based on the table below, using the last available quarter's information, how do I calculate the percentage (the proportion) of each of the categories listed below in nominal GDP and real GDP? Gross domestic productpersonal consumption expendituresgross pyruvate domestic investmentmeet experts of good and servicesgovernment consumption expenditures and gross investmentI am confused as to what specific numbers from the table I use in order to calculate the percentages to get the above mentioned categories into percentages for both nominal GDP and real GDP. please provide the formula to include the correct numbers from the table using the last available quarter's information.
Billions of dollars Billions of chained (2012) dollars Change from preceding Seasonally adjusted at annual rates Seasonally adjusted at annual ratus period Line Ling 2022' 2021 2022 2022 2021 2022 2022 2022 Q4 01 02 03 Q1 Q2 03 Gross domestic product (GDP) 25,4627 24,349.1 24,740.5 25,248.5 25,723.9 25,138.0 20,014.1 20,006.2 19,924.1 19,895.3 20,054.7 20,182.5 404.3 159.4 127. 2 Personal consumption expenditures 17.357.2 15,518.0 16 874.8 17,251.3 17,542.7 17.749.9 14,130.3 13,951.5 14,025.4 14,099.5 14,178.6 14,2149 376.2 78.1 36.3 3 Goods 5,941.3 5,673.7 5,8432 5,953.6 5,988.6 5,950.0 5,5359 5,586.7 5,565.7 5,529.5 5,524.5 5,523.4 -24.1 -5.1 0.9 Durable goods 2.185 5 2,1016 2.1839 2,1818 21958 2.1804 22590 2,2335 2.2751 2.2592 2 2544 2,2473 48 -72 5 Motor vehicles and parts 7232 696.0 737.1 724.5 717 8 574.7 573.6 594.7 578.7 559.8 565.5 -39.3 -190 5.8 5 Furnishings and durable household equipment 5257 498.5 5168 525.1 532 8 528.0 519.4 522.5 5184 517.6 521.0 520.5 .18.1 3 3 -0.4 6 Recreational goods and vehicles 645 5 623.6 641.4 640.5 655.4 644.B 857.9 890 1 893.2 9137 906.6 545 215 -72 7 Other durable goods 291.1 283.5 268.6 291.7 294.5 289.7 341.1 338.0 3402 343.8 345.2 335.1 14.5 14 -10.2 Nondurable goods 3.7559 3,572.1 36593 3,771.9 37927 3,799.6 3.3196 3,371.7 3,334.1 3,313.5 33127 3,317.9 -16.6 5.2 9 Food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption 1 277.6 12390 12485 1,2604 1,2899 1,3115 10383 1,0833 1,0627 1,0353 1027.6 1,0276 -43.7 -76 DO 10 11 Clothing and footweer 491.4 472.8 4805 458.6 498.9 492 4 490.9 485.1 489.9 496 9 497.7 6.0 70 0.8 11 12 Gasoline and other energy goods 492 8 4306 4745 5410 4923 4636 4354 450.2 438 4 4360 4329 434.3 2.4 -3.1 15 12 13 Other nondurable goods 1,494.1 1,429.6 1,4558 1,481.9 1,511.7 1,526 8 1,3240 1,314.8 1,315.7 1,322.7 1,327.3 1,330.4 24.7 47 3.1 13 11,4158 10,844.3 11,031.6 11,307.7 11,554.1 11,759.9 8,7335 8,548.2 8,6130 8,709.6 8,785.4 8,823.2 372.4 341 14 14 Services 15 Household consumption expandinures (for services) 10,888 7 10,356.5 10.6254 10,779.2 