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C++ Help The hash table needs to be array-based using unique_ptr arrays. No linked lists allowed. Support the normal create/retrieve/exists/remove methods.Support resizing of the internal

C++ Help

The hash table needs to be array-based using unique_ptr arrays. No linked lists allowed. Support the normal create/retrieve/exists/remove methods.Support resizing of the internal arrays when the hash table hits 75% capacity. I need help with the HashTable Class where it says //todo




#include #include #include

//To prevent those using g++ from trying to use a library //they don't have #ifndef __GNUC__ #include #else #include #endif

//forward declarations template class HashTable;

using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::map; using std::unique_ptr; using std::string; using std::stringstream;

//************************************************************************ //A class I designed to help keep track of how much memory you allocate //Do not modify, this is not part of your assignment, it just helps test it. //For this to work, a class needs to inherit off of this one. //Then this does the rest of the work, since it //overloads new, new[], delete, and delete[]. //************************************************************************ class ManageMemory { public:

static std::size_t getTotalSize() { std::size_t total = 0; std::map::iterator iter; for (iter = mapOfAllocations.begin(); iter != mapOfAllocations.end(); ++iter) { total += iter->second; } return total; }

//I overloaded the new and delete keywords so I could manually track allocated memory. void* operator new(std::size_t x){ void *ptr = ::operator new(x); mapOfAllocations[ptr] = x; return ptr; } void* operator new[](std::size_t x) { void *ptr = ::operator new[](x); mapOfAllocations[ptr] = x; return ptr; } void operator delete(void* x) { mapOfAllocations.erase(x); ::operator delete(x); } void operator delete[](void* x) { mapOfAllocations.erase(x); ::operator delete[](x); } private: static std::map mapOfAllocations; }; std::map ManageMemory::mapOfAllocations;

//************************************************************************************ //A quick and simple class that simulates a product object. //************************************************************************************ class product { public: void setCost(int cost); void setName(const string&); string getName(); int getCost(); string getAllInfo(); private: string name; int cost; }; void product::setCost(int cost) { this->cost = cost; } void product::setName(const string& name) { this->name = name; } string product::getName() { return name; } int product::getCost() { return cost; } string product::getAllInfo() { stringstream ss; ss << "Name: " << name << ", Cost: " << cost; return ss.str(); }

//**************************** //The keyvalue pair class //**************************** template class KeyValuePair { public: //Default constructor KeyValuePair() {}

//Copy assignment operator KeyValuePair& operator=(const KeyValuePair& obj) { KeyValuePair temp; return temp; }

//Copy constructor KeyValuePair(const KeyValuePair& obj) { this->key = obj.key; this->value = obj.value; }

//Move consturctor KeyValuePair(KeyValuePair&& obj) { this->key = std::move(obj.key); this->value = std::move(obj.value); }

//Constructor to copy L-values KeyValuePair(const string& key, const T& value) { this->key = key; this->value = value; }

//Constructor to move R-values KeyValuePair(const string& key, T&& value) {

this->key = key; this->value = std::move(value); }

string key; T value; };

//****************** //The HashTable class //****************** template class HashTable : public ManageMemory { public:; unsigned int getNumBuckets() { return capacity; } unsigned int getTotalCount() const; unsigned int getWorstClump() const;

// TODO: Create the array and initialize the 3 arrays // (note that you don't have to initialize the array values to default values, make_unique does that for you!) HashTable();

HashTable(const HashTable& obj) { cout << "Failed homework issue: You hit the HashTable copy constructor. That's bad!" << endl; } HashTable& operator=(const HashTable& obj) { cout << "Failed homework issue: You hit the HashTable copy assignment. That's bad!" << endl; HashTable temp; return temp; }

//TODO: Add an operator= move method. This involves moving all the unique pointers. Also copying over the ints and setting the source ints to zero. HashTable& operator=(HashTable&& obj);

//TODO: supply these methods //create(const string& key, T&& item); //method for R - values //retrieve(const string& key); //method(return by value, acts as a read only retrieve) //operator[](const string& key); //method(return by reference which can allow for modification of values) //exists(const string& key); //method(returns a boolean) //remove(const string& key); //method

//Note, for simplicity, don't do a by reference create method. private: //TODO: This private method can be helpful to reduce code duplication //void create(const string& key, T&& item, std::unique_ptr& status_arr, std::unique_ptr& key_arr, std::unique_ptr& value_arr); unsigned int hash(const string& key) const;

//TODO, create a capacity, count, int array called status_arr, string array called key_arr, and a T array called value_arr. The arrays should be unique_ptr data types //The capacity should be initialized to 10 //The count should be initiliazed to 0 //Don't initialize the arrays, they initialize themselves.

