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Bullet1_nsp Bullet1_sp Bullet_i_sp K 6. C. Styles Interpret the results. Ratio analysis is not necessary. (4 marks) The Riverdale Prevention of Domestic Abuse Association is

Bullet1_nsp Bullet1_sp Bullet_i_sp K 6. C. Styles Interpret the results. Ratio analysis is not necessary. (4 marks) The Riverdale Prevention of Domestic Abuse Association is an NFPO that has been operating for eight years as of December 31, 2021, its latest year end. Its mission is to provide immediate refuge for clients experiencing or threatened with domestic violence. It rents office and other space in several locations across a community in a mid-sized Canadian city, and it provides the following services. Emergency residence for victims of abuse Drop-in counselling 24-hour crisis helpline Emergency childcare services Community charity shop In addition to the programs noted above, the association puts on a gala fundraising event in February of each year. This activity consumes most of the time and effort of management and staff for the four to five weeks preceding it and is difficult to pull off. However, the event is very successful. To the end of December 31, 2020, net fundraising over the years has totaled $600,000 in unrestricted funds. because of The emergency residence and childcare programs have been operating since the association was formed. These programs are the primary beneficiary of fundraising revenue. They perennially lose money because provincial grants and other related revenue are insufficient to cover costs. Maintenance and security at the residence are expensive, and most clients are unable to pay even a small amount of rent. Program managers and staff are hard to retain financial constraints and the emotional toll of providing the service. High costs also limit the number of spaces in the residence. Demand significantly exceeds supply. Some funding is received from the provincial government. Besides the usual 2021 grant, an additional $100,000 grant was received in December 2021 to cover 2022 emergency residence expenses. The 24-hour crisis helpline began operating in 2021 The crisis helpline is also difficult to staff, Foultions experience high turnover because of the voluntary nature of much of the work, emotional stress, and low salaries for employees. The helpline operates out of the administration office and uses about 20 percent of its other supplies and its rent, utility, and interest expenses. The emergency childcare service is housed in one room of the other supplies expenses emergency residence and about 10 percent of rent, utility, interest, and Display Settings Foo I 12 ENG US PPTA PT et1_nsp Bullet1_sp Editing Dictate Editor tyles 5 Voice Editor Drop-in counselling services are provided by a trained staff member. A federal grant covers salary and benefits for this person. The program has low employee turnover and requires little management oversight. Use of office space and supplies is negligible. Other than the emergency residence program, the community charity shop generates most of the revenue for the association, despite competition from other charity shops in the area. However, the activity requires constant supervision by management. Fortunately, staff and volunteer turnover is low. The shop is housed in a separate rented location near the administration offices. The current board is in the midst of a strategic planning session and has decided to use balanced scorecard/strategy mapping and matrix mapping processes as evaluation tools. Audited financial statements for the year are included in Appendix A, excluding notes. The statements are prepared on the restricted fund basis. The statement of operations and changes in net assets shows only direct revenue and expenses associated with each program. This includes the salaries of program directors and their staff. The value of services donated to each program by arms-length volunteers is estimated and recorded in each program. Only the value of goods purchased and re-sold in the charity shop is conded. The value of goods donated to the charity shop are not recorded. Year-end inventory reported on the statement of financial position relates to durchased inventory held for resale in the charity shop When queried, the executive director prided a rough percentage breakdown of the time the executive decor and operations staff spent on ach Operations Fundraiser Emergency Cap Crises Emergency Charity shildcare shop 20% residence 5% 10% Required: (Assume you are a member of the board) Balanced scorecard/strategy mapping " (40 marks) Choose four perspectives and develop a balanced scorecard for the Association Describe two strategic objedives for each of the four c perspectives and identify ated measure for each objection (4 marks) Devilpa vagy mas Eglen yonale for skage (2 marks) Display Settings Focus 50% ENG Ax US 8:13 PM 2022-07-29 11 3 A A Aa P Uab x, x AA Font b. Matrix mapping i C. d. n. Choose four criteria by which to evaluate the social impact of the Association's activities. (2 marks) Subjectively evaluate the Association's activities based on the information in the case and your chosen criteria. Use a table and provide brief explanations of your rankings below the table. (2 marks) Create a matrix map manually or using software like Excels. You may revise the financial information to reflect what you believe is more