } ====================================================

public class NanoTimer { private final double NS_PER_MILLISECOND = 1000000.0; private final double NS_PER_SECOND = NS_PER_MILLISECOND * 1000.0; private final double NS_PER_MINUTE = NS_PER_SECOND * 60.0; private final double NS_PER_HOUR = NS_PER_MINUTE * 60.0; private final double NS_PER_DAY = NS_PER_HOUR * 24.0;

private long nsStartTimeOfInterval; private long nsTotalOfStoppedIntervals = 0L; private boolean paused = true;

// private, use createXYZ methods private NanoTimer() {}

public static NanoTimer createStarted() { NanoTimer timer = new NanoTimer(); timer.start(); return timer;}

public static NanoTimer createStopped() { return new NanoTimer(); }

public synchronized void start() { if ( paused ) { paused = false; nsStartTimeOfInterval = System.nanoTime();}}

public synchronized void stop() { if ( !paused ) { paused = true; nsTotalOfStoppedIntervals += System.nanoTime() - nsStartTimeOfInterval;}}

public synchronized void reset() { stop(); nsTotalOfStoppedIntervals = 0L; }

public synchronized long getElapsedNanoseconds() { return nsTotalOfStoppedIntervals + (paused ? 0 : System.nanoTime() - nsStartTimeOfInterval);}

public double getElapsedMilliseconds() { return getElapsedNanoseconds() / NS_PER_MILLISECOND;}

public double getElapsedSeconds() { return getElapsedNanoseconds() / NS_PER_SECOND; }

public double getElapsedMinutes() { return getElapsedNanoseconds() / NS_PER_MINUTE; }

public double getElapsedHours() { return getElapsedNanoseconds() / NS_PER_HOUR; }

public double getElapsedDays() { return getElapsedNanoseconds() / NS_PER_DAY; }} ============================================================

public class PrimeChecker { private final LongFifo inputFifo; private final LongFifo outputFifo;

public PrimeChecker(LongFifo inputFifo, LongFifo outputFifo) { this.inputFifo = inputFifo; this.outputFifo = outputFifo;

new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { runWork();} }, "PrimeChecker").start();}

private void runWork() { try { while ( true ) { long candidate = inputFifo.remove(); if ( isPrime(candidate) ) { outputFifo.add(candidate);}} } catch ( InterruptedException x ) { // ignore and let the thread die} }

private boolean isPrime(long number) { if ( number < 2 ) { return false;}

long divisorLimit = 1 + (long) Math.sqrt(number); for ( long divisor = 2; divisor < divisorLimit; divisor++ ) { if ( number % divisor == 0 ) { return false;}} return true; }} ======================================================

public class PrimeMain { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void main(String[] args) { LongFifo candidateFifo = new CircularArrayLongFifo(500000); LongFifo primeFifo = new CircularArrayLongFifo(100);

System.out.println("loading up candidate fifo..."); new CandidateGenerator(candidateFifo); while (!candidateFifo.isFull()) { try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch ( InterruptedException x ) { x.printStackTrace(); } } System.out.println("DONE loading up candidate fifo...");

new PrimeChecker(candidateFifo, primeFifo); //new PrimeChecker(candidateFifo, primeFifo); //new PrimeChecker(candidateFifo, primeFifo);

new PrimePrinter(primeFifo); }} ================================================================

public class PrimePrinter { private final LongFifo inputFifo;

public PrimePrinter(LongFifo inputFifo) { this.inputFifo = inputFifo;

new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { runWork();} }, "PrimePrinter").start();}

private void runWork() { // take a prime off the "known to be prime" FIFO and print it out... // ... if there aren't any, sleep a bit, then try again.... try { NanoTimer timer = NanoTimer.createStarted(); int maxCountPerLine = 10; int primeCount = 0; int currCount = 0; while ( true ) { long primeNumber = inputFifo.remove(); primeCount++; System.out.printf("%7d ", primeNumber); currCount++; if (currCount == maxCountPerLine) { System.out.println(); currCount = 0;} if (primeNumber > 100000L) { if ( currCount > 0 ) { System.out.println(); } System.out.printf( "Found %,d primes in %.5f seconds with " + "the last one %,d%n", primeCount, timer.getElapsedSeconds(), primeNumber); return;}} } catch ( InterruptedException x ) { // ignore and let the thread die} }}

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