BACKGROUND ; Socit de transport de Montreal (STM) is the metro public transport system serving 1.4 million daily passengers in the greater Montreal area. STM
; Socit de transport de Montreal (STM) is the metro public transport system serving 1.4 million daily passengers in the greater Montreal area. STM is losing customers each year. Mobile apps have been very popular of late. So STM decided to launch a six month pilot loyalty program to combat this problem. The focus of the program is a mobile app called STM Merci, offering customers coupons and discounts based on user profiles, travel habits, and level of ridership. In addition to providing optimized travel itineraries, STM also planned to use customer data to offer targeted advertising and coupons based on customer interest in collaboration with its partners: retail outlets, restaurants, and malls around its 68 metro stations. One month after the launch, STM obtained a customer survey containing 5490 responses (STM dataset Download dataset) in understanding the relationship(s) between customer attributes with riders and non-riders.
The survey dataset shows the following variables:
- Rider (1-Yes, 0-No)
- id (identifier)
- Age (1-youngest, 7-oldest)
- DistToWork (distance to work in kilometers)
- Education (Grade Level)
- Income (1-lowest, 9-highest)
- NbrInHouseHold (Number of People in Household)
- NbrInHouseHoldUnder18 (Number of People in Household under 18)
- YrsInArea (years in the area)
- Language (1-French, 2-English, 3-Others)
- OwnRent (1-Own, 2-Rent, 3-Parent)
- Gender (1-Male, 0-Female)
- DualInc (Dual Income 1-Yes, 0-No)