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AutoSave OFF SLA 11 Nike for mystudentsF19 Home Insert Draw Page Layout Formulas Data Review View Conditional Calibri (Body) A A 10 General Format as

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AutoSave OFF SLA 11 Nike for mystudentsF19 Home Insert Draw Page Layout Formulas Data Review View Conditional Calibri (Body) A A 10 General Format as T Paste BIU Av $% Cell Styles Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to save changes to one or more files. Do you want to recover them? X fx This assignment requires you to calculate the Price earnings ratio Current stock price/EPS. However, y A34 H A company's equity structure can be quite complicated with common stock, preferred stock and treasury stock Additionally, some companies have more than one "class" of common stock and/or preferred stock Also, authorired shares are ditferent from issued shares and outstanding shares. Identify the following information from our company's equity accounts. MUST link to the financial statement tabs where posible; manual insert only when information is not in a separate cell in the FS. Shaded areas means no data in those cells 1not applicable) 2 shares Authorzed #shares Oubstanding ortnt fatn my be an ffi S Par Value Tetal Cerent Year Totals Prior Tear Current Y yNe to the Prior Prior Yr Gurrent Yr perShare Oangr 4 from Nee 11 frm S Nite 11 5 Preferred Stock 6 Common Stock (Class A) 7 Common Stock (Class B) 8 Additional Paid in Capital 9 Treasury Stock 10 Retained tarnings 11 Accumuld Other Comprehesive inceme ass) 12 Other equity accountls) 13 Total Equity NA. NA NA NA NA 400 million same 2400 millior same 329 1,272 329 no par 1,314 no par 31 3 6,384 5,710 674 3,517 (3,390 6,907 (213) 2) 121 9,812 $12,407 S (2,595) 14 greve ine 15 oalTel SE on 8 TRUE TRUE 15 Using the retained earnings equation, provide the roltorward of retained earnings balance for both current and prier years 16 REroforward insert all ctivity titles below: CurrentYear Prior Year st to Stmt of SE and eok for netained earing 04 cuuned defich colunn fthere are no dividends, insert zere in the oppropriote line item) 17 Beginning balance 18 +net income 19 -dividends 20 other activity in RE sum here all other RE octutyeer SE stt Ending balance 21 22 preve line 24ne 12 aboue FALSE SALSE 23 Calculate the following ratios for your company for the current and prior years and compare to industry averages. Link 24 Current Year Prior Year Industry Discuss your Eindings 25 EPS NA Proesrvehd 26 27 ROE frem Na- n m mue byee aresehen 28 ad domagtr dmpmingt 29 Price earnings ratio nk tpnan 30 dm se 31 ividend elda veea h nk Checklist SLA Equity IS BS CF SSE Reuters Industry Data Ratios Exh esc g0 F3 44 F2 F7 % & 2 3 5 A AutoSave OFF SLA 11 Nike for mystudentsF19 Home Insert Draw Page Layout Formulas Data Review View Conditional R A A Calibri (Body) 10 General Format as Tab Paste I Uv $.% Cell Styles Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to save changes to one or more files. Do you want to recover them? fx This assignment requires you to calculate the Price earnings ratio Current stock price/EPS. However, you X A34 A D 29 Price earnings ratio hene Itypenaal 52.99 mle u 30 nk dmani 31 Dividend yield: Invee sa e her 120 nki ll 1 30% con sake dividend yieid from Note 12- 32 ond bock innoe Dividend Per Share 33 Instructions about finding steck price tis not aready included in table above ina asgment requires you to caicuace the Prce er retoarent stocx prce/arowever, you cannot use socys stoce pce me numeraor oecause you are cacung this ratio an of a specfic date. For example, Apple's yearend is Sept 30.,2017 for the curent year and Sept 24, 2036 for the prior year You'd have to find Apeple's stock price on