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Assume the taxpayer does NOT wish to contrlbute to the Presidential Election Fund, unless otherwise stated In the problem. In addition, the taxpayers dld NOT

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Assume the taxpayer does NOT wish to contrlbute to the Presidential Election Fund, unless otherwise stated In the problem. In addition, the taxpayers dld NOT recelve, sell, send, exchange, or otherwise acquire any financial Interest in any virtual currency during the year. Kelsha Sanders, a divorced single taxpayer and practicing attorney, IIves at 9551 Oak Lane in Boise, ID 83709 . Her soclal securlty number is 412345670 (date of birth 2/27/1978 ). Her W-2 contalned the following information: In addition, Kelsha made alimony payments totalling $10,800 for the year to her former husband Alex, an unemployed mIne worker, whose soclal securlty number is 412-34-5671. This was in regards to a divorce decree that was completed prior to November 2017 and had not been amended post 2018. She also recelved a 1099 INT from Idaho State Credit Union In the amount of $254.85. Kelsha also has the following Information for her Schedule A Itemized deductions: Required: Prepare a Form 1040 with a Schedule 1, a Schedule A, and a Form 8283 for Kelsha using any other approprlate worksheets. If manually preparing the return, the Student Loan Interest Deduction worksheet can be found In IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education. I lee the annrnnrlate TaX Tahles ge \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c||c|} \hline 1040 PG 1 & 1040 PG 2 & Schedule1PG1 & Schedule1PG2 & Schedule A & Form 6283 & SLI Worksheet \\ \hline \end{tabular} Page 2 of Form 1040. Some information does not carry over from Page 1. Use provided information and follow instructions on form. \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c||c||c|} \hline 1040 PG 1 & 1040PG2 & Schedule 1 PG \\ 1 & Schedule 1 PG & Schedule A & Form 8283 & SLI Worksheet \\ \hline \end{tabular} Schedule 1 Page 1. 1 Taxabie nefunds, crociks, or oftsots of stabe and locel income twens 2a Almany mosivad b Date of original civorca or separabion agrocmant (sen instructions): 3 Eusinsess income or (joss). Attach Schndula C 4 Other gains or (losess). Attach Fom 4797 5 Fontal resal estabe, royaltics, partnerships, 5 comporations, trusts, abc. Attach Schodulo E g Ferm income or (loes). Attach Schod_ile F 7 Unempiayment compensation 8 Othar incoma: a Net operating lose b Gambling - Cancelstion of debt d Forkign eamed incame axd usion from Form 2555 - Incoma from Form eg53 f Income from Form e8g9 a Aleska Permanent Fund dividends h Jury duty pay I Prizes and awards J Activity nat engnged in for profit income k Stack options I Income from the rental af persanal property it you engaged in the mantal far proft but were not in the business of renting such property m Olympic and Faralympic medals and USOC prias monoy (soo instructiona) in Soction 9a1)(a) inclusion (eso ingtructions) - Soctian 961 M/a ) inclusian (sou instrucions) p Soction 461 (II) cupesa business loas nd)ustment a Taxabie distrioutions from an AELE acoount (ose inatructions) r Gcholership and followerip grants not reportad on Form W-2 6 Nontaxabie amount of Medicaid waiver psyments included on Form 1040, line 1 a or 10 t Pansion or annuity from a nonqualked defermad compenestion plen ar a nongovermantzl section 457 plan u Weges esmed while incaroerabod z Other income. List type and amount. For Paparwork Raduotion Aot Notioe, cas your tax ratum lnctruotione. Cot Na. 71479F \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c||c|} \hline 1040 PG 1 & 1040 PG 2 & Schedule1PGSchedule1PG1 & Schedule A & Form 8283 & SLI Worksheet \\ \hline \end{tabular} Schedule 1 Page 2. Schoctula 1 (Form 1040) 20022 Part II Adjustments to Income For Paperwork Raduotion Aot Notico, cas your tax retum Inctrustione. Cot Na. 71479F Bohedula 1 (Form 1040) 2022 OR FOR ANY FURPOSE OTHER THAN EDUCATIONAL, 2028 MoGraw-HIII Edusation. