Asbestos is least likoly to be found in which of the following? A. roof shingles. B. duct work. C. attic insulation. D. concrete foundations 46. All of the following are concerns related to underground storage tanks, except A. groundwater contramination. B. corrosion of matal used for the tank. C. radan emission. D. potential firelexplesion hazards. 47. The owner of a fam has known underground storage tanks (USTs) from the 1960 s on the propery that hosed vatous crop tentifzers and gasoline for the fam equipmant Last year, one of the tanks startad a smal leak if the ouner obous bo seal the teak and place enospulation around the UST rather than remove it, this would be considesed A. abutement. B. mitigation. C. stigmatization. D. fradulent. 48. A seller had an issue with the back exderior wall of the home 8 years ago. A portion of it deveioped a crack which grea to a size of 4 feet tall in just one week. The seller had the wal repaired by a professianal at this fine, but did not reveal it on the sellor's disclosure form since it was foed. Two yoars after the buyer purchased the property, fhe crack revpeared and grew rapidly, causing roof damage in addition th structunal issues. Could the owner be held lable of acticrable frau? A. No, because the owner had the issus flixed and had no reason to belive it was still a consem. B. Yes, because the owner should have disclosed the incident exther way, and the other party was harmed by not knowing about a defoct that they were not informed of: C. The owner can only be held fiable if a general watranty deed was used. D. As long as the owner includod an \"as-is\" chase in the agreement of salo, he ar she cannox be held hable tar any defects: Questions 49 - 61 are related to content from Section 5 of the Student Manuab, -Contractk, \" and its related teatbook readings (Chapter 11). 48. Which of the following is a corroct statimunt? A. An express contract canco be enforced in court B. An implied contract is still enforceable. C. A voidable contract cannot be executed. D. A contract to perform an liegal act is still a valid contract. 50. A contract is voidable if A. one party does not agree to the terms any longer: B. it is executory. C. at least one party is a minor. D. the terms of the contract are not fulfiled. 51. In order to be considered a valid contract, which of the following is true? A. At least one party to the contract must be legally competent. B. The contract must include valuable consideration. C. All contracts must be in writing. D. Good or valuable consideration must support the contract