those chanpe in market price yr over yr 35.5% 18.81 34 dates Te find nut Cemeane steck ere ot heth arendsm to hm nanrehnn om In the Search box at top, type in company name 35 36 37 38 39 Cck on Hetorical Data Enter the dane that you want in both the stat and end date of ime Period and click Done and Apply Choose the Close price year end falls on a weekend, use the prior Friday close price 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Ratios Ex SLA Equity SSE Reuters Industry Data Checklist IS BS CF Calibri (Body) 11 I U Paste Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to save X fx E56 C D A 12 Months Ended May 31, 2016 May 31, Consolidated State ments of Income USD ($) $ in Millions May 31, 2018 2017 Income State ment [Abstract] Revenues $ 34,350 $ 32,37 $36,397 19,038 17,4C 20,441 Cost of sales Gross profit 15,312 14,97 15,956 Demand creation expense 3,341 3,22 3,577 Page Operating overhead expense Total selling and administrative expense 7,19 7,934 7,222 10,4E 11,511 10,563 Interest expense (income), net Other expense (income), net Income before income taxes 54 59 (14 (196) 66 4,325 4,886 4,62 3 Income tax expense 4 NET INCOME 5 Eamings per common share: 6 Basic (in dollars per share) 7 Diluted (in dollars per share) 86 2,392 646 $ 1,933 $ 4,240 $3,76 $ 2.2 $ 2.1 $ 0.6 $ 2.56 $ 2.51 $0.70 $ 1.19 $1.17 8 Dividends declared per common share (in dollars per share) 9 0 $ 0.78 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 > Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to s fx XV 126 D C A May 31, May 31, Consolidated Balance Sheets- USD (S) $ in Millions 2018 2017 Cument asse ts: 2 $ 4,249 $3,808 3 Cash and equivalents 4 Short-term investments 5 Accounts receivable, net 6 Inventories 7 Prepaid expenses and other current assets Total curent assets 996 2,371 3,677 3,498 5,261 5,055 1,150 1,130 16,061 15,134 8 9 Property, plant and equipment, net 10 ldentifiable intangible assets, net 11 Goodwill 12 Deferred income taxes and other assets 3,989 4,454 283 285 139 154 2,509 2,787 $ 22,536 13 TOTAL ASSETS 14 Cument liabilities: 15 Current portion of long-term debt 16 Notes payable 17 Accounts payable 18 Accrued liabilities 19 Income taxes payable 20 Total current liabilities $ 23,259 6 $ 6 Page 1 336 325 2,279 2,048 3,269 3,011 150 84 6,040 5,474 21 Long-term debt 22 Defered income taxes and other liabilities 3,468 3,471 3,216 1,907 23 Total liabilities 24 Commitmen ts and contingencies (Note 15) 25 Redeemable preferred stock 26 Shareholders' equity 12,724 10,852 0 0 or Nike, other la 3 27 Common stock at stated value 28 Capital in excess of stated value 29 Accumulated other comprehensive loss 30 Retained eamings 31 Total shareholders' equity 32 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 33 Class A Convertible Common Stock 3 6,384 5,710 essentially AP (92) (213) 3,517 6,907 9,812 12,407 $ 23,259 $ 22,536 34 35 36 Paste Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to save changes to one fx Stock-based compensation X V A8 B C D A 12 Months Ended May 31, May 31, Consolidated State ments of Cash Flows-USD (S) $ in Millions May 31, 2018 2017 2016 Cash provided by operations: $ 3,760 $1,933 $ 4,240 Net income Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operations: Depreciation Deferred income taxes 747 706 649 (273) (80) 647 Stock based compensation 218 215 236 Amortization and other 27 10 13 Net formign curency adjustments Changes in certain working capltal components and other assets and liabilities: Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable (99) (117) 98 (426) 187 60 BIncrease) in inventories Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses and other cument and non-curent assets ncrease (decrease) in accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other