/* BarChart * Anderson, Franceschi */ import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.awt.Color; public class BarChart implements ImageObserver { public static final
/* BarChart * Anderson, Franceschi */
import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.awt.Color;
public class BarChart implements ImageObserver { public static final int XMAX = 400; public static final int XSTART = 60; public static final int [] YMAX = { 220, 320, 420, 520 };
// hard code an array of 4 colors private Color [] colors = { Color.BLUE, new Color( 150, 150, 0 ), Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.MAGENTA }; private int [][] data;
private int barSize; private int xStart; private int activity = 5; private int count = 0; private int studentResult; private int exactFrequencyCount; private int exactMinimum; private int key; private boolean checkNewValues;
public BarChart( ) { }
public BarChart( int [][] dArray ) { data = new int [dArray.length][dArray[0].length]; for ( int i = 0; i < dArray.length; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < dArray[i].length; j++ ) { data[i][j] = dArray[i][j]; } } barSize = ( XMAX - 20 ) / data[0].length; studentResult = -1; exactFrequencyCount = -1; exactMinimum = -1; key = -1; checkNewValues = true; }
public void setArray( int [][] dArray ) { for ( int i = 0; i < dArray.length; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < dArray[i].length; j++ ) { data[i][j] = dArray[i][j]; } } }
public void setStudentResult( int newStudentResult ) { studentResult = newStudentResult; }
public void setKey( int newKey ) { key = newKey; }
public int getExactFrequencyCount( ) { return exactFrequencyCount; }
public int getExactMinimum( ) { return exactMinimum; }
public boolean getCheckNewValues( ) { return checkNewValues; }
public void setActivity( int a ) { activity = a; }
public int getActivity( ) { return activity; }
public void updateBarChart( int key, int index1, int index2, Graphics g ) { draw( g ); switch( activity ) { case( 0 ): // create new array values // drawNewArray( index1, index2, g ); break; case( 1 ): // print out the array drawArray( index1, index2, g ); break; case( 2 ): // set all array values of a row to a certain value drawNewValue( index1, index2, g ); break; case( 3 ): // find the minimum in a row drawMinimum( index1, index2, g ); break; case( 4 ): // find the frequency of a value drawFrequency( index1, index2, key, g ); break; } }
public void draw( Graphics g ) { // Draws the original array in 4 colors for ( int i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) { xStart = XSTART; g.setColor( colors[i] );
g.drawString( "Row " + i, xStart - 50, YMAX[i] );
for ( int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++ ) { g.fillRect( xStart, YMAX[i]-data[i][j], barSize-5, data[i][j] ); g.drawString( "" + data[i][j], xStart, YMAX[i] + 15 ); xStart += barSize; } } }
public void drawArray( int index1, int index2, Graphics g ) { // called to "print out the array" // index1 must be less than 4 g.setColor( );
for ( int i = 0; i < index1; i++ ) { xStart = XSTART; for ( int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++ ) { g.fillRect( xStart, YMAX[i]-data[i][j], barSize-5, data[i][j] ); g.drawString( "" + data[i][j], xStart, YMAX[i] + 15 ); xStart += barSize; } }
xStart = XSTART; for ( int j = 0; j <= index2; j++ ) { g.fillRect( xStart, YMAX[index1]-data[index1][j], barSize-5, data[index1][j] ); g.drawString( "" + data[index1][j], xStart, YMAX[index1] + 15 ); xStart += barSize; } }
public void drawNewValue( int index1, int index2, Graphics g ) { g.setColor( ); String s = ""; checkCurrentNewValues( index1, index2 ); if ( checkNewValues ) s = "correctly"; else s = "incorrectly"; g.drawString( "Setting new array elements of row " + index1 + " to " + key, 25, 110 ); g.drawString( "Up to index " + index2 + " , the new values are set " + s, 25, 130 );
// set all values of a row to a certain value g.setColor( ); xStart = XSTART; // g.drawString( "" + data[index1][index2], xStart, YMAX[index1] + 15 ); for ( int j = 0; j <= index2; j++ ) { g.drawString( "" + data[index1][index2], xStart, YMAX[index1] + 15 ); g.fillRect( xStart, YMAX[index1]-data[index1][j], barSize-5, data[index1][j] ); xStart += barSize; } }
public void drawMinimum( int index1, int index2, Graphics g ) { int b = findSubMinimum( index1, index2 ); if ( index2 != -1 ) { g.setColor( Color.BLUE ); g.drawString( "Your current minimum in column " + index2 + ": " + studentResult, 25, 110 ); exactMinimum = b; g.drawString( "Correct current minimum in column " + index2 + ": " + exactMinimum, 25, 130 );