accurate. Note any changes, with explanations. An Excel template is linked in the Assignment 2 Dropbox. Einancial performance R. (6 marks) Without reference to ratios, make four observations about the Association's financial performance on an overall and program-by- program basis. (4 marks) Evaluate the financial performance of the Association using ratio analysis, including comparisons to prior years. Use yearly totals for calculations, not individual program figures Show any calculations on which your observations are based. Use a table similar to that in Appendix C for your results. Rabio definitions are unnecessary. (8 marks) Make four recommendations about strategy and changes to financial operations for the association, with reasons (12 marks) ES B English (United States Accessitality Investigate EZ + A Fundraising K Bullet_i_sp Bullet1_nsp Bullet1_sp Styles Appendix Audited Financial Statements Riverdale Prevention of Domestic Abuse Association Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets For the Year Ended December 31, 2021 Con's 9529 Sale of goods 50 20 009 320 700 Experim 50 Cost of purchased goods ON 100 3062 31 04 (d) of " ADDY 1 ASUS DIR EFF 729 (50005) Charity 2021 2020 shee total 1250 $310 35 25 20 40 270 205 05 670 550 600 375 B 20 6:00 1990 1,640 50 500 200 200 219 De as 300 730, 690 X 20 20 40 140 40 125 SEE 29 1065 50% 5 OSER 3525 REFERT 22 1125 Display Sings from ENG US 8 9 0 ert Draw Design Layout References Mailings Review Verdana 11 AA Aa PoE E BIUab x, x AA TEX Current assets Cash Donations receivable Inventory Prepaid rent Cement Sebilities Operating loan Accounts payable WAY 1121 words Font 12 Appendix A (continued) Riverdale Prevention of Domestic Abuse Association Statement of Financial Position al December 31, 2021 Vi Para (5000) Emerg O's Drop Counsel 24-hour Emerg Chanty 2021 2020 shop total total 5401 $30 3 176 $592 $600 5 3 20 20 19 4 48 40 $410 $40 $10 15 30 $200 $665 $672 445 25 470 577 15 50 70 20 400 25 5401 540 647 (420) 30 150 125 25 $40 $10. $5 10 $200 1665] 1472 English (obility stigne 2 2 O 7 cuSign D Bullet_i_sp Bullet1_nsp Bullet1_sp Editing Styles Appendix A (continued) Riverdale Prevention of Domestic Abuse Association Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended December 31, 2021 (5000) Energ Drop in Emery Charity 2021 2020 Cons shop total total Operating activities, Cash from fundraising, $170 225 Cash from donations S el 120 300 Cash from grants 39 300 50 670 550 Cash from vele of goods 600 600 575 Cached to pers (201) (201) 10 (100) (290) 1341 [00] (730) (690) (400) DE [say (520) CHRY (200 (242 Cash from eating activities S 20 9 4 (43) Cesh and cash start 1975) TE 1255 M Cash and cand 3122 Represented Operating m 10 8 9 0 $38 " $176 000 (4700 15223 15 14251 ENG US Activity Fundraising Paragraph Appendix B Summary of Matrix Map Information Emergency residence Drop-in counselling 24-hour helpline Emergency shieldcers Community charity shop Liquidity ratios Bullet_i_sp Impact Total revenue Net revenue Appendix C Summary of Financial Ratios 2021 2020 2012 Current ratio Add test ratio Operating cash flow rate Profitability ratio iny vestige a 1.10 0.01 Net ftratio 0.02 Revenue to total assets ratio 2.78 Return on total sets rab 0.01 Debt travels are OSS Ending affomoto Charitable expenerate Amin, afficient 0.18 8.30 0.00 ASUS CID I Display Se Tools View BrandonSkinner ACCT345v1 Assignmen 6. The Riverdale Prevention of Domestic Abuse Association is an NFPO that has been operating for eight years as of Decem- ber 31, 2021, its latest year end. Its mission is to provide immediate refuge for clients experiencing or threatened with domestic violence. It rents office and other space in several locations across a community in a mid-sized Canadian city, and it provides the following services Emergency residence for victims of abuse Drop-in counselling 24-hour crisis helpline Emergency childcare services Community charity shop In addition to the programs noted above, the association puts on a gala fundraising event in February of each year. This activity consumes most of the time and effort of management and staff for the four to five weeks preceding it and is difficult to pull off. However, the event is very successful. To the end of December 31, 2020, net fundraising over the years has totaled $600,000 in unrestricted funds The emergency residence and childcare programs have been operating since the association was formed. These programs are the primary beneficiary of fundraising revenue. They perennially lose money because provincial grants and other related revenue are insufficient to cover costs. Maintenance C P e re of Dr me per littl is n Oth char 22C Partly 2 3 T 4 5 L EN1 CAS 90 9 7 W E R T Y S D F G H Z X C V B 0 A ment2 Saved to this PC- and security at the residence are expensive, and most clients are unable to pay even a small amount of rent. Program: managers and staff are hard to retain because of financial constraints and the emotional toll of providing the service. High costs also limit the number of spaces in the residence. Demand significantly exceeds supply. Some funding is received from the provincial government. Besides the usual 2021 grant, an additional $100,000 grant was received in December 2021 to cover 2022 emergency residence expenses. The 24-hour crisis helpline began operating in 2021. The crisis helpline is also difficult to staff. Positions