Astiey Hro, MD, opens a medical practice. Dunng her frst month of operation, danasy, the dinc, named Hiso Medicil Cinc, expenenced the folowing enents (i.) (Cliek the ieen to view the events) Anayse the effects of theso ovents on the accourting equation of Hro Medical Clinc afer analyang Es efloct on the sctounding equaben (Complete only the necessary answer boxes for the transacticn lines. Do nor enter " in the transaction lines. For events with the same date, be sure to enter the set of transacbens for each event on a ssoarate line in the order presented in the peoblem. Carry down all balances to the "Bal" line, inclucing zero balance actounts, ontering a -o" for any zaro balances. Enter a decrease in an account with a minus tign or parentheses. Abbreviations used: AP = Accounts Payable; Capital = Ashley Hiro, Capital; Exp. = Expense; Liab. = Llabilities; Med. - Medical, Aek, = Revenue; Sat, = Salaries; Sup. - Supplies ) Jan. 6 Hiro invested $280,000 in the clinic by opening a bank account in the name of Hiro Medical Clinic. 9 Hiro Medical Clinic paid cash for land costing $125,000. There are plans to build a clinic on the land. Until then, the business will regnt an office. 12 The clinic purchased medical supplies for $10,400 on account. 15 On January 15 , Hiro Medical Clinic officially opened for business. 15-31. During the rest of the month, the clinic earned professional fees of $20,500 and received cash immediately. 15-31 The clinic paid cash expenses: employee salaries, $4,800; office rent, $3,700; utilities, $400. 28 The clinic sold supplies to another clinic at cost for $1,050. 31 The clinic paid $4,000 on the account from January 12. Ashley Hiro, MD, opens a medical practice. During her first month of operation, January, the clinic, named Hiro Medical Clinic, exper Click the icon to view the events.) Analyze the effects of these events on the accounting equation of Hiro Medical Clinic