Alternatively, the manufacture of the exhaust manifold can be outsourced to an independent Tier 1 supplier with a proven track record of supplying exhaust system components to the automotive sector. Two established Tier I suppliers (Performance Exhausts Ltd and Coventry Fabricators Ltd) are both interested in supplying the exhaust manifold at a fixed and have both submitted financial information of their companies (Table 3) to ABC Motors Ltd as a part of the tendering process. The vehicle program director has requested that the reported financial data from Table 3 is analysed and evaluated for both suppliers as part of the sourcing decision as detailed below: a) Use the accounting information to calculate the following financial statistics: ROCE Net Profit Margin Gross Profit Margin Debt Ratio Gearing Ratio Current Ratio Acid Test b) Use the above financial statistics to provide a detailed evaluation of the performance of each company during this accounting period. c) Based on your analysis and evaluation, rank the suppliers based on this financial assessment. Coventry Fabricators Ltd Profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December Performance fhausts Ltd Profit-and-loss account for the year ended 31 December 2013 2013 E000 000 FOCO 10,205 2000 5,000 (274 Turnover Cost of Sales Turnover Cost of Sales 5. 3.255 (22051 Gross profit Operating expenses Gross profit Operating expenses 1,050 2,000 Operating profit Interest payable Operating profit interest payable 1,513 (290 Profit before taxation Taxi 784 (2101 Profit before taxation Taxation 1,123 (400 Profit after taxation Dividends 574 (300) Profit after taxation Dividends 723 685 Retained profit for the year Retained profit brought forward 274 1 Retained profit for the year Retained profit brought forward 535 Retained profit carried forward Retained profit carried forward Coventry Fabricators Ltd wance Sheet as at 31 December Performance Exhausts Ltd Balance Sheetas at 31 December 2013 000 FOCO 000 Red Assets Intangible assets Tangle sets 700 7,535 Feed Assets Intangible assets Tang ble assets 40 22 Current Assets Current Assets Stocks Trade debtors Other debtors - C 2,390 1,372 201 LIS 802 134 -Trade debtors Other debtors -Cash 2.128 3,947 Creditos morts due within one year Trade srecno Other creditor -Tacation - Dividends -Overde 1. 201 130 400 1,025 2.522 Creditors: amounts due within one year Trade creditor Other creditors Taxation Dividends Overdraft 124 210 100 25 Net current assets Net.current sets Creditors amounts due after more than one year Bank loan repayable 2000 Credito amounts due ter more than one Bank loan repayable 1. Share capita 600 Share presum Capital reserve Retained pro Retained profit TV 4.160 (Table 3: Financial information)