as you see in groupbox 2 and 3 the answer that is expected is not the same as the assignment what mistake did i make? or what code shpuld be there for the answers to pop up
Programming Assignment 2. 1. Write a program to evaluate each of the formulas. (?=3.14) 2. All variables should be able to be changed by the user. 3. Place each formula's components in a groupbox 4. 3 buttons, each named after their formula will, when clicked make its groupbox visible. Leaving the others formula inputs not visible. 5. The formula buttons should clear any data before making its groupbox visible. Quick Deskt Down Docu A. Area of a Trapezoid: Pictu A = =(x + x2) X = 7.2 x2 = 10.6 h = 3.4 Expected Answer: 30.26 OneDri This USB Dr SanD Netwo B. Surface Area of a Cylinder: S = 27 * r2 +27(r* h) r= 5.9 h= 3.4 Expected Answer: 344.58 C. Volume of a Sphere: r= 6.3 Expected Answer: 1046.86 Server bplorer Toolbox Data Sources FILE EDIT VIEW PROCI BULU DEBUG TEAM SUL TUL . . . . Start Debug . I . Formi.vb 4 x Formi.vb (Design) GroupBox2 Public class Form1 Private Sub Button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Din sun As Double Sun - (1./ 2.) (Cool(textBox1.Text) + CDbl(TextBox2.Text)) (Cobl(TextBox.Text)) Label4. Text - "The Answer is: " Str(Math.round(sum, 2)) End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button. Click End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click End Sub Private Sub Button Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button). Click End Sub Private Sub Label? Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles End Sub Private Sub Buttons_Click(sender As Object, As EventArgs) Handles Buttons.Click Di su As Double Sun - (1.0 / 2.0) (CDbl(TextBox4.Text) + Cool(TextBox.Text)) Labe17. Text - "The Answer is: " Str(Math. Round(sum, 2)) End Sub Private Sub Buttons_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button. Click Dia sa As Double (1. / 2.0) - ( C l(TextBox.Text)) Labels.Text - "The Answer is: " + cstr(ath.round(sun, 2)) End Sub Private Sub GroupBoxt_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Groupbox. Enter GroupBoxi. Visible - True End Sub Private Sub GroupBox_Enter(sender As Object, Growbox. Visible - False As EventArgs) Handles Groupox2.Enter End Sub Private Sub Group _inter sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Groupon.Enter Growbox.visible - Tree End Sub End Class 100% Erorist Output Suspend- Thread(6064] Main Thread Stack Frame: Windows Application 1. Fom cess [5972] Windows Application 1.vsho. 1.vb Form1.vb (Design) + X 2 Form1 2 Form Area of Trapeziod Surface of a cylinder Volume of a Sphere Area of Trapeziod Group Box 1 GroupBox2 Group Box 3 Group Box 1 Label 59 Label8 63 Label 1 Label Label2 Label3 Button 4 Button5 Button 6 The Answer is: 30.26 The Answer is: 465 The Answer is: 3.15