As glven via the Internet, auto insurance quotes gathered online could vary from $722 to $1,333. A class 10 operator carries compulsory 10/20/5 insurance. He has the following optional coverage: bodily Injury, 500/1000, property damage, 50M; and collision, $200 deductible. His car is 3 year old, and the symbol of the car is 8. He has comprehensive insurance with a $200 deductible. (Use Tables 20.5. 20.8 and 20.9.) What is the total annual premium? Total annual premium TABLE 20-5 DAMAGE TO SOMEONE ELSE'S PROPERTY BODILY INJURY TO OTHERS Class 10/20 Class 5M Compulsory insurance based on dass of driven $129 10 17 18 555 98 80 10 17 18 160 160 186 116 20 20 Explanation of 10/20 and 5 10 20 5 Macmurti pad to one personer accdent for bodyny Maximum paid for total body guy per den Memum paid for roperty damage beracodent "Mmeans thousands TABLE 20-6 Class 15/30 20/40 20/50 25/50 25/60 50/100 100/300 250/500 500/1,000 110 22 BA 40 42 7 Bodily injury GA 144 187 17 52 58 63 69 104 146 37 33 298 19 06 50 55 89 228 193 263 50 78 251 20 58 69 72 168 834 TABLE 20-7 Class 10M 25M 50M 100M 10 132 134 135 136 Damage to someone else's property 17 164 168 169 166 166 18 169 164 191 168 195 20 193 197 Collision TABLE 20-8 Age group Symbols 1-3 $300 dod. Symbol 4 $300 ded. Symbol 5 $300 ded Symbol 6 $300 ded Symbol 7 $300 ded. Symbol 8 $300 ded. Symbol 10 $300 ded, Classes 10-20 180 180 187 194 160 166 160 148 172 166 3 148 154 279 246 233 321 208 4 136 214 264 190 233 183 221 176 208 169 196 Additional cont to reduce deductible 136 124 142 130 160 154 5 124 These cinses would use all this Information To find the premium, use the age and bol only From $300 to $200 Class 10 From $300 to $100 27 20 43 16 33 18 20 26 55 TABLE 20-9 Comprehensive Age group Symbols 1-3 $300 ded. Symbol 4 $300 ded. Symbol 5 $300 ded, Symbol 6 $300 ded, Symbol 7 $300 dod Symbol 8 $300 ded Symbol 10 $300 ded, Classes 10-25 1 61 85 123 157 61 55 65 58 211 185 55 75 73 3 4 5 52 49 52 49 55 S2 108 104 99 94 538 131 124 116 178 170 70 47 67 163 Additional cost to reduce deductible From $300 to $200 add $4