Brands No Longer See Metaverse-Like Worlds as Abstract Gimmicks Bruell, Alexandra, Wall Strect Journal (Online); New York, N.Y., 29 Nov 2021. Facebook's announcement that it was investing $10 billion in the coming year on developing a metaverse environment and changing its name to Meta Platforms Ine. got the attention of major brands and advertisers. Your case study assignment this week is to explain what the metaverse is and how companies/brands can use the platform to improve brand recognition and get existing customers more engaged. Please read the attached WSJ article or locate the article in UNM's Global Newsstream Database and answer the following questions: 1. First, explain what the metaverse is and how consumers interact with brands in the metaverse. Refer to the information presented in the article as well as your textbook to support your responses to this question. 2. What companies or brands do you think should be investing in a metaverse strategy? Critically evaluate why and how these companiesbrands can benefit from expanding into the metaverse. Support your response with information from your textbook or other sources (be sure to cite these appropriately). The answer to each question should be at least a paragraph in length. Do not simply bullet ideas - discuss and explain in full sentences. NUMBER your responses to each question. Discuss your answers thoroughly and use relevant teminology from the chapters for full credit! NOTE: It is your responsibility to: 1) ensure that you submitted the correct document (you can verify what you submitted by going to "Gindes"); and 2) verify your assignment was properly submitted (watch for a confirmation email and/or check for "submitted" in "Grades"). Formatting requirements: - Write clearly and concisely and nun a grammar and spelling check. - Separate your answers in numerical order. In other words, please do not type one long paragraph. - Submit this submission as a Word document