};// end class HashTable

template unsigned int HashTable::hash(const string& key) const {

return std::hash{}(key) % capacity;


template unsigned int HashTable::getTotalCount() const { unsigned int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) { if (status_arr[i] == 1) { count++; } } return count; }

template unsigned int HashTable::getWorstClump() const { unsigned int clumpCount = 0; unsigned int maxClump = 0; for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) { if (status_arr[i] == 1) { clumpCount++; } else { if (clumpCount > maxClump) { maxClump = clumpCount; clumpCount = 0; } } } if (clumpCount > maxClump) { maxClump = clumpCount; } return maxClump; }

//This helps with testing, do not modify. template string NumberToString(T Number) { stringstream ss; ss << Number; return ss.str(); }

//This helps with testing, do not modify. bool checkEmpty(string testName, string whatItIs) {

if (whatItIs != "") { cout << "Passed " << testName << ", the data was " << whatItIs << endl; return true; } else { cout << "***Failed test " << testName << " *** " << endl << " No data was found! " << endl; return false; } }

//This helps with testing, do not modify. bool checkTest(string testName, string whatItShouldBe, string whatItIs) {

if (whatItShouldBe == whatItIs) { cout << "Passed " << testName << endl; return true; } else if (whatItShouldBe == "") { cout << "****** Failed test " << testName << " ****** " << endl << " Output was '" << whatItIs << endl << "' Output should have been blank" << endl; return false;

} else { cout << "****** Failed test " << testName << " ****** " << endl << " Output was " << whatItIs << endl << " Output should have been " << whatItShouldBe << endl; return false; } }

//This helps with testing, do not modify. bool checkTest(string testName, int whatItShouldBe, int whatItIs) {

if (whatItShouldBe == whatItIs) { cout << "Passed " << testName << endl; return true; } else { cout << "****** Failed test " << testName << " ****** " << endl << " Output was " << whatItIs << endl << " Output should have been " << whatItShouldBe << endl; return false; } }

//This helps with testing, do not modify. bool checkTestMemory(string testName, int whatItShouldBe, int whatItIs) {

if (whatItShouldBe == whatItIs) { cout << "Passed " << testName << endl; return true; } else { cout << "***Failed test " << testName << " *** " << endl << " There are " << whatItIs << " bytes of memory yet to be reclaimed!" << endl; return false; } }

//This helps with testing, do not modify. void testSimpleIntHash() {

HashTable myHash;

//Test #1, add "Jazz" into our hash with a key of 6. Try to retrieve it. myHash.create("6", "Jazz"); checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #1", "Jazz", myHash.retrieve("6"));

//Test #2, attempt to get the Jazz using the operator[] code. checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #2", "Jazz", myHash["6"]);

//Test #3, attempt to change the value at this location: myHash["6"] = "Nuggets";

checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #3", "Nuggets", myHash["6"]);

//Test #4, //See if we can find it if (myHash.exists("6")) { checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #4", "", ""); } else { checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #4", "This test should have found an item with key \"6\"", "This test did NOT find an item with key \"6\""); }

//Test #5, see if we can find something that doesn't exist yet. if (myHash.exists("1234")) { checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #5", "This test should NOT have found an item with key \"1234\".", "This test found an item with key \"1234\""); } else { checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #5", "", ""); }

//Test #6, removing it from the hash myHash.remove("6"); if (myHash.exists("6")) { checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #6", "This test should NOT have found an item with key \"6\".", "This test found an item with key \"6\""); } else { checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #6", "", ""); }

