Assignment #2 - The JavaScript language and The Sequence Structure You are responsible for reading and understanding the requirements listed below. Task 1 Convert your pseudocode program from Tast Assignment 1 to waseript program Task 2 Convert your pseudocode program from Tast 12 Assignment to avaScript program Standard comments are included in your file. Submit an electronic version using the submission point located in the week 2 folder The electronic version MUST be into format. Any other format will NOT be accepted and you will receive a zero mark for your assignment. The assignments MUST be submitted on the due date and time has passed the submission is considered tate a mark of rero (o) will be assigned Keep it simple do not do more than what was asked You may only use what we have learned in class to this point Assignment #1 - Programming Basics itoring and writine there Your first sentito como puede oder and come mure Take Informatica empresa de certistofan anda worked above hours in a week, domates desires that made for the base and the number of hours worked and prints that wekly wages should be of why we pedindo Food, develop moving company that want you that wm. The partice Terrorit. They are - 1 blso in the month hour, the cand the AFTER. Sto are of the coming of the Day of the the under for The commit in the stone Bayout utan Subcring the w The lectronen bei derfor NOT roman for your theater ned Chow to your own strum . G Assignment #2 - The JavaScript language and The Sequence Structure You are responsible for reading and understanding the requirements listed below. Task 1 Convert your pseudocode program from Tast Assignment 1 to waseript program Task 2 Convert your pseudocode program from Tast 12 Assignment to avaScript program Standard comments are included in your file. Submit an electronic version using the submission point located in the week 2 folder The electronic version MUST be into format. Any other format will NOT be accepted and you will receive a zero mark for your assignment. The assignments MUST be submitted on the due date and time has passed the submission is considered tate a mark of rero (o) will be assigned Keep it simple do not do more than what was asked You may only use what we have learned in class to this point Assignment #1 - Programming Basics itoring and writine there Your first sentito como puede oder and come mure Take Informatica empresa de certistofan anda worked above hours in a week, domates desires that made for the base and the number of hours worked and prints that wekly wages should be of why we pedindo Food, develop moving company that want you that wm. The partice Terrorit. They are - 1 blso in the month hour, the cand the AFTER. Sto are of the coming of the Day of the the under for The commit in the stone Bayout utan Subcring the w The lectronen bei derfor NOT roman for your theater ned Chow to your own strum . G