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c||c|} \hline 1040 PG 1 & 1040 PG 2 & Schedule1PG1 & Schedule1PG2 & Schedule A & Form 8283 & SLI Worksheet \\ \hline \end{tabular} Schedule A of Form 1040. SCHEDULE A (Form 1040) Depsirment of the Troseury Attsoh to Form 1040 or 10408R. romal Rovarle Sorvice (99) Caution: If you are chaming a not qualifiad dlanstar kos inatructions for line 16. in. Weme(s) shown on Form 1040 or 104D-SR. Keisha Sanders Itemized Deductions Medical Cautlon: Do not includo expenses reimbursed or pasid by others. 1 Modiosl and dental cuporses (soo instnuctions) Dental Expenses 2 Enter amount from Fomm 1040 or 1040-SR, line 11 3 Mutiply line 2 by 7.5Ss (0.075) 4 Subtract line 3 from line 1. If line 3 is mone than line 1 , anber 0 - Taxes You 6 stans and local taxas. Paid a Stwos and local incoma taxes ar goneral sales twase. You may includin either incoma taxas or goneral sales taxas on line 5a, but not both. I you cloct to include general salos twes instend of income tawes, chack this bow b State and locsl roal estate twese (se0 instructions) o state and local porsonsl proparty twees dAdd lines ba through bc a Enter the emalier of line 5d or $10,000,$5,000 if marriod filing seperaboly? 8 Ceher taves. List type and amount \begin{tabular}{|l|r|} \hline 1 & \\ \hline & 2,495 \\ \hline 3 & \\ \hline \end{tabular} 7 Add linas 5e and 5 8 Home martgnge internast and points. If you didin t Les all af your home instructions and chock this box a Home mortgnge inberast Soo instructions if limitad b Home mortonge interest not raportod to yau an Fom 1098. Son instructions it intitiod. If paid to the person fram whom you bought the homa, see instructions and show that porson's name, idertbying no., homa, sotainster and asdress mortguge intarnest and address mitad. sen netructions. Assume the taxpayer does NOT wish to contrlbute to the Presidential Election Fund, unless otherwise stated In the problem. In addition, the taxpayers dld NOT recelve, sell, send, exchange, or otherwise acquire any financial Interest in any virtual currency during the year. Kelsha Sanders, a divorced single taxpayer and practicing attorney, IIves at 9551 Oak Lane in Boise, ID 83709 . Her soclal securlty number is 412345670 (date of birth 2/27/1978 ). Her W-2 contalned the following information: In addition, Kelsha made alimony payments totalling $10,800 for the year to her former husband Alex, an unemployed mIne worker, whose soclal securlty number is 412-34-5671. This was in regards to a divorce decree that was completed prior to November 2017 and had not been amended post 2018. She also recelved a 1099 INT from Idaho State Credit Union In the amount of $254.85. Kelsha also has the following Information for her Schedule A Itemized deductions: Required: Prepare a Form 1040 with a Schedule 1, a Schedule A, and a Form 8283 for Kelsha using any other approprlate worksheets. If manually preparing the return, the Student Loan Interest Deduction worksheet can be found In IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education. I lee the annrnnrlate TaX Tahles ge \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c||c|} \hline 1040 PG 1 & 1040 PG 2 & Schedule1PG1 & Schedule1PG2 & Schedule A & Form 6283 & SLI Worksheet \\ \hline \end{tabular} Page 2 of Form 1040. Some information does not carry over from Page 1. Use provided information and follow instructions on form. \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c||c||c|} \hline 1040 PG 1 & 1040PG2 & Schedule 1 PG \\ 1 & Schedule 1 PG & Schedule A & Form 8283 & SLI Worksheet \\ \hline \end{tabular} Schedule 1 Page 1. 