//Add more into the hash myHash.create("13", "Lakers"); myHash.create("25", "Bulls"); myHash.create("101", "Pelicans"); myHash.create("77", "Bucks"); myHash.create("12", "Thunder"); myHash.create("42", "Nets"); myHash.create("97", "Timberwolves"); myHash.create("123", "Hornets"); myHash.create("500", "Mavericks");

//Attempt to retrieve some checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #7", "Thunder", myHash.retrieve("12")); checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #8", "Bucks", myHash.retrieve("77")); checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #9", "Hornets", myHash.retrieve("123"));

//Now count up how many are in there checkTest("testSimpleIntHash #10", 9, myHash.getTotalCount());

//Now just verify that they aren't clumping up badly. int worst = 0; worst = myHash.getWorstClump(); if (worst > 10) { cout << "Failed testSimpleIntHash #11! There exists a clump of " << worst << " consecutive items, it shouldn't be worse than 10." << endl; } else { cout << "Passed testSimpleIntHash #11. Your worst clump was " << worst << " items." << endl; }


void testHashOfObjects() {

//Create a HashTable. We want this to be a hash table with int keys, string object values, //And we also supply the hash function we want to use for integers..

HashTable myHash;

//Test #1, add in a studentObject. Try to retrive it. product tempProduct; tempProduct.setCost(5); tempProduct.setName("Silly string"); myHash.create("12341-51231", std::move(tempProduct)); checkTest("testHashOfObjects #1", "Silly string", myHash.retrieve("12341-51231").getName());

//Test #2, attempt to get the product using its ID code checkTest("testHashOfObjects #2", "Silly string", myHash["12341-51231"].getName());

//Test #3, see what happens if two products have the same ID code. This should overwrite the former. tempProduct.setCost(18); tempProduct.setName("Novelty foam hat"); myHash["12341-51231"] = tempProduct; checkTest("testHashOfObjects #3", "Novelty foam hat", myHash["12341-51231"].getName());

//Test #4, //See if we can find it if (myHash.exists("12341-51231")) { checkTest("testHashOfObjects #4", "", ""); } else { checkTest("testHashOfObjects #4", "This test should have found an item with key 12341-51231", "This test did NOT find an item with key 12341-51231"); }

//Test #5, see if we can find something that doesn't exist yet. if (myHash.exists("56756-75675")) { checkTest("testHashOfObjects #5", "This test should NOT have found an item with key 56756-75675.", "This test found an item with key56756-75675"); } else { checkTest("testHashOfObjects #5", "", ""); }

//Test #6, removing it from the hash myHash.remove("12341-51231"); if (myHash.exists("12341-51231")) { checkTest("testHashOfObjects #6", "This test should NOT have found an item with key 12341-51231.", "This test found an item with key 12341-51231"); } else { checkTest("testHashOfObjects #6", "", ""); }


//This helps with testing, do not modify. void testHashofHashes() {

HashTable< HashTable > studentAssignments; studentAssignments.create("Alice", HashTable());

HashTable tempHash2; studentAssignments.create("Bob", HashTable());

HashTable tempHash3; studentAssignments.create("Karl", HashTable());

//Give alice some assignment scores studentAssignments["Alice"].create("1", 73); studentAssignments["Alice"].create("2", 65); studentAssignments["Alice"].create("4", 91); //Ensure it went in checkTest("testHashofHashes #1", 65, studentAssignments["Alice"]["2"]);

//And Bob studentAssignments["Bob"].create("1", 90); studentAssignments["Bob"].create("3", 84); studentAssignments["Bob"].create("4", 99);

//And Karl studentAssignments["Karl"].create("1", 92); studentAssignments["Karl"].create("2", 92); studentAssignments["Karl"].create("3", 87); studentAssignments["Karl"].create("4", 10);

//Now find the average of assignment 4 scores int average = (studentAssignments["Alice"]["4"] + studentAssignments["Bob"]["4"] + studentAssignments["Karl"]["4"]) / 3; checkTest("testHashofHashes #2", 66, average);


void testRehashing() {

HashTable myHash;

