Assignment 3b.pdf ITDR2104-Java Programming Assignment # 4 (5 Marks) Due Date: 4 December, 2018 reate a JavaFx project that demonstrates various topics you have learnt like, creating structure f JavaFx, Panes, UI Controls, Shapes and events-driven programming for different controls To do this assignment, use the classes from Assignment 2. Create a window that consists of the Window title: Title of your projec . Design your window by using different User Interface Control like Text Fleld, Labels, Checkbox Radio button, Combo box, List box, etc. Minimum five different user interface controls should be used Include the main class you have designed in Assignment 2 in the same file of JavaFX class. MakeaFX class as public and rest all classes be not public. Use the data fields from the Assignment#2, to design suitable nodes of the window (See an example screenshot below for our Cirele elass from Lecture 1 that has now * .Use the concept of the Events Driven Programming (EDP) in order to activate the nodes. ubmit a report including: 1. 2. 3. Screenshots of the JavaFX window that is designed by you. Code with Anonymous Classes. Code with Lambda Expression. 78 53981633974483 Sample JavaFX Design for Circle Class of Lecture-oI TDR2104 Programming Fall 2018 , Please find the java classes program below: Java Classe s Program public class Account private int accNumber private double balance; private String accHolderName; //argument constructor public Account int accNum,String name,double bal) this.accNumber-accNum; this.accHolderName-name: this.balance-bal; // setters and getters public int getAccNumber) return accNumber public void setAccNumber(int accNumber) this.accNumber- accNumber; public double getBalance) return balance; public void setBalance(double balance) this.balance balance; public String getAccHolderName0 return accHolderName; public void setAccHolderName(String accHolderName) \ this.accHolderName-accHolderName; @Override public class SavingAccount extends Account private double interestRate; private String nominee; //Constructor public SavingAccount int accNum, String name, double bal) super(accNum, name, bal) public SavingAccountint accNum, String name, double bal,double rate,String nominee) super(accNum, name, bal); this.interestRate-rate this.nomince nomince public double getInterestRatco return interestRate; public void setlnterestRate(double interestRate) t this.interestRate- interestRate; public String getNominee0 return nominee public void setNominee(String nominee)t this.nominee nominee aOverride public String toStringo return "SavingAccount Name"+getAccHolderName0+ , interestRate" interestRate + , nominec-nmiee++ 9 @override public boolean equals(Object o) if (this o) return true; if ((o instanceof SavingAccount)) return false; SavingAccount that- (SavingAccount) o; if (, getinterestRate()) != 0) return false; return getNomincc).cquals(that.getNominec0)