curent and non- 5 cumrent liabilities Cash provided by operations 7 Cah provided (used) by investing activities: 8 Purchases of short term investments 9 Maturities of short-term investments o Bales of short-term investments 1 Investments in reverse repurchase agreements 2 Additions to property, plant and equipment 3 Disposals of property, plant and equipment R4 Other investing activities 25 Cash provided (used) by investing activities 26 Cash used by finanding activities: 27 Net proceeds from long-term debt issuance 28 Long term debt payments, including cument portion 29 Increase (decrease) in notes payable 30 Payments on capital lease and other financing obligations 31 Procoeds from exercise of stock options and other stock issuances 32 Repurch ase of common stock 33 Dividends-common and prefemred 34 Tax payments for net share setti ement of equity awards 35 Cash used by financing activities 36 Effect of oxchange ate changes on cash and equivalents 37 Net increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents 38 Cash and equlval ents, beginning of year 39 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR 40 Cah paid duing the year for 41 Interest, net of capitalizmd interest (255) (231) (590) 35 (120) (161) 1,515 (158) (586) 4,955 3,846 3,399 (4,783) (5,367) (5,928) 3,613 3,623 2,924 Page 2,496 2,423 2,386 0 0 150 (1,028) (1,105) (1,143) 3 13 10 (25) (34) 6 276 (1,008) (1,034, 1,482 981 (6) (44) (106) 13 327 (67) (23) (17) (77 733 489 507 (4,254) (1,243) (3,223) (3,238) (1,022) (1,133) (55) (29) (22) (4,835) (2,148) (20) (2,974) (105) (714) 3,852 $3.138 45 441 670 3,808 3.138 $ 4,249 $ 3,808 42 Income taxes 43 Non-cash additions to property, plant and equipment 44 Dividends declared and not pad 125 98 70 529 703 748 45 294 266 252 $ 3 46 $ 300 $ 271 SLA 11 Nike for mystud AutoSave OFF View Review Data Formulas Page Layout Draw Insert Home ab. General A A 11 Calibri $ % 9 0 A v IUv Paste Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to save changes to one or more files. Do you want to recover them? fx Class A Common Stock X F1 A Clas Common Accmulate Cles A Clas Common Ca of So Class A Commen ocCammas eck thamhaden ty-UsO shas in n i M Comman StockCemmen Sock Censedd Tel Cempahnsi Mame ming ock eck Ve ewwww emme) in hen touty e sha e 22 ek eptn m 680 2 Canve Clas&Cemmon ck n sham) Eonnin Ca Comman Meck pusha ef Clas&Commen eck sham) Rpushan ef ClasCommen ck vited ate (348 3.05 common seck nd paed ck shar npley, nt off sham wihhdd tornploye tm m sham mpley st of shas withheld for npley t 305 236 236 hckbs be iseme 760 3,760 (928 Dher mpemsie mo ding 31, 2016 ding hance a May 31, 2036 eo Dece) in chalden yRl ad eck eptens eise n shar e eptons ised Cenenion to Clas Common Stock n sha Canvenion to Clas & Common puchae of Cla Common Stock in share Reuther of Ces Commen Sock vidmds on common stock and prfemed stock wwance of sham tompley, nt of shares withheld fer empley sn nce of sham pley nt of share wiihbeld fer empley tae benl empms Mit incom 928 1,329 353 $3 so 12,25 318 17 $25 525 04 24 Page Page 2 121 10 215 215 4240 4,240 Dhe comphee ineme s) eding e m Ma 31, 2017 nding bde May 31, 2017 omDece) n echelden' teuty Rell fenward eck eptens cd n share) 0311 3,314 329 329 1334 12,407 $,710 6,507 24 s00 600 Canvenias to Oas Common ck n shans Eanvenign to ClasCamen ock esheeof ClanCammen eck n shaml pvtheeef Cla & Commen Stock vidnds an cammon stock and a d stock tunor of shars to enplayn, nt af shans wiened for mpleye ts nce of shas to enplayen, nt of shans winhed for npley t be ompmid 0 14,267 4,013) a.265 0,265) 110 218 218 tincome 1,3 thr comphesive income Do ding Balceahmal mding blance May 33, 3014 wome ecem in elden bquity oll faa dasfcon 104 104 t May 31, 2018 329 129 1,273 1272 IS9812 Ss.384 3.517 