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Based on material from Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, 10th ed. By Solomon, M., Marshall, G., and Stuart, E. Build a Marketing Plan Template Directions:

Based on material from Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, 10th ed. By Solomon, M., Marshall, G., and Stuart, E. Build a Marketing Plan Template Directions: This template serves as a road map both to develop a marketing plan and to guide you through the course. The first column provides the basic marketing plan outline. The second column gives you questions you must answer in each of the sections of the marketing plan. The third column shows you where to go to find the answers as you work your way through the chapters of the book. By the time youre done, all these pieces will come together and youll understand how real marketers make real choices. The Marketing Plan Outline Questions the Plan Addresses Chapters Where Youll Find These Answers A. PERFORM A SITUATION ANALYSIS 1. Internal Environment: 2. External Environment ? How does marketing support my company's mission, objectives, and growth strategies? ? What is the corporate culture and how does it influence marketing activities? ? What has my company done in the past with its: Target markets? Products? Pricing? Promotion? Supply chain? ? What resources including management expertise does my company have that make us unique? How has the company added value through its offerings in the past? ? What is the nature of the overall domestic and global market for our product? How big is the market? Who buys our product? ? Who are our competitors? What are their marketing strategies? ? What are the key trends in the economic environment? The technological environment? The regulatory environment? The social and cultural environment? Chapter 1: Welcome to the World of Marketing: Create and Deliver Value Chapter 2: Global, Ethical, and Sustainable Marketing Chapter 3: Strategic Market Planning Chapter 4: Market Research Chapter 5: Marketing Analytics: Welcome to the Era of Big Data Based on material from Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, 10th ed. By Solomon, M., Marshall, G., and Stuart, E. The Marketing Plan Outline Questions the Plan Addresses Chapters Where Youll Find These Answers 3. SWOT Analysis B. SET MARKETING OBJECTIVES C. DEVELOP MARKETING STRATEGIES 1. Select Target Markets and Positioning: 2. Product Strategies: 3. Pricing Strategies: ? Based on this analysis of the internal and external environments, what are the key Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT)? ? What does marketing need to accomplish to support the objectives of my firm? ? How do consumers and organizations go about buying, using, and disposing of our products? ? Which segments should we select to target? If a consumer market: What are the relevant demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation approaches and the media habits of the targeted segments? If a business market: What are the relevant organizational demographics? ? How will we position our product for our market(s)? ? What is our core product? Actual product? Augmented product? ? What product line/product mix strategies should we use? ? How should we package, brand, and label our product? ? How can attention to service quality enhance our success? ? How will we price our product to the consumer and through the channel? How much must we sell to break even at this price? What pricing tactics should we use? Chapter 2: Global, Ethical, and Sustainable Marketing Chapter 3: Strategic Market Planning Chapter 4: Market Research Chapter 5: Marketing Analytics: Welcome to the Era of Big Data Chapter 6: Understand Consumer and Business Markets Chapter 7: Segmentation, Target Marketing, and Positioning Chapter 8: Product I: Innovation and New Product Development Chapter 9: Product II: Product Strategy, Branding, and Product Management Chapter 10: Price: What Is the Value Proposition Worth? Based on material from Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, 10th ed. By Solomon, M., Marshall, G., and Stuart, E. The Marketing Plan Outline Questions the Plan Addresses Chapters Where Youll Find These Answers 4. Distribution Strategies: 5. Promotional Strategies: D. IMPLEMENT AND CONTROL THE MARKETING PLAN 1. Action Plans (for all marketing mix elements): 2. Responsibility: 3. Time line: 4. Budget: 5. Measurement and Control: ? How do we get our product to consumers in the best and most efficient manner? ? How do we integrate supply chain elements to maximize the value we offer to our customers and other stakeholders? ? What types of retailers, if any, should we work with to sell our product? ? How do we develop a consistent message about our product? How do we best generate buzz? ? What approaches to Advertising, Sales Promotion, Social Media, Direct/Database Marketing, Personal Selling, and Public Relations should we use? ? What role should a sales force play in the marketing communications plan? How should direct marketing be used? ? How do we make our marketing plan happen? ? Who is responsible for accomplishing each aspect of implementing the marketing plan? ? What is the timing for the elements of our marketing plan? ? What budget do we need to accomplish our marketing objectives? ? How do we measure the actual performance of our marketing plan and compare it to our planned performance and progress toward reaching our marketing objectives? Chapter 11: Deliver the Goods: Determine Distribution Strategy Chapter 12: Deliver the Customer Experience: Bricks and Clicks Chapter 13: Promotion I: Advertising: One to Many Marketing Communications Chapter 14: Promotion II: Social Media Marketing and Other Communication Tools Chapter 3: Strategic Market Planning Chapter 4: Market Research Chapter 5: