Arper wing Decide to the dig for at 2121 Jan. 3 Pene invested $7,000 cash and $4,000 worth of snow equipment in the plowing company 3 Paid rete in ce for garage space, 5200 5 Purchase office equipment on account from Ling Corp. 57.200 6 Purchased now supplies for 5700 cash 9 Collected 515,000 from plowing local shopping centres 12. Pe Mack withdrew $1,000 from the banincs for personal use. 20 Mowel Nohast Ca parking lots, payment to be received weil March, 55200 26 Paid salaries to employees, $1,300, 27 Paid Ling Corp. one half moont owed for office equipment 30 Advertising bill was received from Bush Ca but will not be paid until March, 200 31 Paid telephone bill, 5210 Adjustment Data I went Wi- (05-120/...) ( Powing Charter Owner's quity 39 PM 312 Mall 313 S Anes 111 112 Acte 114 115 Si 121 122 AD Official 123 Snow 124 Amund Show 411 Mwings 211 Ale 212 Accesort 511 Stories are 512 Auringo 513 ore State 315 Snow Supplies 516 De Of 517 Denim Sew Ersa. As the hockeyper angesice you have been led to complete the entir contingede for et see the chartt weet be 2021 Jan. 3. Pote invested 57,00 cash and $6,000 worth of snow equipment in the plowing company 3 Paid rent in advance for garage space, $2,000 5 Purchased office equipment on account from Ling Corp, 57.200. 6 Purchased and supplies for 5700 cash. 9 Collected $15.000 from plowing local shopping centres 12 Pete Mack withdrew $1.000 from the business for personal use. 20 Piowed North East Ca parking lots, payment not to be received until March, 55.000 26 Paid salaries to employees $1.800 27 Paid Ling Corpone-half montowed for office equipment. 30 Advertising bill was received from Bush Ca but will not be paid antil March, 5900 31 Poid telephone bill, 5210 Adjustment Data Swale man Rent Degerinct 28 Deprecat (s. Sy Adres 5290 Powing Chart Dunery 311 Black 31S 41 g Assets 111 Cash 112 Amtus Recable 114 Pepe 115 Show Supplies 121 Ofice 122 cm Office 123 Snow les 124 Rocumulated Deportion Show Equipment Llabilities 211 Acoustie 212 Ad Salaries S11 ans 52 g sum 51 515 Supplies 596 Ofi 317