AFR Manufacturing Company's senior management asked the internal audit function to conduct an operational safety audit of the production facility's metal drill press unit. More specically, the internal audit function was asked to determine how well the metal drill press equipment and equipment operators comply with company safety policies. Five downtime injuries of drill press operators occurrec in the last six months. The total downtime for the ve injuries was 37 hours. Management estimated that the drill press downtime, and the resultant decrease in overall productivity, reduced revenue by approximately $265,000. In addition to the downtime injuries, two drill press operators experienced detectible hearing loss during the six-month period. The internal auditors learned that the company's safety policies include the following: I Operators are required to wear safety glasses, ear plugs, and protective gloves. I The drill presses are required to have a clear, plastic safety shield and a protected channel to safely feed the metal through the press. I The drill is operated by a knee switch. The operat engages and disengages the drill by shifting his or her right knee. The internal auditors found the equipment to be in relatively poor condition with little evidence of any regular maintenance. Drill bits were not replaced as they became dull, and broken bits often were used because new bits were not ke in supply. Two of the 10 drill press machines were missing safety shields. Five of the 10 machine operators were using the protective ear plugs at the time the auditors visited the plant and six were wearing safety glasses. Four of the knee switches were found to be sticking occasionally in both the off and on positions. The auditors perceived a general sense of negligencenegligence by production management, drill press equipment operators, and maintenance employees. A. Based on the scenario presented above: 1. Clearly state the internal audit engagement objective. 2. Prepare one or more well-written internal audit observations that include: condition, criteria, consequencejs), and cause(s). B. Refer to exhibit 12-4. At what level would you position the observationls) you prepared in A2. above? Clearly explain your rationale