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Assessment Task 1 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or knowledge Management System BSB51107 Diploma of Management ASSESSMENT Student ID No: Student Name: Trainer/Assessor Name: Oimi Tam

Assessment Task 1 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or knowledge Management System BSB51107 Diploma of Management ASSESSMENT Student ID No: Student Name: Trainer/Assessor Name: Oimi Tam Term and Year: Term 2B, 2016 Course: BSB51107 Diploma of Management Unit Code and Name: BSBINM501A Manage Information Knowledge Management System Overview of Assessments Assessment Method Assessment Number and Description Assessment Mapping Scenario Case study Assessment 1 Elements: 1 Project Report Due : Week 3 Performance Criteria: All Scenario Case study, Role Play, Presentation Assessment 2 Elements: 2 and 3 Due: Week5 Performance Criteria: All In this Unit of Competency, to achieve the overall grade of \"Competent\" a student must satisfy all assessment items AND must satisfy all Elements and Performance Criteria. Page 1 Assessment Task 1 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or knowledge Management System Assessment Task 1- Scenario Case study Project Report Page 2 Assessment Task 1 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or knowledge Management System Performance objective In this project you will be required to organise learning to use an information or knowledge management system and to manage the use of the system. Page 3 Assessment Task 1 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or knowledge Management System Assessment description This Assessment Project is to be completed in addition to the learning and assessment tutorial activities you complete in class during the course. This Project gathers the evidence which in turn evaluates a number of elements of competency that will access knowledge and skills in managing an information or knowledge management system. You must successfully complete the Assessment Project. If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. In this project you will be required to organise learning to use an information or knowledge management system and to manage the use of the system. Page 4 Assessment Task 1 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or knowledge Management System You must submit: Read the case study and develop a report aimed at senior management that covers the following Point How will knowledge management benefit the organisation? How will you identify the learning needs of your staff for using the system? What types of learning activities do you propose to include (eg, coaching, help desks, information sessions, workshops, eLearning, etc) Identify and create learning needs for: (Specify needs and issues identified, as well as those in common with the organisation as a whole) Mary David How will you promote use of the system within the organisation? How will you overcome reluctance of your staff to sharing information within the system? Your report should be professionally presented. You will need to ensure your report answers the questions noted above and support your request for funding to run the training program. Your project report must include the following: Project Title Table of content A brief introduction to the project Business and Project goals and objectives How will knowledge management benefit the organisation How will you identify the learning needs of your staff for using the knowledge management system What types of learning activities do you propose to include (eg, coaching, help desks, information sessions, workshops, eLearning, etc) Identify and create learning needs for: (Specify needs and issues identified, as well as those in common with the organisation as a whole) Mary David How will you promote use of the system within the organisation How will you overcome reluctance of your staff to sharing information within the system Conclusion and recommendation Reference Page 5 BSBINM501A Manage Information Knowledge Management System Case study - ABC Home wares Business description ABC Home ware's is a home wares retailer specialising in bathroom fittings, bedroom fittings, mirrors and decorative items. ABC caters to the furnishing market for new and renovated dwellings. Currently, a chain of eight stores are situated around the greater area of each state's capital city. Scenario As a manager of one of the existing stores, you have been called to head office to attend an area division briefing by the company's CEO. During the CEO's address you make the following notes: Over the past few years the management have come to realise that each time an employee leaves their position corporate knowledge leaves with them. To reduce the effect of this, you are asking to review the existent system and design a new knowledge management system to allow access to all kinds of information about the company, also its customers and suppliers. Although the system is easy to use, you realise that many of your staff will be completely unfamiliar with the concept of knowledge management. Those that do understand it may not see the benefit, or may be guarded about contributing information into the system as it may mean someone else could more easily do their job. To get your team "on board" with the project you have decided to develop a training program tailored for your staff. You will need funding approval from senior management, which will require a report outlining what you're setting out to achieve. ABC 's Staff Profiles The key people in your branch are the David (Supervisor) and, Mary (Bookkeeper/Administration) who is often a caretaker in David's position as the relief Supervisor. Both have expressed ambitions to pursue a career in company management. To that end this upgrade to the Knowledge Management system may present the best opportunity for both of them. You are aware that one of the keys in the past in times of change has been to maintain the enthusiasm of your key personnel to maintain the drive and cohesiveness of the remainder of your team. Hence your aim is gain an agreement to help them by providing coaching and mentoring when you see the need for improvement of their attitudes, skills or knowledge levels in exchange for their acceptance of greater responsibility. Assessment 1 Version: 1.1 Page 6 of 7 BSBINM501A Manage Information Knowledge Management System Mary Mary achieved outstanding results in the bookkeeping certificate she recently completed. However, her lack of 'real-world' experience managing people makes her uncertain and she lacks confidence to make decisions and avoids possible confrontation. You have agreed to be her coach and mentor. She