g.setColor( Color.RED ); xStart = XSTART + index2 * barSize; g.drawRect( xStart, YMAX[index1] - data[index1][index2], barSize-5, data[index1][index2] ); g.drawString( "" + data[index1][index2], xStart, YMAX[index1] + 15 ); for ( int i = 0; i <= index1; i++ ) { if ( data[i][index2] == b ) { g.setColor( Color.RED ); g.fillRect( xStart, YMAX[i] - data[i][index2], barSize-5, data[i][index2] ); break; } } } }
public int findSubMinimum( int index1, int index2 ) { int minimum = data[0][index2]; for ( int i = 1; i <= index1; i++ ) { if ( minimum > data[i][index2] ) minimum = data[i][index2]; } return minimum; }
public void drawFrequency( int index1, int index2, int value, Graphics g ) { // called to count frequency of a value // index1 must be less than 4 // index2 must be less than 20
g.setColor( Color.BLUE ); g.drawString( "Your current frequency count: " + studentResult, 25, 110 ); exactFrequencyCount = findExactFrequencyCount( index1, index2, value ); g.drawString( "Correct current frequency count: " + exactFrequencyCount, 25, 130 );
g.setColor( Color.RED ); for ( int i = 0; i < index1; i++ ) { xStart = XSTART; for ( int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++ ) { if ( data[i][j] == value ) g.fillRect( xStart, YMAX[i]-data[i][j], barSize-5, data[i][j] ); xStart += barSize; } }
// last row (incomplete) xStart = XSTART + barSize * index2; g.drawRect( xStart, YMAX[index1]-value, barSize-5, value ); g.drawString( "" + data[index1][index2], xStart, YMAX[index1] + 15 ); xStart = XSTART; for ( int j = 0; j <= index2; j++ ) { if ( data[index1][j] == value ) g.fillRect( xStart, YMAX[index1]-data[index1][j], barSize-5, data[index1][j] ); xStart += barSize; } }
public int findExactFrequencyCount( int rowIndex, int colIndex, int searchValue ) { int currentCount = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < rowIndex; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++ ) { if ( data[i][j] == searchValue ) currentCount++; } } // check current row now for (int j = 0; j <= colIndex; j++ ) { if ( data[rowIndex][j] == searchValue ) currentCount++; }
return currentCount; }
public void checkCurrentNewValues( int index1, int index2 ) { checkNewValues = true; for ( int i = 0; i <= index2; i++ ) { if ( key != data[index1][i] ) checkNewValues = false; } }
public boolean imageUpdate( Image i, int infoflags, int x, int y, int width, int height ) { return true; } }
/* TwoDimArrayPractice * Anderson, Franceschi */
import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.awt.event.*;
public class TwoDimArrayPractice extends JFrame { // GUI components private JButton fillValues; private JButton printArray; private JButton setValues; private JButton findMinimum; private JButton countFrequency;
private ButtonHandler bh;
private static int [][] intArray; private final int ROWS = 4; private final int COLUMNS = 20; private static int current1 = -1; private static int current2 = -1; private int key; private int rowSelected = -1; private int columnSelected = -1; private BarChart bc; private static int counter = 0;
private static TwoDimArrayPractice app; private boolean firstTime = true;
private Image offscreen;
public TwoDimArrayPractice( ) { super( "Choose your activity" ); Container c = getContentPane( ); c.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) );
fillValues = new JButton( "Fill Values" ); c.add( fillValues ); printArray = new JButton( "Print Array" ); c.add( printArray ); setValues = new JButton( "Set Values" ); c.add( setValues ); findMinimum = new JButton( "Find Minimum" ); c.add( findMinimum ); countFrequency = new JButton( "Count Frequency" ); c.add( countFrequency );
bh = new ButtonHandler( ); fillValues.addActionListener( bh ); printArray.addActionListener( bh ); setValues.addActionListener( bh ); findMinimum.addActionListener( bh ); countFrequency.addActionListener( bh );
setSize( 500,550 );
intArray = new int[ROWS][COLUMNS];
// fill with random numbers between 50 and 80 for ( int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < intArray[0].length; j++ ) { intArray[i][j] = (int) ( Math.random( ) * 31 ) + 50; } }
bc = new BarChart( intArray );
// print the array values System.out.println( "Row\tValue" ); for ( int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++ ) { System.out.print( i + "\t" ); for ( int j = 0; j < intArray[i].length; j++ ) { System.out.print( intArray[i][j] + " " ); } System.out.println( ); } System.out.println( );
setVisible( true ); offscreen = this.createImage( getSize( ).width, getSize( ).height ); }
// ***** 1. This method has been coded as an example /** Fills the array with random numbers between 50 and 80 * The instance variable named intArray is the integer array to be * filled with values */ public void fillValues() { for (int row = 0; row < intArray.length; row++) { System.out.print(row + "\t"); for (int column = 0; column < intArray[row].length; column++) { intArray[row][column] = (int)(Math.random() * 31) + 50; System.out.print(intArray[row][column] + " "); animate(row, column); // needed to create visual feedback } System.out.println(); } }
