An outreach campaign to organize nonunion workers into a union is called union organizing drive. The fist step in this process involves is the initiation. This involves contacting non unionized workers to join or form a union. Employee initiated drive is when the employees take the initiative themselves to join or form a union as opposed to unions reaching out to workers to join a union. Unions can initiate organizing campaigns by advertising. distributing information, contacting employees, to show them the benefits of unionization. Union strategic campaign involves, organizing a particular workplace in other to represent workers in that workplace.Opportunistic campaign involves campaign attempts to enroll workers in a union who are ripe, dissatisfied workers and increase union membership.SEE PAGE 195, FIG.6-1for union organizing process. During this process, interetited employees are met outside the workplace to diatribute information and sign authorization cards. SEE FIG.6-2.Ones a union have gathered signed cards from more than 50% of workers, the employer can be asked to recognize the union after the cards has been examined by a neutral party. The union can then bargain collectively for employees. Recognition based on authorization cards is called card check recognition.If an employer refuses to racognize the union. employees can then go on recognition strike, to compel employer to recognize the union. Part of the goal of the LORA is to replace recognition process with a union certification procedure, P197. The LB can be petitioned for an. election to deterrine if a union has the support of a majority of employees. There are diflerent types of LB elections. PAGE 198-200.FIG.6-1.A group of employees or a union must petition LB.PAGE 199.bargaining units must be defined Elections can only be conducted ones in a 12 months period, no elections with in the first 12 months A decertification election is when employees vote to exit a union, it not be conducted when there is a collective bargaining agreement is in force.unions and employers conducts intense campaigns days and weeks leading to the election. Various campaign tactics are employed by unions and employer.PAGE 205-212 for employer campaign tactics and communication.PAGE 212 - 217 for union campaigning tactics and communication.PAGE 218. for certification election process. Unions want employees to have a free choice in choosing a union to represent and bargain for them. QUESTIONS: 1 Discuss reasons employees will vote for or against a union. 2. Ditcuss the procedure and steps in forming a union. 3 Do you support the campaign tactics used by unions and employers? iscuss