Assignment 1(10%) / ES6 and Local storage - Create a mobile web site (Create a new folder to hold all files/folders)) - index.html - css folder that includes a personal css file - images folder that includes all your site images - js folder that includes your personal , js script file Enter YOUR NAME in the ctitle> tags AND your name and student number in a comment at the top of the index.html Header area that includes Assignment \#1/ Your Name/Your Student Number, This header must be on both pages - Footer line that includes Your Login Name/ Your Campus, this footer must be on both pages. Both pages must include a picture of you as the sales representative Content area on the main entry page will include inputs for customer entry for the following: - Entry field (with labeling) for the Customer's name - Entry field (with labeling) for the Customer's email address - Entry field (with labeling) for which room the customer is planning on painting - Entry field (with labeling) for the width of the room - Entry field (with labeling) for the length of the room - Entry freld (with labeling) using a colour box so the customer can pick the colour they want to paint the room - A selection list so the user can decide whether they want standard paint (24.99 per can) or premium paint (39.99 per can) - A button to create a quote for the customer - Formatting, layout, colours, background, size, and labeling will all be considered in - Formatting, layout, colours, background, size, and labeling will all be considered in grading - All data MUST be saved to local storage before calling the quote page and ES6 concepts used where applicable. - Content on the quote page (a separate page) will include the following: - Customer's contact information (name and email) - Room to be painted - Square footage of the room based on length and width - A colour swatch showing the colour the customer picked - The number of paint cans that will be needed to paint the room based on each can cover approximately 400sq ft of wall space (rounded up) - The final price for the number of cans based on which type of paint was selected plus 13% HST - All information must be labeled and formatting, layout, colours, background, and cirowill alluboconcidered in grading 12:17 - Square tootage of the room based on length and width - A colour swatch showing the colour the customer picked - The number of paint cans that will be needed to paint the room based on each can cover approximately 400sq ft of wall space (rounded up) - The final price for the number of cans based on which type of paint was selected plus 13% HST - All information must be labeled and formatting, layout, colours, background, and size will all be considered in grading - Data from the entry page MUST be pulled from local storage in order to fill in quote page and ES6 concepts used where applicable. w I will be grading exercise.. - I will be using Chrome's Toggle Device Bar for Galaxy S5 in Landscape mode using localhost - Remember, this is a mobile site so formatting and layout should reflect this; too much scrolling or whitespace will reduce your mark