Marketing Analytics: Welcome to the Era of Big Data 1st part Use theBuild a Marketing Plan Templateto assist you and be sure to include your responses to each question in that div. You should use the questions listed in each section of Part A on the div to formulate your responses. However, your responses should be in paragraph format, not bullet points or Q & A format. This will assist you when you pull together your final Project Summary in Module 14. Note that there are three parts to this segment: Part A-1Internal Environment, Part A-2External Environment, Part A-3SWOT Analysis. Be sure to answer all of the questions provided in the div for each of these three parts. Your final submission must be written in APA format style. Information on APA style can be found in the Learning Module 0 and in the Orientation for this course. Spelling and grammar do count, so utilize the spell check feature to assist you if needed. Part A-1: Internal Environment Rememberthat theinternal environmentincludes any strengths or weaknesses inside the company or organization. Research the Mission Statement, corporate culture, what you have done in the past with your target markets, products, pricing, promotions, and supply chain. etc. Then provide examples of resources (including management expertise) that your company has that made them unique. How has your company added value through its offerings in the past? Be sure to use the questions in the div as a guide to help you research the Internal Environment. Part A-2: External Environment Continue with a review of theexternal environment: Look at various examples outside your focus company to find opportunities and threats. Describe the nature of the overall market (either in terms of theirlocations orsales). Describe their competitors and describe their marketing strategies (who are their targetmarkets,whatproducts do they offer, what pricing strategiesdo they use, what types of promotion do they use, what is their supply chain?Then provide one example each of the key trends that affectyour focus company in terms of the economic environment,changing technology, regulatory environment (this could be a law, lawsuit, recall), and social/cultural environment. Be sure to use the questions in the div as a guide to help you research the External Environment. Part A-3: SWOT Analysis Complete your Situational Analysis with a SWOT analysis of your focus company. What are the key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your company? Includeat least twoof each in your SWOT analysis. Remember thatStrengths and Weaknessescome from internal sources andOpportunities and Threatscome from external sources. When you list these examples,provide a short descriptionof how they relate to your focus company,not a bulleted list. For example, don't just list competition as a Threat - briefly describe who are the competitors of your company and why do you consider them a threat? If you list employees as a strength, give a brief reason why you feel that way. You can use bullet points to respond to this SWOT analysis; but next to each bullet point, provide an explanation or description of each. 2nd part For this section of your project, you are to assume that you are the Marketing Executive of your focus company and preparethree Marketing Objectivesfor your focus company's Marketing Plan, which follows the framework identified in theBuild a Marketing Plan Template. ReviewModule 0: Marketing Plan Project. When writing yourthree objectives, state them in SMART terms. This means thateachof your three objectives should include:
  • Aspecificmetric that ismeasurableusing numbers or percentages
  • The title of the person who you will assign to be responsible for thisagreed uponobjective
  • Arealisticbudget
  • Atime frameor deadline date
State each of your three objectives individually, as each will be worth eight (8) points. Each objective must contain a specific, measurable metric (2 pts), the title of the responsible party that will be in charge of the objective (2pts), an estimated budget (2 pts), and the time frame or deadline for the objective (2 pts). Spelling and grammar do count, so utilize the spell check feature to assist you if needed. You canreviewthe definition of metrics in Chapter 1 and the examples of metrics in Chapter 3 of the textbook. There are also suggested marketing metrics provided in boxes in several of the chapters throughout the text. For each of your three objectives, include a specific metric with measurable amounts or percentages. Name (you can be creative here) who you will assign in your organization to be responsible for each of these objectives. Remember you are the Marketing executive, so you will be delegating these objectives to others in your organization. You can create various titles of department heads if you wish in your delegation of each objective. What will you budget to accomplish this objective? You can be creative with budgeted amounts, but be realistic as well. What is the deadline date or time frame to begin and complete each of these objectives? Here's an example of a good objective below. Do not copy this one for your work, but use the ideas in this example to help you put together your own Marketing Objectives for your focus company. You are required to develop at leastthree (3) SMART objectivesfor your focus company. "We will increase our advertising budget by $300,000 to reach a new Midwestern market through radio and magazine ads by June 2022. We would like to achieve a 5 percent increase in advertising reach using these media sources. The oversight for this budget will be the responsibility of our Director of Finance, and the Advertising Creative Director will allocate funds as needed by his/her staff to complete the new ads. Mock-ups of these new ads should be completed by March 2022 and reviewed by the Advertising Manager no later than April 2022." Note that this example has a specific metric of 5 percent increase in reach, a realistic budget of $300,000,titles of the responsible parties (Director of Finance and Advertising Creative Director)to overseethis objective, and a time frame/deadline date. It meets the criteria of a SMART objective. 