Anianin alses abd the followite cumniative inerves An adgutarest to a perricaly chool elaim menaw that ibe cumsulative losses fir 2921, developeoen yeat 1 ahould have been 87390 . (a) By bow moch the the arecesary renerves at the end of 2022 dectesse? [These ane she tetal rexerve for all agected puyments affer 2002 from all accidarnt yrarn! (b) Vidang the Bkaroburtire-Ferganson nethodi with expected kns ratio 0.s1, the seserves for ewh yrae ase How anarh will the total rexerves be dasoul if the cunulatine boesen oor 2021 , develoginent year 1 are abanged to 57 . Who. 6. An insurance connpaty has the following cumulative aggregate loss development data: From this table, it calculates the following mean loes development factors: 2 and the following cumulative reserves: An adjustment to a previously elosed claim means that the eumulative losses for 2021 , development year 1 should have been $7,390. (a) By bow much the the necessary reserves at the end of 2022 decrease? [These are the total reserves for all expected payments after 2022 from all accident years.] (b) Using the Botnhuetter-Fergusson method with expected loss ratio 0.81, the reserves for each year are: How much will the total reserves be changed if the cumualative losse for 2021, development year 1 are changed to $7,390. Anianin alses abd the followite cumniative inerves An adgutarest to a perricaly chool elaim menaw that ibe cumsulative losses fir 2921, developeoen yeat 1 ahould have been 87390 . (a) By bow moch the the arecesary renerves at the end of 2022 dectesse? [These ane she tetal rexerve for all agected puyments affer 2002 from all accidarnt yrarn! (b) Vidang the Bkaroburtire-Ferganson nethodi with expected kns ratio 0.s1, the seserves for ewh yrae ase How anarh will the total rexerves be dasoul if the cunulatine boesen oor 2021 , develoginent year 1 are abanged to 57 . Who. 6. An insurance connpaty has the following cumulative aggregate loss development data: From this table, it calculates the following mean loes development factors: 2 and the following cumulative reserves: An adjustment to a previously elosed claim means that the eumulative losses for 2021 , development year 1 should have been $7,390. (a) By bow much the the necessary reserves at the end of 2022 decrease? [These are the total reserves for all expected payments after 2022 from all accident years.] (b) Using the Botnhuetter-Fergusson method with expected loss ratio 0.81, the reserves for each year are: How much will the total reserves be changed if the cumualative losse for 2021, development year 1 are changed to $7,390