1 Taxabie nefunds, crociks, or oftsots of stabe and locel income twens 2a Almany mosivad b Date of original civorca or separabion agrocmant (sen instructions): 3 Eusinsess income or (joss). Attach Schndula C 4 Other gains or (losess). Attach Fom 4797 5 Fontal resal estabe, royaltics, partnerships, 5 comporations, trusts, abc. Attach Schodulo E g Ferm income or (loes). Attach Schod_ile F 7 Unempiayment compensation 8 Othar incoma: a Net operating lose b Gambling - Cancelstion of debt d Forkign eamed incame axd usion from Form 2555 - Incoma from Form eg53 f Income from Form e8g9 a Aleska Permanent Fund dividends h Jury duty pay I Prizes and awards J Activity nat engnged in for profit income k Stack options I Income from the rental af persanal property it you engaged in the mantal far proft but were not in the business of renting such property m Olympic and Faralympic medals and USOC prias monoy (soo instructiona) in Soction 9a1)(a) inclusion (eso ingtructions) - Soctian 961 M/a ) inclusian (sou instrucions) p Soction 461 (II) cupesa business loas nd)ustment a Taxabie distrioutions from an AELE acoount (ose inatructions) r Gcholership and followerip grants not reportad on Form W-2 6 Nontaxabie amount of Medicaid waiver psyments included on Form 1040, line 1 a or 10 t Pansion or annuity from a nonqualked defermad compenestion plen ar a nongovermantzl section 457 plan u Weges esmed while incaroerabod z Other income. List type and amount. For Paparwork Raduotion Aot Notioe, cas your tax ratum lnctruotione. Cot Na. 71479F \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c||c|} \hline 1040 PG 1 & 1040 PG 2 & Schedule1PGSchedule1PG1 & Schedule A & Form 8283 & SLI Worksheet \\ \hline \end{tabular} Schedule 1 Page 2. Schoctula 1 (Form 1040) 20022 Part II Adjustments to Income For Paperwork Raduotion Aot Notico, cas your tax retum Inctrustione. Cot Na. 71479F Bohedula 1 (Form 1040) 2022 OR FOR ANY FURPOSE OTHER THAN EDUCATIONAL, 2028 MoGraw-HIII Edusation. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c||c|} \hline 1040 PG 1 & 1040 PG 2 & Schedule1PG1 & Schedule1PG2 & Schedule A & Form 8283 & SLI Worksheet \\ \hline \end{tabular} Schedule A of Form 1040. SCHEDULE A (Form 1040) Depsirment of the Troseury Attsoh to Form 1040 or 10408R. romal Rovarle Sorvice (99) Caution: If you are chaming a not qualifiad dlanstar kos inatructions for line 16. in. Weme(s) shown on Form 1040 or 104D-SR. Keisha Sanders Itemized Deductions Medical Cautlon: Do not includo expenses reimbursed or pasid by others. 1 Modiosl and dental cuporses (soo instnuctions) Dental Expenses 2 Enter amount from Fomm 1040 or 1040-SR, line 11 3 Mutiply line 2 by 7.5Ss (0.075) 4 Subtract line 3 from line 1. If line 3 is mone than line 1 , anber 0 - Taxes You 6 stans and local taxas. Paid a Stwos and local incoma taxes ar goneral sales twase. You may includin either incoma taxas or goneral sales taxas on line 5a, but not both. I you cloct to include general salos twes instend of income tawes, chack this bow b State and locsl roal estate twese (se0 instructions) o state and local porsonsl proparty twees dAdd lines ba through bc a Enter the emalier of line 5d or $10,000,$5,000 if marriod filing seperaboly? 8 Ceher taves. List type and amount \begin{tabular}{|l|r|} \hline 1 & \\ \hline & 2,495 \\ \hline 3 & \\ \hline \end{tabular} 7 Add linas 5e and 5 8 Home martgnge internast and points. If you didin t Les all af your home instructions and chock this box a Home mortgnge inberast Soo instructions if limitad b Home mortonge interest not raportod to yau an Fom 1098. Son instructions it intitiod. If paid to the person fram whom you bought the homa, see instructions and show that porson's name, idertbying no., homa, sotainster and asdress mortguge intarnest and address mitad. sen netructions

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