// ***** 2. Student writes this method /** Prints array to the console * Each row is on a separate line. * Each row begins with the row number and then a tab character. * Elements are separated by a space. * The instance variable named intArray is the integer array to be printed. */ public void printArray() { // Note: To animate the algorithm, put this method call as the // last element in your inner for loop // animate(row, column); // where row is the index of the array's current row // and column is the index of the array's current column // Part 2 student code starts here:
// Part 2 student code ends here. }
// ***** 3. Student writes this method /** Sets all the elements in the specified row to the specified value * The instance variable named intArray is the integer array * @param value the value to assign to the element of the row * @param row the row in which to set the elements to value */ public void setValues(int value, int row) { // Note: To animate the algorithm, put this method call as the // last element in your for loop // animate(row, column); // where row is the index of the array's current row // and column is the index of the array's current column // Part 3 student code starts here:
// Part 3 student code ends here. }
// ***** 4. Student writes this method /** Finds minimum value in the specified column * The instance variable named intArray is the integer array * @param column the column to search * @return the minimum value found in the column */ public int findMinimum(int column) { // Note: To animate the algorithm, put this method call as the // last element in your for loop // animate(row, column, minimum); // where row is the index of the array's current row, // column is the index of the array's current column // minimum is the local variable storing the current minimum // Part 4 student code starts here:
return 0; // replace this line with your return statement
// Part 4 student code ends here. }
// ***** 5. Student writes this method /** Finds the number of times value is found in the array * The instance variable named intArray is the integer array * @param value the value to count * @return the number of times value was found */ public int countFound(int value) { // Note: To animate the algorithm, put this method call as the // last element in your inner for loop // animate(row, column, num); // where row is the index of the array's current row, // column is the index of the array's current column, and // num is the local variable storing the current frequency count // Part 5 student code starts here:
return 0; // replace this line with your return statement
// Part 5 student code ends here. }
public void startActivity( int act ) { bc.setActivity( act ); boolean goodInput = false; String answer = ""; switch( act ) { case( 0 ): fillValues( ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Array filled with new values" ); break;
case( 1 ): printArray( ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Array printed" ); break;
case( 2 ): while ( !goodInput || key < 50 || key > 80 ) { try { answer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "Enter a value between 50 and 80" ); if ( answer != null ) { key = Integer.parseInt( answer ); goodInput = true; } else { goodInput = false; break; } } catch( Exception e ) {} } if ( goodInput ) { goodInput = false; while ( !goodInput || rowSelected < 0 || rowSelected > 3 ) { try { answer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "Enter a row number between 0 and 3" ); if ( answer != null ) { rowSelected = Integer.parseInt( answer ); goodInput = true; } else { goodInput = false; break; } } catch( Exception e ) {} } } if ( goodInput ) { bc.setKey ( key ); setValues( key, rowSelected ); String message = ""; if ( bc.getCheckNewValues( ) ) message = " correctly"; else message = " incorrectly"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Values in row " + rowSelected + " set to " + key + message ); } break;
case( 3 ): while ( !goodInput || columnSelected < 0 || columnSelected > 19 ) { try { answer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "Enter a column number between 0 and 19" ); if ( answer != null ) { columnSelected = Integer.parseInt( answer ); goodInput = true; } else { goodInput = false; break; } } catch( Exception e ) {} } if ( goodInput ) { int a = findMinimum( columnSelected ); String feedbackMin = ""; if ( a == bc.getExactMinimum( ) ) feedbackMin = " This is correct"; else feedbackMin = " This is incorrect";
