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ASAP!!! I need help with a lab report and need to include my week 1 experiment data and week 2 experiment data into an essay.

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ASAP!!! I need help with a lab report and need to include my week 1 experiment data and week 2 experiment data into an essay. The instructions for the lab report is provided as well as my data for the two weeks. I have asked my professor and she hasn't replied to me.

Instructions for the lab report

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Template and Cover Pagefbr Experiment 1 Lab Report Your lab report must have the following parts (outlined in bold large font), modeled after a professional scientific report. Label each section with the bold section name below, and type your answers. addressing the points listed for each section. Equations, caiculations, and data tables can be handwritten rather than typed. Cover page (THIS page): Your cover page is the page which your instructor initialed. Be sure to till it out completely, including the section numbersome ofthe instructors have multiple lab sections and don't want to spend time searching through Canvas to figure out which section you're in. Lab section number: Your name: Lab partners name (write none ifyou didn't have a lab partner): Title: concise title that indicates what experiment you did andfor what results you found. Under the title you need to include all the names of the members of the team and their afliations (in PHYS 161 that would be EWU). Note that each lab partner needs to turn in their own report. Abstract: a brief paragraph that states what you did, what you found, and why what you did is important slate the goals and summarize what you found in your activities. Be concise. Think of the abstract as an advertisement for your researchyou'll summarize the results both here and later in the paper. Researchers. looking for more information, read through many abstracts. and, based on those abstracts, will then choose which papers to read in full. Materials and methods: describe how your experiment was set up and what equipment you used to do it. A classmate should be able to replicate your experiment by reading this. Results: here you present your results, your data, math, numbers, plots, etc. Report your data, show sample calculations (showing both equations and calculations with values), and present graphs if necessary. Equations can be written by hand, or typeset in an equation editor. Make sure to include uncertainty calculations and propagation with appropriate signicant gure rounding (see statistics handout for details). For this lab: include tables with your masses, volumes, density calculations, and uncertainties for each (the tables from lab 1, week 1) for lab 2 include tables for the distance estimation exercise. lnciude a sample calculation for density and error in density. with the numbers put into the equation (don't just copy the equation, put in numbersthe formulas can be hand-written). Include a standard deviation calculation, too. Calculate the difference signicance (US) for each, too. Say which category ot'agt'eerncnl your results fall into. Conclusion: your claims go here (ex: we discovered ). supported by your results. Discuss also your sources of error and suggestions for how future research could be improved. For improving research, do your best to gure out how to improve the results with the equipment provided saying \"Use more precise equipment" is a copout. 0f the equipment provided, which provided the most accurate measurements? How careful were you in taking measurements? Did adding classmates' data to your own affect your conclusions? Next, we want to determine whether our values agree with the accepted density values. Because probabilities are involved, there's not an easy answer about true agreement. There's about a 30% chance that the accepted value won't fall within the range ofvalues you got even if you did everything perfectly and the experiment is perfectly designed. lfthe difference between your average and the standard value is more than 3X6mvg, however, that's very unlikely to happen by chance (0.3%). We simplify this by using the difference significance, discussed in the handout on statistics in experimental physics. lwk2-3 In your lab report, you'll need to calculate the difference signicance (DS) for both of your metal densities, comparing your value to the accepted value and taking your uncertainty into account. After you calculate the DS value, determine which of the four agreement categories it belongs to. The four agreement categories are outlined in the statistics handout. Finally, use all the data from this week and last week to complete the lab report. Physics 161 Experiment 1, week 1 Density and Uncertainty Objective To learn how to accurately use measurement tools and to propagate error and uncertainty in the context of studying density Turn In Carefully record all the answers/data gathered on the 3 "Answer Pages" at the end of this lab and turn them in at the end of lab today. Next week you'll get these pages back and perform further analysis on the numbers you collected. I will just collect one set of these answers per group. Background EEDINS