ame Insert Draw Design Layout References Malings Review View Developer Help Tell me what you want to do Homework 1 Exercises 1. Identity and correct the errors in each of the following statemen. Ner: There may be more than one crror pertement) a) scan .value); b) priette Theof y ) .) first ber second aber bers d) if ( ber - largest largest number c) Program to detenine the largest of the inte D) Scanta nter) printf("Reader of dided by ... NY) b) 1 ( yli pristat y ) Caicoriae each of the following forms the under a) CPU b) C. compiler c) ALU d) C. peproces imput unit Han editor program Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements a) The logical unit that receive information from outside the componer for by the computer is the The poor of instructing the computer to solve a problem is called - wype of computer language that was Englishlike beviations for ma chine language instruction is a logical that sende information which has already been processed by the computer or devices so that it may be undone the computer and welagical of the computat formation sa logical unit of the computer that perfec tions is a logical unit of the compunct that makes locale s languages we most convenient so the programmet for ting program quidly and easily The only language a comer can directly understand is that computers The is a logical unit of the computer that coordinates the activities of all the other logical units. print("The sun is sdn. + y): Printf("The value you entered is: Xd , &value); e 2.19 Ari Large Verde Vale a program that the teges from the keyboard, then print them then the product, the mor et of these number way the single-section form of the moment you a her. The screen ding should appear as we chap Later three different integer 1 27 14 1.6 Sellest Fill in the blankes in each of the following met - Dowwed to develop large-scale enterprise applications to enhance the functionality of web to provide applications for consumer devices and for many other purposes. inicialy became widely known as the development language of the UNIX op: criting lystem c) The - programming language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrop in the early 1980s at Bell Laboratories Discuss the meaning of each of the following names a) stdin b) stdout ster 1.7 words of NG 22-01-2 Type here to search DELL