experience high turnover because of the voluntary nature of much of the work, emotional stress, and low salaries for employees. The helpline operates out of the administration office and uses about 20 percent of its other supplies and its rent, utility, and interest expenses. The emergency childcare service is housed in one room of the emergency residence and uses about 10 percent of rent, utility, interest, and other supplies expenses. Drop-in counselling services are provided by a trained staff member. A federal grant covers salary and benefits for this person. The program has low employee turnover and requires little management oversight. Use of office space and supplies is negligible Other than the emergency residence program, the community charity shop generates most of the revenue for the asso SUS 8 - ENG US 9:00 PM 2022-07-29 backspace 9 Tools View BrandonSkinner ACCT345v1 Ass ciation, despite competition from other charity shops in the area. However, the activity requires constant supervision by management. Fortunately, staff and volunteer turnover is low. The shop is housed in a separate rented location near the administration offices. The current board is in the midst of a strategic planning session and has decided to use balanced scorecard/strategy mapping and matrix mapping processes as evaluation tools. Audited financial statements for the year are included in Ap- pendix A, excluding notes. The statements are prepared on the restricted fund basis. The statement of operations and changes in net assets shows only direct revenue and expenses associated with each program. This includes the salaries of program directors and their staff. The value of services do- nated to each program by arms-length volunteers is estimated and recorded in each program. Only the value of goods pur- chased and re-sold in the charity shop is recorded. The value of goods donated to the charity shop are not recorded. Year- end inventory reported on the statement of financial position relates to purchased inventory held for resale in the charity shop: When queried, the executive director provided a rough per centage breakdown of the time the executive director and operations staff spent on each: 22C Partly sunny 66 2 0 b. 40 D 4223 05 3 3 4 5 6 W E R gnment2 Saved to this PC- Operations Fundraiser Emergency 5% 10% 30% Drop-in Chas counseling line 5% Emergency Chanty 10% childcare 20% shop 20% Required: (Assume you are a member of the board.) (40 marks) a. Balanced scorecard/strategy mapping Choose four perspectives and develop a balanced score- card for the Association. Describe two strategic objec- tives for each of the four BSC perspectives and identify one associated measure for each objective. (4 marks) Develop a strategy map. Explain your rationale for link- (2 marks) ages. b. Matrix mapping I Choose four criteria by which to evaluate the social im- pact of the Association's activities. (2 marks) Subjectively evaluate the Association's activities based on the information in the case and your cho- sen criteria. Use a table and provide brief ex- planations of your rankings below the table. (2 marks) SUS 8 9 4 ENG dx 10 US 9:00 PM 2022-07-29 O backspace o View d. BrandonSkinner ACCT345v1 Assignment Create a matrix map manually or using software like Ex- cel. You may revise the financial information to reflect what you believe is more accurate. Note any changes, with explanations. An Excel tem- plate is linked in the Assignment 2 Dropbox. (6 marks) Financial performance L Without reference to ratios, make four observations about the Association's financial performance on an over- all and program-by-program basis. (4 marks). Evaluate the financial performance of the Association us- ing ratio analysis, including comparisons to prior years. Use yearly totals for calculations, not individual program figures. Show any calculations on which your obser- vations are based. Use a table similar to that in Appendix C for your results. Ratio definitions are unnecessary. (8 marks) Make four recommendations about strategy and changes to fi- nancial operations for the association, with reasons marks) (12 Tundr Donat 2C wtly sunny CUS 6 1-3 233 9 2 3 4 5 6 onment2 Saved to this PC- Appendix A Audited Financial Statements 1218 ******** I H 40 270 240 2020 Oplay Seting ENG 10 US 9:00 PM 2022-07-29 E BO 8 9 buckspac Tools View Cat Opping 22C ---- Bles_____- I 3 BrandonSkinner ACCT345v1 Chanty 2021 hital .,: the $600 20 19 .. 7 - L 13 4 -- 5 SL Dent2 Saved to this PC- Appendix A (continued) Statement of Cash Flow Cash from Cash from d Cach from gras Cah sele Cach 3170 29 Cath and s ON 1971 * Chanty shop 2021 $170 B 130 670 600 CREE tran (200 225 35 106 8122 Q 82 8 ENG US 9:01 2022-07 55 View BrandonSkinner ACCT345v1 Appendix B Summary of Matrix Map Information tivity ndraning mergency readence rop in counselling 4-hour helpine mergency childcare ommunity charity shop Impact Total revenue Net revenue Appendix C Summary of Financial Ratios Current rate Acd-test ratio Operating cnh flow ratio Probability Revenue to total tum on total Leverage rat 22C Partly sunny Funding foncy re Charitate experti An efficiency at 2001 2010 2019 1.06 1.10 0.01 0.02 2.78 0.01 0.95 0.18 080 1538 ASU C 121 anment2 Saved to this PC- *administrative expenses are defined as rent, utilities, interest, and other supplies. SUS ENG US 9:01 2022-07

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