//Throw in more items. int key = 0; stringstream out; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

//this next part just helps create some variation in generated W#s... if (i % 2 == 0) { key += 17; } else if (i % 3 == 0) { key += 23; } else if (i % 5 == 0) { key += 51; } else if (i % 7 == 0) { key += 13; } else { key += 71; } //convert an int to a string via help from the stringstream class out.str(""); out << key; string temp = out.str();

out.str(""); out << "a-" << i; string value = out.str(); myHash.create(temp, std::move(value)); //Just add a bunch of letter a's }

//Make sure they all go in there. checkTest("testRehashing #1", 10000, myHash.getTotalCount());

//Make sure the capacity is large enough checkTest("testRehashing #2", 20480, myHash.getNumBuckets());

//Verify one of the values in the hash table. checkTest("testRehashing #3", "a-2345", myHash.retrieve("76154"));

int worst = myHash.getWorstClump(); if (worst > 1000) { cout << "Failed testRehashing #4! There exists a clump of " << worst << " consecutive items, it shouldn't be worse than 1000." << endl; } else { cout << "Passed testRehashing #4. Your worst clump was " << worst << " items." << endl; }

//Remove the key "184275". myHash.remove("184275"); if (myHash.exists("184275")) { checkTest("testRehashing #5", "This test should NOT have found an item with key \"2437968\".", "This test found an item with key \"2437968\""); } else { checkTest("testRehashing #5", "", ""); } //There should be one less value now checkTest("testRehashing #6", 9999, myHash.getTotalCount());

HashTable productHash; product tempProduct; //Now throw in many more items. int value = 0; string skey; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { //this next part just helps create some variation for our produce ID codes. if (i % 2 == 0) { value += 107; } else if (i % 3 == 0) { value += 83; } else if (i % 5 == 0) { value += 47; } else if (i % 7 == 0) { value += 131; } else { value += 53; } skey = "12345-"; out.str(""); if (value < 100000) skey = skey + "0"; if (value < 10000) skey = skey + "0"; if (value < 1000) skey = skey + "0"; if (value < 100) skey = skey + "0"; if (value < 10) skey = skey + "0"; out << value; string temp = out.str(); if (temp.length() > 5) { temp = temp.substr(0, 5); } skey = skey + temp; //Whew, that took a while, but the W# is in key, and is ready to go

//Create the student record, and load in values. tempProduct.setName("Acme product"); tempProduct.setCost(rand() % 41);

//Testing the hash table "add" method productHash.create(skey, std::move(tempProduct)); }

//Make sure one went in correctly. Retrieve it. checkEmpty("testRehashing #7", productHash["12345-002112"].getAllInfo());

//Make sure they all go in there. checkTest("testRehashing #8", 10000, productHash.getTotalCount());

//Now test how good your int hash function is. worst = productHash.getWorstClump(); if (worst > 1000) { cout << "Failed testRehashing #9! There exists a clump of " << worst << " consecutive items, it shouldn't be worse than 1000." << endl; } else { cout << "Passed testRehashing #9. Your worst clump was " << worst << " items." << endl; }


void pressAnyKeyToContinue() { cout << "Press any key to continue...";

//Linux and Mac users with g++ don't need this //But everyone else will see this message. #ifndef __GNUC__ _getch();

#else int c; fflush(stdout); do c = getchar(); while ((c != ' ') && (c != EOF)); #endif cout << endl; }

int main() {

testSimpleIntHash(); checkTestMemory("Memory Leak/Allocation Test #1", 0, ManageMemory::getTotalSize()); //pressAnyKeyToContinue();

testHashOfObjects(); checkTestMemory("Memory Leak/Allocation Test #2", 0, ManageMemory::getTotalSize()); //pressAnyKeyToContinue();

testHashofHashes(); checkTestMemory("Memory Leak/Allocation Test #3", 0, ManageMemory::getTotalSize()); // pressAnyKeyToContinue();

testRehashing(); checkTestMemory("Memory Leak/Allocation Test #4", 0, ManageMemory::getTotalSize()); pressAnyKeyToContinue(); return 0; }

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