C H 01 ce BSBWOR501 gtlgmmc Manage personal work priorities and professional development 67. To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow: To: You From: Gavin Stead (gavin.stead@cbsa.com.au) Dateftime: Wednesday 4:42 PM Subject: Workplace Stress Research To You, 68. Our workplace has a high rate of incidents related to stress and internal research shows that staff don't know how to maintain a work life balance. I would like you to undertake some research and report on the signs and impact of stress, strategies that staff can use at home and at work to manage their stress, and the benefits of health and wellbeing programs for the organisation. Can you also recommend four health and wellbeing programs that CBSA will support during business hours? Kind Regards, Gavin Stead 3: __ Managing Director 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000 CBSA Phone: 1800 111 222 Complete Business Solutions Wb sa.com.au Australia WW TASK 69. Based on the email, you are to complete the following task: 70. Using a word processor, prepare a report of approximately two pages that outlines your research and your recommendation for the four health and wellbeing programs, including: - The signs and impact of stress - Strategies that staff can use at home and at work to manage their stress - The benefits of health and wellbeing programs for the organisations they work for - Four health and wellbeing programs 71. Your recommendations should be based on evidence of effectiveness and success and include enough detail for the Managing Director to decide on whether to proceed. Be sure to quote your sources of information. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR TASK 2: Scheduling technology report for PartA. Weekly schedule for PartA. Modified weekly schedule for PartA. Email for Part A. Version: v2.0!April 2018 Choice Academic College Page 22 0f 42 RTO 411?? | CRICOS 03652