FUR Density The density of a substance tells you how much mass there is in a given volume of the substance: p = m/V Note that the symbol p, rho, is used to mean "density". Mass is m, and volume is V. Density is an example of an intensive property (also known as a bulk property or material property): it does not depend on the quantity of substance you have. Since intensive properties do not depend on a specific sample, they are useful in characterizing a system or material. (There are also extensive properties, which do depend on the specific sample. Mass and volume are examples.) Measurement uncertainty See the separate handout on Statistics for Experimental Physics. Read the "measurement uncertainty" section. Tools The following tools should be at your lab station; check the list below to see if they're there: Tool At station at beginning of lab |At station at end of lab Ruler Vernier calipers V Graduated cylinder V Set of 15 cubes (3 sizes, 5 metals) Meter stick 1wk1-1At the front of the lab are digital scales and triple-beam balances. See Appendix A for instructions on how to read Vernier calipers. If you think you can get better results with a different method of measurement, look at the front desk for other items that you may find helpful. (Part of scientific practice is working within your limitations.) Task (Record the answers to each the following neatly on the attached answer pages. For step 4, complete the attached tables and write out your calculations; you may need to attach additional pages.) 1. Determine two different methods of calculating the density of an object and write down your two methods on the week 1 progress report. (These aren't different mathematical approaches-they're different ways of measuring the values involved.) BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER, MAKE AND RECORD THE FOLLOWING PREDICTIONS: 2. PREDICT: which method do you expect to yield the most accurate results? Record your answer on the week 1 progress report. 3. PREDICT: Which sample shape would you expect to yield the most accurate results and why? Record your answer on the week 1 progress report. 4. Then, choose one of the metals in your box and use both methods to determine the density of each of the 3 different shapes of that metal. (This should yield a total of 6 calculations.) Report uncertainty for each individual measurement you take-you'll need to make an estimate based on how accurately the tool you're using is able to measure. Be sure to calculate total uncertainty for each density measurement properly. See "Statistics for Experimental Physics" for how to do this. (You're multiplying lengths to get volumes, and dividing quantities to find density, so this is error propagation.) Include calculations for each of your density calculations per method. Don't round until the end! Otherwise, there'll be additional error due to rounding that will be introduced to the final value.1. Which metal did you use? Iron , Fe 2. Which two methods did you use to measure the quantities needed to calculate density? Displacement measurement 3. The most accurate tools (that we have) to use for calculating density would be: Vernier Calpers graduated cylinder 4. Which sample of your metal would yield the most accurate density? Why? Large metal because is bigger and will have a greater mass.5. Data collected: Mass Use grams for mass. Metal sample Digital mass Uncertainty, Balance beam digital mass Uncertainty, Small mass balance mass 8. 3 9 Medium 8:15 9 I. ola 412. 29 Large 61.79 Volume Caliper and ruler measurements must include separate measurements of each side of the sample. Volume readings should be in cm. Metal sample Instrument for Instrument Volume Uncertainty of volume readings volume Small calipers 10,01 MM 11. 04 mm 1. 108 (m 3 10.53 mm 1.002 crn ? Small producted 0.8 cm 3 cylinder Medium calipers 203 2 mm 9. 11 mm 5-585em 30 . 3 . MM +.0of em Medium graduated 5.2 ML 5. 2 cm 3 Cylinder + . 1. cmn 3 Large calipers 19.98 mm 19.97 mm 8,088 Cm 20. 27 mm 2.00 7em Large graduated 7.9 ML 7.9 cm 3 Cylinder + . I cm 3 1wk1-6Density Pair your instruments for mass and volume to perform two independent density calculations for each sample. Metal sample Instrument for volume Instrument for Density mass Uncertainty of Small density calipers Digital Small mass 7.59/ cm 3 / . 09 glam) gradulated Balance cylinder Medium Beam 109 / Cm3 + 1. 39/ 9m3 calipers Digital mass 7.56g / cm + . 02 glem 3 Medium gradulated Balance Culiacter Beam 8 0 1 9 / 0m 3 |+ 0. 14 9 (m 3 Large calipers Digital Mass 7.43 9 / cm 3 - . 014 9 / cm 3 Large graduateds Balance Cilinger Beam 7.8 9 / cn 3 + . 10 glam 3 Show your calculations for total uncertainty for each density calculation (attach additional pages as needed): 83 3 / 1.108 7. 51 (1002 1 . 108 8, 3 = SD 8.15 / 0-8 54 J ( . 01 12 = SD - 50 8.15 42.2/ 5. 585 7.56 2 + _007 = SD 42. 2 5.585 42. 09 5:2 8.1 .007 2 = SD 42.09 52.81 41.7/ 8, 088 7. 63, 1 1 00 312 = ST WK1-7 41.7 8.088 61. 