b. Instead suppose Ms. X consumes two tacos with every hamburger. Graph the indifference curve that passes through the point (3,3). If the indifference curve intercepts the axes, label where they intercept. Graph several other representative indifference curves as well. Draw an arrow showing the direction in which the indifference curves are increasing c. For both of the cases above, what type of preferences does Ms X have? What language in the question tipped you off? Are her preferences monotone? Are her preferences strictly convex? Suppose the EPA wants to reduce pollution given a consumer has Ms X's preferences. What do you think will be generally more effective at reducing pollution, applying a per unit tax to enviro-tacos or a per unit tax to polluto burgers? 5. Finally suppose Mr. Z starts eating fast food. Mr. Z is happiest when eating a combination of tacos and hamburgers. Specifically, we know an equation for the set of all tacos and burgers such that Mr. Z is indifferent between eating 5 of each. Mathematically: the set of all points such that: (7, B)~ (5,5) is 5 = =. Where 7 is the number of tacos, B is the number of burgers and ~ symbolizes indifference. a. Assume Mr. Z. is consuming on the indifference curve that passes through (5,5). Find the values for the number of burgers when he is eating 1, 2, 6, and 10 tacos. b. Graph the combination of tacos and burgers above and approximate Mr. 2's indifference curve. C. True or false: (5,5) - (15, 1 2/3). d. Ture or false: (5,5) ~ (6, 4). . Are Mr. Z's preferences convex? Are they montone? 6. Jason also chooses between consuming tacos and burgers. However, after eating 5 burgers, Jason gets tired of burgers and consuming each additional burger makes him more and more sick. Jason is always happy to eat more tacos. a. graph what one of Jason's typical indifference curves could look like: b. Jason still chooses between tacos and burgers. Eating more than 5 burgers still makes Jason sick. However, the government provides no-charge waste disposal facilities such that if he ends up with more than five burgers he can just throw them away without being charged. Now it is essentially possible for Jason to consume more than 5 burgers without getting sick. Graph what a typical indifference curve of Jason's now looks like