C++ code please
4.27 LAB*: Industrial process (Part 1) Program Specifications Part 1: Figure 1 shows a cylindroal tank with a conical base typically used in a chemnal industral process. If the licud level is whthin the corical part, the volume is simply the conical volume of liquid, if the liquid level is midrange in the cylindrical part, the total volume of liquid includes the filed conical part and the partially filled cylindrical part. Design a code to output the liquid volume (with two digits after the decimal point for all casec) as a function of the given user'svalues of R. and d, where the depth is less than 3R. Qutput an error message (Overtop? if you onertop the tank ie. d>3R. Also, output error message if the user enters invalid values for d and R. Note that the terk tadius is R Hint: The volume of a cone with height, he and a circle base of raduis, A, is: V cone (1/3)R22h NOTE: Figure to illustrate the process is availabie on Canvas. Ex. If the input is: 10.9 The output is: Diease enter the Liquid level in metera; Please enter the radius of the cone in meteris: The tank 11qu1d wolume 181.02 cuble teters. Lood default tecoplate... 4.28 LAB*: Industrial process (Part 2) Program Specifications Part 1: Use the develaped code in 4.27LABt : Industrial process (Part 1) Part 2: Considering that the previous tank is a reservoir of a chemical product used lo sugply tiniker tricken it a ifquired to endare that the volurne of a chemical in the tarki is preater than the volurne of the tarker lruck. For thin, bulding on the grevious problens deselog. I code to determine If the tank nos the minimum requrod volume of chemical product to fil the tanker truck: Oc if it is necensary to refil the tank if go how lony would it take? Ausume that the tanker truck volume (Vfruck) and intake flow of chemicai f) to fil the reservol are given infonnabon. Note: Figures to lllustrate the process are avalable on Canis: Note. "N/a' should not be outputted