are more prone to take actions to influence their environment w dely used methods of identifying personalities that uses four dimensions of personality to identify 16 different personality types 9. MBTI dimension that reflects of evaluating the basis of values and beliefs. 10. Career stage during which an employee becomes more of a t 11. Career stage during which an employee prepares for retirement. o's preference of evaluating information in an analytical manner or on Career sage during which an employee'sjob assignments draw primarily on maturity of judgment. 13. A Work_ career stage that usually ends in the mid-twenties as one makes the transition from school to 14. The patterm of work-related experiences that span the course of a person's life, 15 Represents an individual occupational personality as it relates to vocational themes MATCHING KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Chapter 10 a) Absolute standards b) Relative standards c) Individual ranking d) 360-degree appraisals e) Peer evaluation ) Halo emor h) Graphic rating scale i) Leniency error j) Documentation k) Paired comparison D Similarity error m) Attribution theory n) Management by objectives (MBO) o) Forced-choice appraisal are more prone to take actions to influence their environment w dely used methods of identifying personalities that uses four dimensions of personality to identify 16 different personality types 9. MBTI dimension that reflects of evaluating the basis of values and beliefs. 10. Career stage during which an employee becomes more of a t 11. Career stage during which an employee prepares for retirement. o's preference of evaluating information in an analytical manner or on Career sage during which an employee'sjob assignments draw primarily on maturity of judgment. 13. A Work_ career stage that usually ends in the mid-twenties as one makes the transition from school to 14. The patterm of work-related experiences that span the course of a person's life, 15 Represents an individual occupational personality as it relates to vocational themes MATCHING KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Chapter 10 a) Absolute standards b) Relative standards c) Individual ranking d) 360-degree appraisals e) Peer evaluation ) Halo emor h) Graphic rating scale i) Leniency error j) Documentation k) Paired comparison D Similarity error m) Attribution theory n) Management by objectives (MBO) o) Forced-choice appraisal