11,015.6 11,2345 8389.1 8,2349 82704 8,359.0 8.4357 8,488.4 365.9 79.7 49.7 15 16 Housing and utilities 2.906.6 2.829.4 2896.1 2.858.4 3.027.3 3.104.5 2.171.7 2.149.1 2.165.9 2.170.5 2.189.3 2.180.9 24.9 11.5 16 17 Health care 2.7259 2,650.9 2.6734 2,684.8 2742.8 2.802.6 2.3003 2,276.1 2.2735 2,276.0 2307.0 2,344.8 63.8 30.9 37 8 17 Transportation services 547.3 4970 6551.6 560.6 5705 436.3 433.1 431.5 439.0 435.8 435.8 41.1 -02 -29 18 19 Recreation services 6154 579.6 5909 610.3 6220 638.3 4827 459.0 471.4 481.8 486 0 491.5 47.7 43 6.5 19 20 Food services and accommodations 1 2536 1,159.2 1.1780 1,247.0 1.277.4 1,312.1 911.8 8794 8797 913.1 924.5 929.7 81.5 114 5.2 20 21 Financial services and insurance 1,3159 1,312.1 1,3098 1,309.1 1,3209 1,327.7 8924 838.4 884.8 838.9 900.4 895.6 18.3 11.8 4.9 21 22 Other services 1,4330 1,3275 1,3707 1,4180 1,4645 1,4787 1,2163 1,1578 1,1832 1,209.9 1,235 8 1,236.3 94.1 26 0 05 22 23 Final consumption expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households 527.1 480.6 5062 2 528.5 5385 535.4 3485 337.9 3 345.1 353.5 3633 340.9 74 -03 -12.4 23 Gross output of nonprofit insttuions 1,870.3 1,807.0 1.821.2 1,830.1 1.803.4 1,927 4 1,421.2 1,4137 1,407.4 1,4069 1,430.8 1,439.9 25.0 239 9.1 24 24 36 Less: Receipts from sales of goods and services by nonprofit institutions 1,3432 1,318.4 1,315.1 1,310.6 1.355.0 1,3920 1.075.9 1,080.4 1,064.0 1,054.6 1,080.1 1,105.0 17.3 25 5 248 25 143.9 -931 40.3 26 26 Gross private domestic investment 4,532 5 4,499.2 4,471.0 4,609.9 4,579.1 4,659.8 3,746.9 3,841.4 3,8925 3,747.0 3,653.9 3,694.1 27 Fixed investment 4,473.5 4,259.2 4,413.6 4,464.6 4,508.2 4,508.0 3,568.2 3,586.2 3,626.6 3,581.9 3,550.5 3,516.0 -5.4 -31.5 -34.5 27 28 Nonresidential 3.347.0 3,111.8 3.2250 3,290 2 3.4034 3,467 5 2944.8 2.830.2 29150 2,915.5 2969.7 2,988.8 109.4 29.1 26 29 Structures 651.3 6103 3 631.2 654.8 691.9 4462 460.7 455.6 5 440.4 436.4 452.6 -31.3 40 16.3 29 30 1,3223 1,221.2 1.277.8 1,299.5 1.3620 1,350.1 1.274.0 1,232.0 1.2657 1,259.1 1291.3 1,279.8 521 321 -11.4 30 Equipment 31 Information processing equipment 457.7 441.3 458.5 469.1 439.1 568.7 556.7 579.0 5 569.6 582 3 543.8 28.3 126 -38.5 31 315 8 2984 3158 318.7 3133 3195 264.8 263.0 2709 266 7 258 9 262.6 13.6 32 Industrial equipment -78 37 32 33 Transportation equipment 250.8 206.8 2085 224.0 269.4 301.1 233.5 208.2 205.3 249.1 266.3 10.7 37.0 172 33 34 Other equipment 297.1 272.7 2093 298 3 3002 300 5 238.1 2345 2418 241.8 236 2 232.7 1.9 -58 -35 34 35 Intellectual property products 1.373.4 1,280.4 1.319.9 1,351.4 1.395.6 1,415.5 1.254.5 1,188.8 1.219.6 1,215.9 1.265.7 1,285.8 101.5 20.8 19.1 35 36 Software 587.2 528.5 5451 658.9 5793 6437 589.7 6157 630.9 663 5 674.5 