has come to you recently for help and discussed with you a significant range of issues she wanted help with. Mary has always had a keen interest in the environment and everything green. It was Mary who suggested power-saver timers on the lighting in the storeroom and other sustainability measures around the office. Mary is very excited about the 'Going Green' plan and is very enthusiastic to do the train the trainer course offered by head office and become the in-store trainer in this area. David David's approach to the job is quite different to Mary. He has many years experience and is best described as 'hands on'. David is the longest serving employee in your branch and has the best knowledge of the product lines and when he puts his mind to it is an effective coach for new staff, this is despite not having any formal qualifications in this area. However, recently you have noticed that his attitude to the job is turning negative. David is spending a lot of time on the internet, which he often calls 'the future of sales', and can't understand what the Management is thinking of by planning an expansion that is not based on the internet and has voiced this objection without a care about who hears it. You have the impression that he now sees his knowledge as his own intellectual capital and is reluctant to share it. He has become short tempered and has told you that he is not paid to share his knowledge and experience. He becomes annoyed with some staff members who come to him seeking advice as he considers that they should 'know it by now'. Thus his team are not developing. At your first meeting you need to discuss the following issue: David often presents you with ideas for internet marketing that would certainly boost traffic to the site. You have recently noticed that the company's website now has links to a home business that a friend of David's operates. This business provides installation of home wares that ABC sells yet you are not aware of any company endorsement of this service from ABC for their customers. You believe this is unethical under the company's ethical standards. You need to determine what the source of his negativity is and plan his performance management. In your one-on-one session with David you need to come to a resolution of a way forward and get David fully 'on board'. Assessment 1 Version: 1.1 Page 7 of 7 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System BSB51107 Diploma of Management ASSESSMENT 2 Student Name: Student ID No: Group Student Name: (other member of Group) Trainer/Assessor Name: Oimi Tam Course: BSB51107 Diploma of Management Unit Code and Name: BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Term and Year: Term 2B, 2016 Overview of Assessments Assessment Method Assessment Number and Description Project scenario report Assessment 1 Project scenario Assignment and Presentation Assessment 2 Assessment Mapping Elements: 1 Performance Criteria: All Elements: 2 and 3 Performance Criteria: All In this Unit of Competency, to achieve the overall grade of \"Competent\" a student must satisfy all assessment items AND must satisfy all Elements and Performance Criteria. Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 1 of 11 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Assessment Task 2- Scenario Case study and Presentation Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 2 of 11 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Performance objective In this project you will be required to organise learning to use an information or knowledge management system and to manage the use of the system. Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 3 of 11 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Assessment description You are required to form a group of two and then you must organise learning to use information or knowledge management system, manage and then review use of information or knowledge management system. Each team member will undertake a number of activities to manage the performance of one of the two employees. The team member can play different roles in the organisation. You can also invite other members of your class to play different roles and tasks but the final work (Project) will be submitted by you. Many of the activities involve discussion and sharing the outcomes; this means that the group (other class members) will truly get the chance to work as a project team. However, there will be times when you must give us individual work. For example, during presentation, each student will be expected to present their own work, on an individual basis. Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 4 of 11 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Procedure Please read the case study (Same as in Assessment 1) and complete the part 1 and part 2 for the second assessment. Part 1 Access or develop a set of performance measures that will be used to determine the effectiveness of the information or knowledge management system. (This task could be completed as a group activity within the classroom or workplace) (The performance management template can be aided to complete the group activity). Prepare a report for key stakeholders on the effectiveness and efficiency of the system. Include in your presentation: 1) State the how and what performance measures will be used to measure Mary and David. (use the template completed in group activity) Summary of your findings from all of the task in assessment 1 and above Suggested changes to the use of the system to address identified areas of non compliance (if necessary) 2) Monitor the use of the information system. Comment on the effectiveness and efficiency of the information system and the integration and alignment of the system with everyday practice within the company. Explain how you will manage other contingencies such as technical difficulties experienced by the users of the system. Part 2: Review use of information or knowledge management system a) Conduct research on at least 2 different information or knowledge management systems available in the marketplace. Document the following: o A brief description of the functionality of the system o A comment on the environments for which the system would be suitable o Strengths and weaknesses of the system b) Prepare a report that includes: o An analysis of the current system o Strengths and limitations of the current system o the effectiveness of the contribution of the current system to achieving it's intended outcomes o Recommendations for improvements to system, policy or work practices (You may use the report prepared in part 1, task as a basis for this report.) c) Prepare and deliver a 10 to 15 minutes Power Point presentation that outlines