S3 ntane ming in accovtance with Au 20802 1 Acung $17 Checklist SLA- Equity IS BS CF HADSSE Reuters Indus AutoSave OFF SLA 11 Nike for mystudentsF19 Home Insert Draw Page Layout Formulas Data Review View Conditional Calibri (Body) A A 10 General Format as T Paste BIU Av $% Cell Styles Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to save changes to one or more files. Do you want to recover them? X fx This assignment requires you to calculate the Price earnings ratio Current stock price/EPS. However, y A34 H A company's equity structure can be quite complicated with common stock, preferred stock and treasury stock Additionally, some companies have more than one "class" of common stock and/or preferred stock Also, authorired shares are ditferent from issued shares and outstanding shares. Identify the following information from our company's equity accounts. MUST link to the financial statement tabs where posible; manual insert only when information is not in a separate cell in the FS. Shaded areas means no data in those cells 1not applicable) 2 shares Authorzed #shares Oubstanding ortnt fatn my be an ffi S Par Value Tetal Cerent Year Totals Prior Tear Current Y yNe to the Prior Prior Yr Gurrent Yr perShare Oangr 4 from Nee 11 frm S Nite 11 5 Preferred Stock 6 Common Stock (Class A) 7 Common Stock (Class B) 8 Additional Paid in Capital 9 Treasury Stock 10 Retained tarnings 11 Accumuld Other Comprehesive inceme ass) 12 Other equity accountls) 13 Total Equity NA. NA NA NA NA 400 million same 2400 millior same 329 1,272 329 no par 1,314 no par 31 3 6,384 5,710 674 3,517 (3,390 6,907 (213) 2) 121 9,812 $12,407 S (2,595) 14 greve ine 15 oalTel SE on 8 TRUE TRUE 15 Using the retained earnings equation, provide the roltorward of retained earnings balance for both current and prier years 16 REroforward insert all ctivity titles below: CurrentYear Prior Year st to Stmt of SE and eok for netained earing 04 cuuned defich colunn fthere are no dividends, insert zere in the oppropriote line item) 17 Beginning balance 18 +net income 19 -dividends 20 other activity in RE sum here all other RE octutyeer SE stt Ending balance 21 22 preve line 24ne 12 aboue FALSE SALSE 23 Calculate the following ratios for your company for the current and prior years and compare to industry averages. Link 24 Current Year Prior Year Industry Discuss your Eindings 25 EPS NA Proesrvehd 26 27 ROE frem Na- n m mue byee aresehen 28 ad domagtr dmpmingt 29 Price earnings ratio nk tpnan 30 dm se 31 ividend elda veea h nk Checklist SLA Equity IS BS CF SSE Reuters Industry Data Ratios Exh esc g0 F3 44 F2 F7 % & 2 3 5 A AutoSave OFF SLA 11 Nike for mystudentsF19 Home Insert Draw Page Layout Formulas Data Review View Conditional R A A Calibri (Body) 10 General Format as Tab Paste I Uv $.% Cell Styles Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to save changes to one or more files. Do you want to recover them? fx This assignment requires you to calculate the Price earnings ratio Current stock price/EPS. However, you X A34 A D 29 Price earnings ratio hene Itypenaal 52.99 mle u 30 nk dmani 31 Dividend yield: Invee sa e her 120 nki ll 1 30% con sake dividend yieid from Note 12- 32 ond bock innoe Dividend Per Share 33 Instructions about finding steck price tis not aready included in table above ina asgment requires you to caicuace the Prce er retoarent stocx prce/arowever, you cannot use socys stoce pce me numeraor oecause you are cacung this ratio an of a specfic date. For example, Apple's yearend is Sept 30.,2017 for the curent year and Sept 24, 2036 for the prior year You'd have to find Apeple's stock price on those chanpe in market price yr over yr 35.5% 18.81 34 dates Te find nut Cemeane steck ere ot heth arendsm to hm nanrehnn om In the Search box at top, type