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Purpose: To determine if repeated exposure to a height-induced postural threat influences threat- induced changes in standing balance control. It was hypothesized that after repeated threat exposure, balance confidence would increase and fear of falling, state anxiety, sympathetic arousal, and attention toward one's movements, threat-related stimuli, and self-regulatory strategies would decrease. Independent Variables: Trial (Trial 1 and Trial 5) and Threat Condition (low and high) Dependent Variables: Confidence, Anxiety, Fear of Falling, non-specific electrodermal response frequency; Attention toward movement processes, Attention toward threat-related stimuli, Attention toward self-regulatory strategies, Attention toward task objectives and Attention toward task irrelevant information. - Your KINE Professor's Data Confidence Anxiety Fear of falling NS-EDR.freq 100 50 50 16 VAS (0-100) VAS (0-100) 10 40 12 30 30 20 10 VAS (0-100) 20 10 EDRs/min 5 Att. MP Att. TRS Att. SRS Att. TO Att. TI Likert (1-9) 3 NW Trial Trial Trial Trial Trial Low High Effect of trial and threat across emotional and cognitive state measures. Group means and standard errors for the first and fifth trials across LOW and HIGH threat conditions are shown. NS-EDR.freq = non-specific electrodermal response frequency; Att. = attention toward; MP = movement processes; TRS = threat-related stimuli; SRS = self-regulatory strategies; TO = task objectives; TI = task irrelevant information. Asterisks indicate significant threat x trial interactions.Your Interpretation: Please answer the following questions based on the data presented! 1. Identify and interpret the main effect(s) 2. Identify at least one interaction term 3. How many statistically significant interactions does Dr. Adkin demonstrate? 4. Interpret the interaction for the dependent variable confidence