69.4 226 21.0 36 Research and development 696.0 658.4 674.3 693.9 702.7 713.4 539.5 527.3 534.3 541.7 540.3 541.7 27.6 1.5 37 38 Entertainment. Inorary and artistic originals 110 1 $75 1006 108.7 1146 1164 91.8 $4.9 85.1 909 11.7 40 0.6 36 39 Residential 1,126 6 1,1473 1,1886 1,1724 1,104.8 1,040 5 6431 710.3 7047 671.0 620.0 576.7 -78.3 -510 43.3 39 40 Change in private inventories 158 9 240.0 257.4 145.4 70.9 125.0 197.6 2145 110.2 38 7 136.5 144.4 -71.5 97.9 40 41 Farm -89 49 -66 -95 -121 -74 -184 -98 -15 5 -19.5 -224 -16.3 -145 -29 61 41 42 Nonfarm 167.8 244.9 154.9 83.0 169 2 137.6 202 2 223.6 123.6 55 5 147.7 153.6 -68.1 92 2 42 1. Real gross domestic income is gross domestic income deflated by the implicit price deflator for gross domestic product Note. Users are cautioned that particularly for components that exhibit rapid change in prices relative to other prices in the economy, the chained-dollar estimates should not be used to measure the component's relative importance or its contribution to the growth rate of more aggregate series. For accurate estimates of the contributions to percent changes in real gross domestic product, use table 2. Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis Table 3. Gross Domestic Product: Level and Change from Preceding Period--Table Ends Billions of dollars Billions of chained (2012) dollars Change from preceding Seasonally adjusted at annual rates Seasonally adjusted al annual rates period Line Line 2022" 2022 202 2021 2027 2022 202 2022 04 01 02 03 04 04 01 03 03 CA' 43 Net exports of goods and services -975.0 -14.7 -1,116.7 -1,035.6 -490.8 -857.1 -1,356.7 -1,297.6 -1,438.7 -1,430.5 -1,263.8 -1,236.6 -1233 1618 10 2 43 44 Exports 2.975.8 2,7330 2,811.2 3,038.8 3,0650 2,838.3 2.534.4 2465.7 2,436.9 2,516.9 2.804.1 2,578.6 167.6 -244 44 Goods 2064.2 1,5782 1.9409 2134.7 2.141.2 2,040.0 1.837.7 1,7935 1,7602 1,8249 1.901.0 1864.8 108 8 78.1 362 45 57 7 130 8.9 45 45 Services 911.6 8549 8704 $23.8 948.3 714.1 690.3 6930 708.5 7225 731.4 47 Imports 3,950.9 3,647.7 3,927.9 4074.4 3,9558 3,845.4 3,891.0 3,763.3 3,925.5 3,947.5 3,872.9 3,8182 2909 -74.6 -54.7 47 48 Goods 3 277.2 3,0290 3289.3 3.394.8 3.2697 3,156.0 3.359.6 32582 34127 3,409.5 3333.4 32830 216.6 -75.1 -50.4 45 6737 618.7 638 6 679.6 68 686.1 690 4 553.0 527.5 5390 560.1 $59.0 5637 68 8 1.1 53 49 Government consumption expenditures and gross investment 4,448.1 4,246.7 4,311.4 4,412.8 4,493.0 4,575.4 3,406.5 3,412.9 3,393.4 3,379.5 3,410.6 3,4425 -19.8 31.1 31# 50 51 Federal 1,846.7 1,612.8 1,613.1 1,622.7 1,657-1 1,693.4 1,355.3 1,371.5 1,353.0 1,341.3 1,353.7 1,373.0 -35.3 12.4 19.3 51 62 National definse 924.9 904 4 898.7 918.3 935.3 947.4 769.3 778.8 781.7 764.5 773.3 777.8 -22.1 89 