Assignment Defect Logging Q/ The goal is for you to find a defect in one of the GitHub We will follow the example bug report found on Their bug report looks something like this: SAMPLE BUG REPORT: Bug Name: Application crash on clicking the SAVE button while creating a new user. Bug ID: (It will be automatically created by the BUG Tracking tool once you save this bug) Area Path: USERS menu > New Users Build Number: Version Number 5.0.1 Severity: HIGH (High/Medium/Low) or l Priority: HIGH (High Medium/Low) or l Assigned to: Developer-X Reported By: Your Name Reported On: Date Reason: Defect Status: New/Open/Active (Depends on the Tool you are using) Environment: Windows 2003/SQL Server 2005 Description: Application crash on clicking the SAVE button while creating a new the user, hence unable to create a new user in the application. Steps To Reproduce: 1) Login into the application 2) Navigate to the Users Menu> New User 3) Filled all the user information fields 4) Clicked on 'Save' button 5) Seen an error page "ORA1090 Exception: Insert values Error..." 6 See the attached logs for more information (Attach more logs related to bug. IF any) 7) And also see the attached screenshot of the error page. Expected result: On clicking SAVE button, should be prompted to a success message "New User has been created successfully" For now, I would like you to just get the idea of logging a defect. You may use your favorite text editor, or Excel. When you are looking at a number of defects it is often helpful to have them side by side. This lets us gain a unique perspective of how defects trend. For example, a website with multiple button defects, may indicate that the underlying code in a class that supports all buttons is broken. It also helps for readability