in company name 35 36 37 38 39 Cck on Hetorical Data Enter the dane that you want in both the stat and end date of ime Period and click Done and Apply Choose the Close price year end falls on a weekend, use the prior Friday close price 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Ratios Ex SLA Equity SSE Reuters Industry Data Checklist IS BS CF Calibri (Body) 11 I U Paste Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to save X fx E56 C D A 12 Months Ended May 31, 2016 May 31, Consolidated State ments of Income USD ($) $ in Millions May 31, 2018 2017 Income State ment [Abstract] Revenues $ 34,350 $ 32,37 $36,397 19,038 17,4C 20,441 Cost of sales Gross profit 15,312 14,97 15,956 Demand creation expense 3,341 3,22 3,577 Page Operating overhead expense Total selling and administrative expense 7,19 7,934 7,222 10,4E 11,511 10,563 Interest expense (income), net Other expense (income), net Income before income taxes 54 59 (14 (196) 66 4,325 4,886 4,62 3 Income tax expense 4 NET INCOME 5 Eamings per common share: 6 Basic (in dollars per share) 7 Diluted (in dollars per share) 86 2,392 646 $ 1,933 $ 4,240 $3,76 $ 2.2 $ 2.1 $ 0.6 $ 2.56 $ 2.51 $0.70 $ 1.19 $1.17 8 Dividends declared per common share (in dollars per share) 9 0 $ 0.78 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 > Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to s fx XV 126 D C A May 31, May 31, Consolidated Balance Sheets- USD (S) $ in Millions 2018 2017 Cument asse ts: 2 $ 4,249 $3,808 3 Cash and equivalents 4 Short-term investments 5 Accounts receivable, net 6 Inventories 7 Prepaid expenses and other current assets Total curent assets 996 2,371 3,677 3,498 5,261 5,055 1,150 1,130 16,061 15,134 8 9 Property, plant and equipment, net 10 ldentifiable intangible assets, net 11 Goodwill 12 Deferred income taxes and other assets 3,989 4,454 283 285 139 154 2,509 2,787 $ 22,536 13 TOTAL ASSETS 14 Cument liabilities: 15 Current portion of long-term debt 16 Notes payable 17 Accounts payable 18 Accrued liabilities 19 Income taxes payable 20 Total current liabilities $ 23,259 6 $ 6 Page 1 336 325 2,279 2,048 3,269 3,011 150 84 6,040 5,474 21 Long-term debt 22 Defered income taxes and other liabilities 3,468 3,471 3,216 1,907 23 Total liabilities 24 Commitmen ts and contingencies (Note 15) 25 Redeemable preferred stock 26 Shareholders' equity 12,724 10,852 0 0 or Nike, other la 3 27 Common stock at stated value 28 Capital in excess of stated value 29 Accumulated other comprehensive loss 30 Retained eamings 31 Total shareholders' equity 32 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 33 Class A Convertible Common Stock 3 6,384 5,710 essentially AP (92) (213) 3,517 6,907 9,812 12,407 $ 23,259 $ 22,536 34 35 36 Paste Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to save changes to one fx Stock-based compensation X V A8 B C D A 12 Months Ended May 31, May 31, Consolidated State ments of Cash Flows-USD (S) $ in Millions May 31, 2018 2017 2016 Cash provided by operations: $ 3,760 $1,933 $ 4,240 Net income Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operations: Depreciation Deferred income taxes 747 706 649 (273) (80) 647 Stock based compensation 218 215 236 Amortization and other 27 10 13 Net formign curency adjustments Changes in certain working capltal components and other assets and liabilities: Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable (99) (117) 98 (426) 187 60 BIncrease) in inventories Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses and other cument and non-curent assets ncrease (decrease) in accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other curent and non- 5 cumrent liabilities Cash provided by operations 7 Cah provided (used) by investing activities: 8 Purchases of short term investments 