4.3 62 63 -15.1 Consumption expenditures 7324 7103 702.4 728.5 743.1 751.4 601.4 603.9 5928 597.3 808.5 609.1 92 2.6 63 54 Circes investment 1926 194.1 1904 191.8 1922 196.0 168.6 176.0 169.9 167 9 167.4 169 2 -71 -05 18 54 Nondefense 721.7 708 4 7144 704.4 721.8 746.4 583.B 590.5 588 9 574.8 578.3 593.0 -13.3 3.5 14.7 55 56 Consumption expenditures 536.6 5334 521.8 535.1 426.3 435.2 4332 418.9 432 2 -17.0 2.1 11.2 56 57 Gross investment 185.1 1750 179.3 182.6 186.7 1919 157.6 154.2 155 7 156.2 157.6 161.1 43 15 3.5 57 58 State and local 2.801.4 2,633.9 2,698.2 2,790.0 2,836.0 2,631.6 2.051.2 2,042.7 2,040.7 2,037.8 2056.5 2,069.8 13.3 18.7 13.3 58 80 59 Consumption expend hines 23221 2,180.1 2,2385 2,325.6 2,3460 2,3782 1,705.9 1,6924 1,6964 1,7010 1,709.0 1,717.1 24 8 82 59 Gives investment 453 8 4645 490.0 5034 345.3 350.2 344 3 3368 347.5 3525 -115 106 5.1 60 -201.3 -159.1 -149.8 -1682 -225.0 -264.1. ... 81 61 Residual Addenda: Gross domestic income (GO ) 25 681.8 24,473 3 25.017.5 25.517.8 26.967.6 25143 20.170.3 20.108.2 20.147.2 20,107 5 20.244.6 201854 482.1 137 2 -58 3 62 63 Average of GDP and GD 25 5621 24,411 2 24,879 0 25,383.1 25,8458 26140.5 20,092.2 20,057 2 20,035 6 20,0014 20,149.6 201844 428 2 1483 348 63 64 Final sales of domestic product 25.303.8 24.109.1 24.483.1 25,103.1 25.6530 25.9762 19.8421 19,759.2 19.569.8 19,735.9 19.954.2 20.0084 260 8 2183 $42 64 Gross domestic purchases 26 437.8 25,263 8 25.857 2 26,284.0 26.614.8 26,895.1 21.267.5 21,221.1 21.297.3 21,206.9 21,227.1 21,335.6 492.7 182 109 5 65 85 Final sales to domestic purchasers 26 278.9 25,023 8 25.590.7 26, 138.7 26.5439 26,833.3 21,093.1 20.970.1 21.0384 21,047 3 21,126.2 21,160.5 3459 78.9 342 65 87 Final sales to private domestic purchasers | 21.830.8 20,777.1 21,288.4 21,725.9 22.060.8 22.257 9 17.698.2 17.567.4 17.656.9 17,680.5 17.727.2 17,728.1 369.7 45.7 09 67 65 GDP 25,4627 24,349.1 24,740.5 25,248.5 25,723.9 26,138.0 20.014.1 20,005.2 19,924.1 19,895.3 20.054.7 20,182.5 4043 159.4 127 68 69 Plus: Income receipts from the rest of the world 1.2962 1,1209 1,147.1 1,231.3 1,2921 13546 1,0067 937.1 9423 990.6 1,027.1 10657 772 365 39.7 69 Less: Income payments to the rest of the world 1.078.8 9395 9584 1,023.3 1.1306 1203.1 864.3 785.5 787.4 8234 4 895.8 9475 82 8 754 48.7 70 71 Equals: Gross national product 25,640.1 24,530.6 24,929.2 25,456.4 25,8854 26289.5 20,158.2 20,159.3 20,0804 20,063.7 20,184.9 203039 3969 1213 1190 71 72 Net domestic product 21.1780 20,364 3 20.626 9 21,005.4 21 3658 217129 16.601.4 16.659.7 16.561.0 16,496.3 15 628.5 15.731.0 2986 1332 102 6 72 r Revised 1. Real gross domestic income is gross domestic income deflated by the implicit price deflator for gross domestic product