the key points from the report in the Tasks Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 5 of 11 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 6 of 11 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System You must submit: Before you hand in these assessment tasks, use the checklist below to make sure you have completed all the tasks and have included all relevant information. Part 1: Accessed or developed a set of performance measures be used to measure Mary and David Prepared a report on the effectiveness and efficiency of the system o Commented on effectiveness, efficiency, integration and alignment of the system o Explained plans for management of other contingencies Part 2: Reported on research comparing at least 2 information or knowledge management systems Prepared a report on the effectiveness of the current system and recommendations for improvements Delivered a presentation of key findings in this assessment 10 to 15 minutes (Submit Power Point presentation slides) Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 7 of 11 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Appendix 1: Case study - ABC Home wares Business description ABC Homeware's is a home wares retailer specialising in bathroom fittings, bedroom fittings, mirrors and decorative items. ABC caters to the furnishing market for new and renovated dwellings. Currently, a chain of eight stores are situated around the greater area of each state's capital city. Scenario As a manager of one of the existing stores, you have been called to head office to attend an area division briefing by the company's CEO. During the CEO's address you make the following notes: Over the past few years the management have come to realise that each time an employee leaves their position corporate knowledge leaves with them. To reduce the effect of this, you are asking to review the existent system and design a new knowledge management system to allow access to all kinds of information about the company, also its customers and suppliers. Although the system is easy to use, you realise that many of your staff will be completely unfamiliar with the concept of knowledge management. Those that do understand it may not see the benefit, or may be guarded about contributing information into the system as it may mean someone else could more easily do their job. To get your team "on board" with the project you have decided to develop a training program tailored for your staff. You will need funding approval from senior management, which will require a report outlining what you're setting out to achieve. ABC 's Staff Profiles The key people in your branch are the David (Supervisor) and, Mary (Bookkeeper/Administration) who is often a caretaker in David's position as the relief Supervisor. Both have expressed ambitions to pursue a career in company management. To that end this upgrade to the Knowledge Management system may present the best opportunity for both of them. You are aware that one of the keys in the past in times of change has been to maintain the enthusiasm of your key personnel to maintain the drive and cohesiveness of the remainder of your team. Hence your aim is gain an agreement to help them by providing coaching and mentoring when you see the need for improvement of their attitudes, skills or knowledge levels in exchange for their acceptance of greater responsibility. Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 8 of 11 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Mary Mary achieved outstanding results in the bookkeeping certificate she recently completed. However, her lack of 'real-world' experience managing people makes her uncertain and she lacks confidence to make decisions and avoids possible confrontation. You have agreed to be her coach and mentor. She has come to you recently for help and discussed with you a significant range of issues she wanted help with. Mary has always had a keen interest in the environment and everything green. It was Mary who suggested power-saver timers on the lighting in the storeroom and other sustainability measures around the office. Mary is very excited about the 'Going Green' plan and is very enthusiastic to do the train the trainer course offered by head office and become the in-store trainer in this area. David David's approach to the job is quite different to Mary. He has many years experience and is best described as 'hands on'. David is the longest serving employee in your branch and has the best knowledge of the product lines and when he puts his mind to it is an effective coach for new staff, this is despite not having any formal qualifications in this area. However, recently you have noticed that his attitude to the job is turning negative. David is spending a lot of time on the internet, which he often calls 'the future of sales', and can't understand what the Management is thinking of by planning an expansion that is not based on the internet and has voiced this objection without a care about who hears it. You have the impression that he now sees his knowledge as his own intellectual capital and is reluctant to share it. He has become short tempered and has told you that he is not paid to share his knowledge and experience. He becomes annoyed with some staff members who come to him seeking advice as he considers that they should 'know it by now'. Thus his team are not developing. At your first meeting you need to discuss the following issue: David often presents you with ideas for internet marketing that would certainly boost traffic to the site. You have recently noticed that the company's website now has links to a home business that a friend of David's operates. This business provides installation of home wares that ABC sells yet you are not aware of any company endorsement of this service from ABC for their customers. You believe this is unethical under the company's ethical standards. You need to determine what the source of his negativity is and plan his performance management. In your one-on-one session with David you need to come to a resolution of a way forward and get David fully 'on board'. Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 9 of 11 BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Appendix 2: Performance management plan template Name/position: Activity plan Manager's comments: Manager: Key result area (KPI) Review period: Indicator of success/ performance By whe n Signature: Date: Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 10 of 11 Statu s repor t BSBINM501A Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System Staff member's comments: Signature: Date: Assessment Task 2 version: 1.1 Page 11 of 11

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