String displayMessageMin = "In column " + columnSelected + ", you found a minimum value of "; displayMessageMin += a + feedbackMin; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, displayMessageMin ); } break; case( 4 ): while ( !goodInput || key < 50 || key > 80 ) { try { answer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "Enter a value between 50 and 80" ); if ( answer != null ) { key = Integer.parseInt( answer ); goodInput = true; } else { goodInput = false; break; } } catch( Exception e ) {} } if ( goodInput ) { int frequency = countFound( key ); String feedbackFrequency = ""; if ( frequency == bc.getExactFrequencyCount( ) ) feedbackFrequency = " This is correct"; else feedbackFrequency = " This is incorrect";
String plural = ""; if ( frequency != 1 ) plural = "s";
String displayMessageFrequency = "You found " + key + " " + frequency + " time" + plural; displayMessageFrequency+= feedbackFrequency;
if ( frequency != -1 ) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, displayMessageFrequency ); else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "You did not find the value " + key ); } break; } enableButtons( ); }
public static int getCurrent1( ) { return current1; }
public static int getCurrent2( ) { return current2; }
public static int getCounter( ) { return counter; }
public static int [][] getArray( ) { return intArray; }
private void animate( int row, int column ) { if ( bc.getActivity( ) >= 0 && bc.getActivity( ) <= 2 ) { try { current1 = row; current2 = column; bc.setArray( intArray );
Graphics g = offscreen.getGraphics( ); paint( g ); g = this.getGraphics( ); g.drawImage( offscreen, 0, 0, this );
if ( bc.getActivity( ) == 0 ) Thread.sleep( 200 ); else Thread.sleep( 500 ); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { System.out.println( "IE Exception " + e.getMessage( ) ); System.out.println( e.toString( ) ); } } else { // call to animate with wrong number of arguments JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Wrong number of arguments to animate method" ); System.exit( 1 ); } }
private void animate( int row, int column, int intermedResult ) { if ( bc.getActivity( ) == 3 || bc.getActivity( ) == 4 ) { try { current1 = row; current2 = column; bc.setStudentResult( intermedResult ); bc.setArray( intArray );
Graphics g = offscreen.getGraphics( ); paint( g ); g = this.getGraphics( ); g.drawImage( offscreen, 0, 0, this );
Thread.sleep( 500 ); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { System.out.println( "IE Exception " + e.getMessage( ) ); System.out.println( e.toString( ) ); } } else { // call to animate has wrong number of arguments JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Wrong number of arguments to animate method" ); System.exit( 1 ); } }
public void paint( Graphics g ) { if ( ( current1 != -1 && current2 != -1 ) || firstTime ) { super.paint( g ); bc.draw( g ); bc.updateBarChart( key, current1, current2, g ); firstTime = false; } }
public static void main( String [] args ) { app = new TwoDimArrayPractice( ); app.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); }
public void disableButtons( ) { fillValues.setEnabled( false ); printArray.setEnabled( false ); setValues.setEnabled( false ); countFrequency.setEnabled( false ); findMinimum.setEnabled( false ); }
public void enableButtons( ) { fillValues.setEnabled( true ); printArray.setEnabled( true ); setValues.setEnabled( true ); countFrequency.setEnabled( true ); findMinimum.setEnabled( true ); }
private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener { private boolean on = true; public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { PrintArrayT t = new PrintArrayT( app );
if ( e.getSource( ) == fillValues ) { disableButtons( ); fillValues.requestFocus( ); bc.setActivity( 0 ); disableButtons( ); t.start( ); } else if ( e.getSource( ) == printArray ) { disableButtons( ); printArray.requestFocus( ); bc.setActivity( 1 ); t.start( ); } else if ( e.getSource( ) == setValues ) { disableButtons( ); setValues.requestFocus( ); bc.setActivity( 2 ); t.start( ); } else if ( e.getSource( ) == findMinimum ) { disableButtons( ); findMinimum.requestFocus( ); bc.setActivity( 3 ); t.start( ); } else if ( e.getSource( ) == countFrequency ) { disableButtons( ); countFrequency.requestFocus( ); bc.setActivity( 4 ); t.start( ); } } }
public void resetButtonSelection( ) { fillValues.setSelected( false ); printArray.setSelected( false ); setValues.setSelected( false ); findMinimum.setSelected( false ); countFrequency.setSelected( false ); }
private class PrintArrayT extends Thread { int [][] arr; TwoDimArrayPractice s1; public PrintArrayT ( TwoDimArrayPractice s ) { arr = TwoDimArrayPractice.intArray; s1 = s; } public void run( ) { startActivity( bc.getActivity( ) ); enableButtons( ); // deselectButtons( ); } } }
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