Downilosd and save the followinc file: Chapter 6 Raw Dataskex Care Background Big Picture: ldentify help desk omployee patterm. Detail: Why is this data inportant, and whut questions or probikms need to be addressed? - IThelp desk information helps the company monitor underlying problems that need to be addressed within srsterns This. information is uneful to the ERM tram, internat Audit department, and manapement, as recur rine technologr isues can indicate falline internal controh oc unmutigated rishs - The dya generated by the IT help deskoffers more invight whea it is combined with another data source, wuchas the human resources file. Ereiching the help desk data set through a join of the human reiources idata will allow management to monitor which departenents' emplovecs are wamittinc a larger number of tickets than employses in other depurtinepta. which may indicate a reed for cetraining - To identity help desk emplovee patterns, we should consider the followine questions. Which office location hast the inost help ovefall sathataction coore? What data is needed, and how should it be analyzed? - The necessary data is extracted from the central ticketing management system, which for Julia's Cookies is ServiceNow - To ensure an appropriate amount of data is available to identify patterns, we use data covering a period of eight monthis: 3/1/202 through 10/31/202X - The second datarset is a human resource set of all active employees. Now it's your turn to evaluate, analyze, and communicate the results! Hint: Connect the data using a left join as follows: What percentage of tichets submitted belonged to the "Main Campus - Chicago" location? (Round answer to 2 declmal ploces, es. 52.75 ) Tidetssubmitted Attempts: 1 of 3used (b) The parts of this question must be completed in order. This part wal be awailable when you complete the part above. Downilosd and save the followinc file: Chapter 6 Raw Dataskex Care Background Big Picture: ldentify help desk omployee patterm. Detail: Why is this data inportant, and whut questions or probikms need to be addressed? - IThelp desk information helps the company monitor underlying problems that need to be addressed within srsterns This. information is uneful to the ERM tram, internat Audit department, and manapement, as recur rine technologr isues can indicate falline internal controh oc unmutigated rishs - The dya generated by the IT help deskoffers more invight whea it is combined with another data source, wuchas the human resources file. Ereiching the help desk data set through a join of the human reiources idata will allow management to monitor which departenents' emplovecs are wamittinc a larger number of tickets than employses in other depurtinepta. which may indicate a reed for cetraining - To identity help desk emplovee patterns, we should consider the followine questions. Which office location hast the inost help ovefall sathataction coore? What data is needed, and how should it be analyzed? - The necessary data is extracted from the central ticketing management system, which for Julia's Cookies is ServiceNow - To ensure an appropriate amount of data is available to identify patterns, we use data covering a period of eight monthis: 3/1/202 through 10/31/202X - The second datarset is a human resource set of all active employees. Now it's your turn to evaluate, analyze, and communicate the results! Hint: Connect the data using a left join as follows: What percentage of tichets submitted belonged to the "Main Campus - Chicago" location? (Round answer to 2 declmal ploces, es. 52.75 ) Tidetssubmitted Attempts: 1 of 3used (b) The parts of this question must be completed in order. This part wal be awailable when you complete the part above