- Breoh Even Units - Fued Costs / Price - Unt Variable Cowt) - Break-Even Price = Variabie Cost - (Fxed Costs / Projoctod Unats) - Break-Even Plevenum + Break-Even Unas x Price compiner wal rourd 1 to a whole number Quesnow 2 What would be the break-even unta if the price was iuwerd to $2.907 What woig be the break even revenues at a price of $2.900 is price perag to $300 r units. Break-Even Analysis There are severalormulas that wil be helpilc this assonment - Break-Even Unis = Fixed Costs / Price - Unit Varishie Cost) - Break-Even Price = Variabie Cost + Fixed Costs / Projectod Units) - Break-Even Revenues = Break Ever Unes x Price compuler will round it to a whole number. QUESTION 3 Ol course, most businesses would wke to do more than break even. They would like to make a profit instead Calculate the tarpes profit breakeven if the owner would fike to make $1,500 of profit each week, given that foed costs are $11,000 and the price and cost of a cup of coffee are $320 and $0.40, respectivety units In the early woeks of the cato's existence, the owner expected lo lose money but didn't want lose more than $3 100 each week. What quantly of cups would need to be sold for that level of a loss? If the value you compule is not a whole number, found up to the neareat whole number units Shone rouc wark or lexes acemment The cafe manager thirks that break-even calculations could heip wath their pricing decison. What would be the break-even price for a volume of 3,900 cups of cotfee. if fixed costs are $13,000 and variable costs are 50.40,1 14 the manacer knows that, with curent stating, the maximum number of cups the cale could produce was 5,100, what would be the break-0ven price at trat level? 5 It the cale decided to price at the beokk-aven price for their maxmum capacity, which of the following statements would be true