Background Course offerings at RIT are fully identified by three data fields. The first identifies the department code, the second identifies the course, and the third identifies the section. For example ISTE-120-03 describes section 03 of course 120 in department ISTE. In addition to this information, course offerings also have an assigned credit value, and sometimes a textbook list. Problem Create a TestCourse class containing a main () method that will instantiate an object from a Course class. The requirements are broken down into 3 levels (see grading rubric, last two pages).t is recommended that the code be written in stages; i.e. complete level 1 before moving on to level 2, etc. Note that the 10-point bonus may be accomplished at any level. Level 1 Requirements (78 points): . Course class: . Has the following String attributes: o departmentCode o courseNumber o sectionNumber Has the following integer attribute: o studentCredit . Has mutators and accessors for all the above attributes . Has a default constructor that sets the attributes to the following values: o departmentCode: "0000" o courseNumber: "000" o sectionNumber: "00" o studentCredit: 0 .Has a parameterized constructor that accepts values to set departmentCode, courseNumber, and sectionNumber and also sets studentCredit to zero. TestCourse class: . Has a main() method . Has separate prompts for departmentCode, courseNumber, and sectionNumber Creates an object of Course named coursel using a parameterized constructor . Prompts for student credit for coursel and uses a mutator to set this value . Prints out a summary of information stored in coursel using the object's accessors Must validate user input for departmentCode, courseNumber sectionNumber, and studentCredit o o o o departmentCode must be 4 characters long courseNumber must be 3 characters long sectionNumber must be 2 characters long studentCredit must be greater than or equal to zero Practical 3 ISTE-120 Page 2 of 8