An intersection has two lanes on each approach of the major street and two lanes on each approach of the minor street. The major road speed limit is 55mph. Summary traffic volume data is provided in the following table. Using these data, determine whether a traffic signal is warranted. Be sure to indicate the threshold values you used for assessing Condition A and Condition B. Each hour during which the threshold is exceeded should be identified with an X. Be sure to identify which warrant(s) apply as appropriate. "Basic minimum hourty volume. "Used for combination of Cond "May bo usod when the major-Gtroot spood exceods 70kmh or oxcoods 40 mph or in an toolated community with a population of less than 10,000 . "May be used for combination of Condisions A and B after adequate trial of other remedial measures when the majorstreet speed exceeds 70 lemh or exceeds 40 mph of in an leolatod community with a population of less than 10.000. "Basic minimum hourly volume. 'Used for combinaticr of Conditions A and B afler adequane irial of cener molned al measures. 'May be used when the majoestreet speed ecceeds 70 kirnt ox exceeds to mph or in an isolated comrmurity with a population of iess than 10.000. May be uted for combenation of Conditions A and B after adequace trial of other remedai measures when the major. street speed exceeds 70km/r or exceeds 40 mph of in an isolated community with a population of less then 10.000. An intersection has two lanes on each approach of the major street and two lanes on each approach of the minor street. The major road speed limit is 55mph. Summary traffic volume data is provided in the following table. Using these data, determine whether a traffic signal is warranted. Be sure to indicate the threshold values you used for assessing Condition A and Condition B. Each hour during which the threshold is exceeded should be identified with an X. Be sure to identify which warrant(s) apply as appropriate. "Basic minimum hourty volume. "Used for combination of Cond "May bo usod when the major-Gtroot spood exceods 70kmh or oxcoods 40 mph or in an toolated community with a population of less than 10,000 . "May be used for combination of Condisions A and B after adequate trial of other remedial measures when the majorstreet speed exceeds 70 lemh or exceeds 40 mph of in an leolatod community with a population of less than 10.000. "Basic minimum hourly volume. 'Used for combinaticr of Conditions A and B afler adequane irial of cener molned al measures. 'May be used when the majoestreet speed ecceeds 70 kirnt ox exceeds to mph or in an isolated comrmurity with a population of iess than 10.000. May be uted for combenation of Conditions A and B after adequace trial of other remedai measures when the major. street speed exceeds 70km/r or exceeds 40 mph of in an isolated community with a population of less then 10.000