Assignment Scenario 2: Apple Ple The statements of financial position of Apple Pic, a company trading as a wholesaler, as of 31 December 2020 and 2019 were as follows 2002 NE 112200 . Inv Total Art 11. quis and his Winny danes CROES 10 NO MORENO Doce Hvala Hata en 2005 Robleke To Ded 200.000 Total yaity and liabile 122.000 Assume that the current market share value per share is RO 12 The summarized statements of profit or loss for the years ended 31" December 2020 and 2019 were: 13000 RORO Groot 12.484.000 Los 1000 Pret before tar 26.04 34 Profit Aer To. Question 2: Assume that you are a trainee accountant in Apple Ple. You are required to prepare a report to be submitted to the Finance Manager of Apple Ple assessing the performance of the organization under the following criteria Calculate appropriate ratios under the following listed categories Profitability Raties (any 3 ratios) Liquidity Ratios (2 ratios) Efficiency Ratios (any 3 ratios) Gearing Ratios and Investor Ratios (any 3 ratios) Diary ROIG SEGRE 000 Revalstiwa Mit L200 F Mea 200 Tap Deville Totally and Assume that the current market share value per share is RO 12 The summarized statements of profit or loss for the years ended 31" December 2020 and 2019 were: DEN INTO ROOSE Sex TOROMBO 1oC Kiroprad 02.4304.60 Lep 12000 Prehrfaretas 3000 CHOO LT ) Profit Afer To 16.000 1.000 Question 2: Assume that you are a trainee accountant in Apple Ple. You are required to prepare a report to be submitted to the Finance Manager of Apple Plc assessing the performance of the organization under the following criteria A Calculate appropriate ratios under the following listed categories Profitability Ratios (any 3 ratios Liquidity Ratios (2 ratios) Efficiency Ratios (any 3 ratios) Gearing Ratios and Investor Ratios (any 3 ratios) 11 Ratios x 5 Marks + 0.5 mark for the presentation Marks) B. Evaluate the performance and state the concerns of each of the stakeholder groups using the ratios calculated above in (A) You have to provide proper reasons which could cause the movement in the ratio figures of 2020 as compared to 2019 and also state suggestions for improvement wherever applicable. (for relevant reasons 5 marks and 4 marks for the advice 9 marks) Total marks - 15