Assigned a Question - you are given the following information above. Please quantitate the price and efficency var, for each Expenses. Indicate (Unfavorable) and/or favorable. Actual Flex budget var. Time used Variable OH $ 60,750 $ 18.00 OHDLH increase not good! Expense. (Unfavorable) Fixed OH increase not good! Expense. (Unfavorable) $ 500,000 given OH VARIANCO Actual (as above) AQ*BOH rate Flex (as above) VOH Price Efficiency FOH Total OH Variances Price Please quantitate the price and efficency var, for each of the two overhead costs. Actual Flex budget var. Flex Volume variance Static 4,500 Actual units Time used 5,000 units 0.5 time per unit $ 50,000 $ 20 OH per DLH 5 60,750 $ 18.00 OHDLH 3 500,000 given static $ 450,000 $ Actual (as above) AQEBOH rate OH VARIANCE SECTION: Allocated Flex (as above) (8$rate . BUse*AQ). flex and allocated always the same. Flex Bud. Var. matches above Price Efficiency Price Assigned a Question - you are given the following information above. Please quantitate the price and efficency var, for each Expenses. Indicate (Unfavorable) and/or favorable. Actual Flex budget var. Time used Variable OH $ 60,750 $ 18.00 OHDLH increase not good! Expense. (Unfavorable) Fixed OH increase not good! Expense. (Unfavorable) $ 500,000 given OH VARIANCO Actual (as above) AQ*BOH rate Flex (as above) VOH Price Efficiency FOH Total OH Variances Price Please quantitate the price and efficency var, for each of the two overhead costs. Actual Flex budget var. Flex Volume variance Static 4,500 Actual units Time used 5,000 units 0.5 time per unit $ 50,000 $ 20 OH per DLH 5 60,750 $ 18.00 OHDLH 3 500,000 given static $ 450,000 $ Actual (as above) AQEBOH rate OH VARIANCE SECTION: Allocated Flex (as above) (8$rate . BUse*AQ). flex and allocated always the same. Flex Bud. Var. matches above Price Efficiency Price