Anolytics Exercise 4.2 (Algo) Ybu work for a company that makes cef phones and hwve been made project managen for the design of a new cell phone- Your activies. Vou must plan the project schedule and calculate project duration. Your boss warts the schendule on his desk fomorrow inoreningl. Yourave been given the infortation an Exhbr 4.13. It inclusts all the activites requered in the project and the duration of each athaty. Ala, dependencies between the activies have been ideriticef Remember thut the preceding activity must be fully. compleied before work on the folowing activily can be stared. Hour project is divided into five insjor subprojects. Subpried 'F" involves dereloging specifications for the new cell phorie. Hiere. decilions tetated to such things as battery life, sze of the phone, and features need to be made. These details are based on how a cuitouns utes the cell phane. These iser specfications ate redefined in terma that have micancig to the subcontractors that wilf actually moke the oew cel phore in sisbproiect "S uuppler specificisions. Theire involve engineeong datails for how the product will Derform The ndiviat compenents that rube up the product are the focus of subproject "D. Subpreject " beings ail the camponents together, and a working prototyoe is bult and lested. "Fraby, fo piepreject" Y ", suppiers are selected and contracts ane nepotated. a. Calculate the istart and fiveh temes for cach activiry. (Lesve no cells blenk + be certain to enter "o" wherever required) a. Calculate the ittri and fiveh temes for each activity. (Lesve no cells blenk- be certain to enser. "0" wherever required) h. Oeterinine the minimum fiumber of weeks for completing the project. c. Fea the octiviten that are ca the orical path tow completing the proyect in the ahorient trine: P1728974-5102 233482 Anolytics Exercise 4.2 (Algo) Ybu work for a company that makes cef phones and hwve been made project managen for the design of a new cell phone- Your activies. Vou must plan the project schedule and calculate project duration. Your boss warts the schendule on his desk fomorrow inoreningl. Yourave been given the infortation an Exhbr 4.13. It inclusts all the activites requered in the project and the duration of each athaty. Ala, dependencies between the activies have been ideriticef Remember thut the preceding activity must be fully. compleied before work on the folowing activily can be stared. Hour project is divided into five insjor subprojects. Subpried 'F" involves dereloging specifications for the new cell phorie. Hiere. decilions tetated to such things as battery life, sze of the phone, and features need to be made. These details are based on how a cuitouns utes the cell phane. These iser specfications ate redefined in terma that have micancig to the subcontractors that wilf actually moke the oew cel phore in sisbproiect "S uuppler specificisions. Theire involve engineeong datails for how the product will Derform The ndiviat compenents that rube up the product are the focus of subproject "D. Subpreject " beings ail the camponents together, and a working prototyoe is bult and lested. "Fraby, fo piepreject" Y ", suppiers are selected and contracts ane nepotated. a. Calculate the istart and fiveh temes for cach activiry. (Lesve no cells blenk + be certain to enter "o" wherever required) a. Calculate the ittri and fiveh temes for each activity. (Lesve no cells blenk- be certain to enser. "0" wherever required) h. Oeterinine the minimum fiumber of weeks for completing the project. c. Fea the octiviten that are ca the orical path tow completing the proyect in the ahorient trine: P1728974-5102 233482