Aldey Fitess Chb ( AFC ) was founded 22 years doo by a matied bocple. Fejinder and tente and crasid the folowng miswion tor ArC afow then to ichiwe mer hesth and tenest podk ArC in a pectrvel freses cenge and has tive banng eoons on the ground huet a The aecend toor houset locker inoms weh showert and he adminithat on oftion. AFC s a and feness cente tul the busess has boen much more profout har Cow a-uil ftress centes, mandy becave is has a hendly atwotehete and weichetraing. ericevele has tad torial weyd traning A f fer rajor Gress emites ateody offer people prepure for varous nuces LFC' mwiben conterat to sigh up for aph clastes ant weght tamng, but Toinder portopurion in weighe teaning tas doclined gradialy fepinder has atways waviod of martan an pote magen of 10% Cintrey. AFCE foolity la too tnall to timely add new activen. The only way to add activen in to temove the equpmene trom the enotr baing toom and corbine the fenoes and she wetighe-5aning toum int one Ge spent on weigt traning ond foous on managro fle buiness wh a petentud sone thanget be reman grobable. the oares beleve that ter could ieman in 9en a good obe. Fhey are, howrver, aso concteined that the bouiness shef would be Wow. Eufore wabing arr changes. Tejnder would wi an dea cof how marro ner tecreational ftwws memoers AFC would have to attract bo af least cover the tromenses concemod wisi the nontcat capeal mvestrera and would lio an assessment of whecar thi invectere in rocoss foual thews is werthotile ind ean be recovered within the nast the yewr You, CPA, are an edenal consctavi biend by AFC to provide tousiness advice that is war's unartied fnancial irdormation (Appendu to. You heve alwo armarind Fotretaton absut the reateatonal fevese industry (Acpende in) and fee costs of the renovation (Accendx lit) Your rosponse ahould be no longer than 1,300 words, exclewing asy Ereel thes. Aldey Fitess Chb ( AFC ) was founded 22 years doo by a matied bocple. Fejinder and tente and crasid the folowng miswion tor ArC afow then to ichiwe mer hesth and tenest podk ArC in a pectrvel freses cenge and has tive banng eoons on the ground huet a The aecend toor houset locker inoms weh showert and he adminithat on oftion. AFC s a and feness cente tul the busess has boen much more profout har Cow a-uil ftress centes, mandy becave is has a hendly atwotehete and weichetraing. ericevele has tad torial weyd traning A f fer rajor Gress emites ateody offer people prepure for varous nuces LFC' mwiben conterat to sigh up for aph clastes ant weght tamng, but Toinder portopurion in weighe teaning tas doclined gradialy fepinder has atways waviod of martan an pote magen of 10% Cintrey. AFCE foolity la too tnall to timely add new activen. The only way to add activen in to temove the equpmene trom the enotr baing toom and corbine the fenoes and she wetighe-5aning toum int one Ge spent on weigt traning ond foous on managro fle buiness wh a petentud sone thanget be reman grobable. the oares beleve that ter could ieman in 9en a good obe. Fhey are, howrver, aso concteined that the bouiness shef would be Wow. Eufore wabing arr changes. Tejnder would wi an dea cof how marro ner tecreational ftwws memoers AFC would have to attract bo af least cover the tromenses concemod wisi the nontcat capeal mvestrera and would lio an assessment of whecar thi invectere in rocoss foual thews is werthotile ind ean be recovered within the nast the yewr You, CPA, are an edenal consctavi biend by AFC to provide tousiness advice that is war's unartied fnancial irdormation (Appendu to. You heve alwo armarind Fotretaton absut the reateatonal fevese industry (Acpende in) and fee costs of the renovation (Accendx lit) Your rosponse ahould be no longer than 1,300 words, exclewing asy Ereel thes