3rd part Prepare each of the five sections of the Marketing Strategies section of your Marketing Plan for your focus company. Use theBuild a Marketing Plan Templateto assist you and be sure to include your responses to each question in that div. You should use the questions listed in each section of Part C on the div to formulate your responses. However, your responses should be in paragraph format, not bullet points or Q & A format. This will assist you when you pull together your final Project Summary in Module 14. ReviewModule 0: Marketing Plan Project. You should use the questions listed in each section of Part C on the div to formulate your responses. However, your responses should be in paragraph format, not bullet points or Q & A format. This will assist you when you pull together your final Project Summary in Module 14. Note that there are five parts to this segment:
  • Part C-1 Select Target Markets and Positioning (5 pts)
  • Part C-2 Product Strategies (5 pts)
  • Part C-3 Pricing Strategies (5 pts)
  • Part C-4 Distribution Strategies (5 pts)
  • Part C-5 Promotional Strategies (5 pts).
Your final submission must be written in APA format style. Information on APA style can be found in Module 0 and on the Learning Modules page and in the Orientation for this course. Spelling and grammar do count, so utilize the spell check feature to assist you if needed. This assignmentis the "meat" of your plan, and is the most comprehensive portion of your plan. After reviewingyour situational analysis, and setting up specific and measurable objectives that are time bounded (SMART objectives), the Marketing Strategies will help you establish the bulk of your Marketing Plan going forward. For each section, assume that you are the Marketing Executive providing direction to your people about what your strategies will be for each of these areas. Make sure your responses are complete and meaningful.Be sure to answer all of the questions in these five sections from your Build a Marketing Plan div.Use whatever research you have found on your company as well as any secondary sources to support your responses here.Cite your sources.Each of the 5 sections of this Part C of your marketing plan is worth 5 points. You must provide a complete response for each question in the Build a Marketing Plan div. Part C-1: Select Target Markets and Positioning (5 pts) How do consumers go about buying, using, and disposing of your products? What market segments will you select to target for consumer and/or business markets? Who is your current target market? Identify your market segmentation (demographic, geographic, psychographic).Cite thechanges you'd make here if you were the marketing manager of this company? How would you position your product vs. your competition? Part C-2: Product Strategies (5 pts) What is your core product, actual and augmented product?What product mix/product line strategies would you use? Would you add/delete/contract in your product lines or product mix? Would you recommend upward or downward stretches in your product mix? How should you package, brand, and label your products? Would you consider changes here and why?How can attention to service quality enhance our success? Part C-3: Pricing Strategies (5 pts) What pricing strategies do you recommend this company use? Describe atleast two, after reviewing pricing strategies or tactics in your readings in chapter 10. Support your recommended choices after considering price penetration, skimming, psychological pricing, yield management, quantity discounts, cost plus pricing, trial pricing, bundling, etc. Part C-4: Distribution Strategies (5 pts) Consider your supply chain elements does your company serve the functions of a producer, wholesaler, agent or broker, retailer? Who is in your supply chain? Do you have global or local suppliers? What retailers or distributors do you see yourself using? Are you selling online orjust through retailers, wholesalers, etc.? Part C-5: Promotional Strategies (5 pts) Note:This section of the Marketing Plan pertains to material that will be covered in detail in the upcoming modules. Construct your response by reviewing the questions in the Marketing Plan div that point you to chapters 13 and 14 to guide you. You can then build upon that response in your submission of your Marketing Plan Summary in Module 14. As for promotion, what are your objectives? How will you reach your target audience through buzz or social media? What approaches will you use for traditional advertising, sales promotion, coupons or rebates, direct marketing, personal selling, and public relations?Explain each.What role should your sales force play in the marketing communications plan? 4th part Prepare theImplement and Control the Marketing Plansection of your Marketing Plan for your focus company. Review Module 0: Marketing Plan Project. Use theBuild a Marketing Plan Templateto assist you and be sure to include your responses to each question in that div. You should use the questions listed in each section of Part D on the div to formulate your responses. However, your responses should be in paragraph format, not bullet points or Q & A format. This will assist you when you pull together your final Project Summary in Module 14. Note that there are five parts to this segment:
  • Part D-1 Action Plans (5 pts)
  • Part D-2 Responsibility (5 pts)
  • Part D-3 Time Line (5 pts)
  • Part D-4 Budget (5 pts)
  • Part D-5 Measurement and Control (5 pts).
