answer the following linux questions provide screenshot
To update new configurad ip Address - sustemat restart network II TO CREATE SWAP PAATITION Find the ram size il free m Create a partition double to ram sire Format the partition with swap n. Ifconfic (to check an (D) n trkeres/dev/sda12. Turn on swap service - swapor/dev/sdasi2 Find the new swap slue in tree m Mount permanent across reboot II vilete/lutab. /dev/sda12 swap wwan defaults 00 nera. II mount -a (to update fytah file) To find IP Address files H cd/etc/ syscoptieetwork-scripts His (to list files) To route - Dy To check DNS ID Address b cat /ete/ctolucant. To disable Nic card - Ifdewn enpise To enable NiC card. # ifus enpis6 To check an existing IP Address Hitcoofs. To configure iP Address temporarily - Ifcoofie - Jcoodig enp1s. - Jeonfle (to check) To configure IP Address Permanent n ouptub 1) check the partitions list II fdisk-1 2) Enter into folisk mode # fdisk/dev/sda press ' n ' to add new partition press enter to skip sectors option +100M (partition size) p (to print new changes) w (to save new changes) 3) To activate new partition # parterobe/dev/sda 4) To format partition # mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda10 # blkid /dev/sda10 5) To mount partition on dic to access it # mkdir/disk10 (add new directory) # mount eglimames # mount /dev/sda10 /disk10 # mount | grep / disk10 (to check mounting details) " okkglu/disk10/data\{1.100\} #df - b (to check size) 6) To make permanent mount # vim /etc/fstab /dev/sda10 /disk10 ext4 defaults 00 iwg # mount - a (to update new changes of fstab file) 2) To apply permissions on user level # setfacl -m u:: m y:samirw reports # setfacl -m u:jack:0 reports # setfacl -m yilohnir, reports 3) To apply Permissions on group level # setfacl -m g:>> reports (try to write) Note:- user above same steps for checking with every users Notes-To check data, move to admin console using ctrltaltif1 and check user data in user home directory Le. - is /home/tom 6) To tock as user account e vesseed it cusemames * usepened 4 Tom - erep Tom /etc/shadow (exdamation mark(1) is a slen of locked user) 7) To Unlock user account - Hreppod U cusermames n rescred -U Tom - Eep Tom /ets/dhadow (I sign will be cerreys) 8) To Change uner login name - uspoped t enew namex coldoevis? - bepored a jack Tom - grep Jack /etcleasout (to check new name) 9) To chance vio of user - uceroged u cnew uld o cusernames - uleprod-u o -o jack If grep lack/etc/eassovd (to check new uld) To update new configurad ip Address - sustemat restart network II TO CREATE SWAP PAATITION Find the ram size il free m Create a partition double to ram sire Format the partition with swap n. Ifconfic (to check an (D) n trkeres/dev/sda12. Turn on swap service - swapor/dev/sdasi2 Find the new swap slue in tree m Mount permanent across reboot II vilete/lutab. /dev/sda12 swap wwan defaults 00 nera. II mount -a (to update fytah file) To find IP Address files H cd/etc/ syscoptieetwork-scripts His (to list files) To route - Dy To check DNS ID Address b cat /ete/ctolucant. To disable Nic card - Ifdewn enpise To enable NiC card. # ifus enpis6 To check an existing IP Address Hitcoofs. To configure iP Address temporarily - Ifcoofie - Jcoodig enp1s. - Jeonfle (to check) To configure IP Address Permanent n ouptub 1) check the partitions list II fdisk-1 2) Enter into folisk mode # fdisk/dev/sda press ' n ' to add new partition press enter to skip sectors option +100M (partition size) p (to print new changes) w (to save new changes) 3) To activate new partition # parterobe/dev/sda 4) To format partition # mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda10 # blkid /dev/sda10 5) To mount partition on dic to access it # mkdir/disk10 (add new directory) # mount eglimames # mount /dev/sda10 /disk10 # mount | grep / disk10 (to check mounting details) " okkglu/disk10/data\{1.100\} #df - b (to check size) 6) To make permanent mount # vim /etc/fstab /dev/sda10 /disk10 ext4 defaults 00 iwg # mount - a (to update new changes of fstab file) 2) To apply permissions on user level # setfacl -m u:: m y:samirw reports # setfacl -m u:jack:0 reports # setfacl -m yilohnir, reports 3) To apply Permissions on group level # setfacl -m g:>> reports (try to write) Note:- user above same steps for checking with every users Notes-To check data, move to admin console using ctrltaltif1 and check user data in user home directory Le. - is /home/tom 6) To tock as user account e vesseed it cusemames * usepened 4 Tom - erep Tom /etc/shadow (exdamation mark(1) is a slen of locked user) 7) To Unlock user account - Hreppod U cusermames n rescred -U Tom - Eep Tom /ets/dhadow (I sign will be cerreys) 8) To Change uner login name - uspoped t enew namex coldoevis? - bepored a jack Tom - grep Jack /etcleasout (to check new name) 9) To chance vio of user - uceroged u cnew uld o cusernames - uleprod-u o -o jack If grep lack/etc/eassovd (to check new uld)