78 / 7.9 7, 8 V 1 01 2 + ( - 1 12 = SD 610 78Estimating Distance 1. The instructor will give you a distance that you will have to estimate. Once the instructor has given you that distance take 5 minutes to discuss with your lab partner what you think that distance is. When the you have an agreed upon estimated value for that distance (in meters), write that value below and on the dry erase board at the front of the lab. Calculate the average and standard deviation of these values and record below. Your value: 32 m 25+ 20+35+ 23+27+ 28+33+25 + 20 + 27+ 17+ 32 = 26 Class average: 26 Standard deviation: 5.5 3 work on another paper 2. Now take 20 min and do a more thorough estimate of the distance. Use the ruler and meter stick if you think that would aid in the estimation process. You can also exit the lab with the meter stick and ruler to aid in the estimation process. When the you have an agreed upon estimated value for that distance (in meters), write that value below and on the dry erase board at the front of the lab. Calculate the average and standard deviation of these values and record below. Your value: 22 m Class average: 24.68. Standard deviation: 3. 23 What do you notice about the standard deviation as the length of time to take the measurement increased? (These notes can be used to help you fill out the lab report you'll turn in for this lab.) It went down because our classmate got a better estimate thus SD decreased. Applying Standard Deviation to your density data Each group should have 6 density calculations from last week for your metal. Write down your six density calculations on the whiteboard in the space allocated for the metal that you used measured last week. Also write down your 6 density calculations from last week and three other calculated density values from the same metal done by another group in the space below. Fe Density from last week 3 density values - 7.59 /cm 3 8, 1 7 9 / cm 3 - 10 9 / cm 3 7. 60 9 / (m 3 - 7. 569 / cm 3 7. 64 9 / cm 3 - 801 9 / cm 3 1wk2-2 - 7. 63 9 / cm 3 - 7.8 9 / Cm 3Next write down 9 calculated density values from a metal that you did not measure last week. - 9. 319/ cm 3 - 10.069/ cm 3 - 8.797 91 cm 3 - 10.669/cm3 - 8. 95 9 10m 3 - 8. 8229 / cm - 8. 77glom3 - 9. 89 91cm3 - 8. 717 9 1cm3 Calculate the average density for your metal and the other metal. For your metal, use your data points and 3 values from classmates. For the new metal, use 9 values from classmates. Pavg, your metal 1: 7-99g(cm3 Pave , new metal 2: 93 3glcm Now, calculate the standard deviation for the density for each of your metals using the same data as above (your data as well as your classmates'). You'll need to write out the longhand calculation for one of the o calculations on your lab report. for your metal 1: . 789 o for new metal 2: - 706 Now, since we took multiple measurements, that reduces our uncertainty to Gang = . Find Jang for each of your metals. Javg for your metal 1: - . 263 Jang for new metal 2: . 235 Agreement The accepted value of the density for each of the metals is on the board. Accepted value for your metal 1: 7. 874 Accepted value for new metal 2: 8 ,960 + 0, 010 *0: 010 Next, we want to determine whether our values agree with the accepted density values. Because probabilities are involved, there's not an easy answer about true agreement. There's about a 30% chance that the accepted value won't fall within the range of values you got even if you did everything perfectly and the experiment is perfectly designed. If the difference between your average and the standard value is more than 3XGavg, however, that's very unlikely to happen by chance (0.3%). We simplify this by using the difference significance, discussed in the handout on statistics in experimental physics. 1 wk2-Physics I 6] Experiment 1, week 2 Standard Deviation name I _, name 2 section number lab station number Objective To learn to calculate the standard deviation. and use it appropriately as an uncertainty of measured values. Turn in The work done in lab today along with work you did in lab last week will be incorporated into a lab report. Each student will turn in their own lab report. writing a document that addresses all the criteria described in the report cover page at the end ot'tltis lab packet and the experimental results from Experiment 1, weeks one and two. Please be concise, reports should be no more than a pages which will include calculations. data tables. and plots and written explanations. Reports will be printed out on paper, typed in 12 point font (minimum), in Times New Roman or Aria] font and turned at the beginning of lab next week. Reports are individual, so do not collaborate on the writing ofthe reports. The data sets with your lab partner will be the same but the explanations and other text should not be the identical. Background When we take many measurements of the same thing, we calculate the average as the best estimate of the value ot'what we're measuring. The standard deviation is a number that tells us how spread out our measured values are. It' the standard deviation is small, that indicates that the values we averaged are much closer to each other than it'the standard deviation is large, and therefore we have less uncertainty in our best estimate. (We use \"uncertainty" and "error" to mean the same thing in this context. Error does NOT mean mistake.) Refer to the handout "Statistics for Experimental Physics\" for more detail on the standard deviation, how it's dened, and an example ot'using it

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