Your final submission must be written in APA format style. Information on APA style can be found in the Course Project Folder on the Learning Modules page and in the Orientation for this course. Spelling and grammar do count, so utilize the spell check feature to assist you if needed. Part D-1: Action Plans
  • Think about this section from a Marketing Executive position, with you as the Marketing Executive of your focus company. How will you make your marketing plan happen?
Part D-2: Responsibility
  • Who is responsible for accomplishing each aspect of implementing this plan? What is the title of the person who you would assign to do these tasks/objectives?
Part D-3: Time Line
  • What is the timing for each of the elements of your plan? In other words, when would you startand complete these decisions in your strategy? What is your anticipated deadline?
Part D-4: Budget
  • Estimate the budget you will need and how much you are willing to spend for each objective.
Part D-5: Measurement and Control
  • How will you measure the actual performance of this plan using metrics and compare it to your planned performance? If you included this in your Objectives and Strategies segments already, it is much easier to measure and evaluate these implementation questions. Be as specific as possible in your plan. Assign deadline dates, budgets, responsibilities, and elaborate on how you will measure the effectiveness of your plan.Review the concept of marketing metrics and use these tomeasure and evaluate your plan.
5th part Review again, Module 0: Marketing Plan Project. Throughout the semester, you have selected a focus company and completed the requiredfour (4) segmentsto build your Marketing Plan. You submitted each of these four segments individually as graded assignments throughout the semester, giving you the opportunity to obtain feedback and correct or improve needed areas for the completion of theMarketing Plan Project Summary. Your work for each of the four (4) segments was graded on how well you responded toeachof the questions inBuild a Marketing Plan Template. For a complete outline of this project, review the Deliverables outlined in Module 0: Marketing Plan Project at the top of the Learning Modules page. The final piece of this project is your Marketing Plan Project Summary. This isnot a re-submission of your entire Marketing Plan, but a summary of the key points. It should include a complete discussion of the topics listed in each of the four paragraphs below. Your Project Summary should consist of four paragraphs and address the following: Paragraph #1:Summarize the results of your situational analysis of your focus company. Briefly summarize the internal environment, external environment and the SWOT analysis. Comment on at least one strength, weakness, opportunity and threat that you feel are most impactful for your focus company. Paragraph #2:Discuss what you believe is the most important SMART objective for your focus company and comment on how you developed your metrics for this objective. What impact do you expect it to have on the overall future of the company? How does it affect your competition? Paragraph #3:Identify what you believe should be your "top two" marketing strategies identified in section C of the Build a Marketing Plan div. (Recall those were Target Market, Product, Pricing, Distribution, and Promotion.) Why are these important to your plan? Then, comment on your core product and target market, including its make-up and current status. Include comments on any product changes that you identified (e.g. packaging, pricing, promotion, distribution, etc.). Paragraph #4:Discuss how this part of your plan will operate in terms of timing, budgets, and responsible parties. As the marketing executive, what type concerns do you have which may affect the success of this plan? How do you plan on measuring success? Conclude this paragraph with any final thoughts, including what you view as the most important concept that you learned regarding the preparation of a Marketing Plan. You will also need to cite at least two outside references, using APA formatting, that you used for this project.Do not useyour textbook or Wikipedia as a reference. You can cite websites, newspapers, magazines, trade journals, etc. Complete your references using theAPA Formatting and Style Guide.

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