9 Maturities of short-term investments o Bales of short-term investments 1 Investments in reverse repurchase agreements 2 Additions to property, plant and equipment 3 Disposals of property, plant and equipment R4 Other investing activities 25 Cash provided (used) by investing activities 26 Cash used by finanding activities: 27 Net proceeds from long-term debt issuance 28 Long term debt payments, including cument portion 29 Increase (decrease) in notes payable 30 Payments on capital lease and other financing obligations 31 Procoeds from exercise of stock options and other stock issuances 32 Repurch ase of common stock 33 Dividends-common and prefemred 34 Tax payments for net share setti ement of equity awards 35 Cash used by financing activities 36 Effect of oxchange ate changes on cash and equivalents 37 Net increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents 38 Cash and equlval ents, beginning of year 39 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR 40 Cah paid duing the year for 41 Interest, net of capitalizmd interest (255) (231) (590) 35 (120) (161) 1,515 (158) (586) 4,955 3,846 3,399 (4,783) (5,367) (5,928) 3,613 3,623 2,924 Page 2,496 2,423 2,386 0 0 150 (1,028) (1,105) (1,143) 3 13 10 (25) (34) 6 276 (1,008) (1,034, 1,482 981 (6) (44) (106) 13 327 (67) (23) (17) (77 733 489 507 (4,254) (1,243) (3,223) (3,238) (1,022) (1,133) (55) (29) (22) (4,835) (2,148) (20) (2,974) (105) (714) 3,852 $3.138 45 441 670 3,808 3.138 $ 4,249 $ 3,808 42 Income taxes 43 Non-cash additions to property, plant and equipment 44 Dividends declared and not pad 125 98 70 529 703 748 45 294 266 252 $ 3 46 $ 300 $ 271 SLA 11 Nike for mystud AutoSave OFF View Review Data Formulas Page Layout Draw Insert Home ab. General A A 11 Calibri $ % 9 0 A v IUv Paste Recover Unsaved Workbooks. We were able to save changes to one or more files. Do you want to recover them? fx Class A Common Stock X F1 A Clas Common Accmulate Cles A Clas Common Ca of So Class A Commen ocCammas eck thamhaden ty-UsO shas in n i M Comman StockCemmen Sock Censedd Tel Cempahnsi Mame ming ock eck Ve ewwww emme) in hen touty e sha e 22 ek eptn m 680 2 Canve Clas&Cemmon ck n sham) Eonnin Ca Comman Meck pusha ef Clas&Commen eck sham) Rpushan ef ClasCommen ck vited ate (348 3.05 common seck nd paed ck shar npley, nt off sham wihhdd tornploye tm m sham mpley st of shas withheld for npley t 305 236 236 hckbs be iseme 760 3,760 (928 Dher mpemsie mo ding 31, 2016 ding hance a May 31, 2036 eo Dece) in chalden yRl ad eck eptens eise n shar e eptons ised Cenenion to Clas Common Stock n sha Canvenion to Clas & Common puchae of Cla Common Stock in share Reuther of Ces Commen Sock vidmds on common stock and prfemed stock wwance of sham tompley, nt of shares withheld fer empley sn nce of sham pley nt of share wiihbeld fer empley tae benl empms Mit incom 928 1,329 353 $3 so 12,25 318 17 $25 525 04 24 Page Page 2 121 10 215 215 4240 4,240 Dhe comphee ineme s) eding e m Ma 31, 2017 nding bde May 31, 2017 omDece) n echelden' teuty Rell fenward eck eptens cd n share) 0311 3,314 329 329 1334 12,407 $,710 6,507 24 s00 600 Canvenias to Oas Common ck n shans Eanvenign to ClasCamen ock esheeof ClanCammen eck n shaml pvtheeef Cla & Commen Stock vidnds an cammon stock and a d stock tunor of shars to enplayn, nt af shans wiened for mpleye ts nce of shas to enplayen, nt of shans winhed for npley t be ompmid 0 14,267 4,013) a.265 0,265) 110 218 218 tincome 1,3 thr comphesive income Do ding Balceahmal mding blance May 33, 3014 wome ecem in elden bquity oll faa dasfcon 104 104 t May 31, 2018 329 129 1,273 1272 IS9812 Ss.384 3.517 S3 ntane ming in accovtance with Au 20802 1 Acung $17 Checklist SLA- Equity IS BS CF HADSSE Reuters Indus

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