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C++ Programing, This project will provide practice in using pointers, dynamic allocation, classes and multidimensional arrays. You will implement several functions that will create, manipulate,

C++ Programing, This project will provide practice in using pointers, dynamic allocation, classes and multidimensional arrays. You will implement several functions that will create, manipulate, and release WordLists. A WordList is a C++ class that has the following member variables:

class WordList {


unsigned int m_count; // Number of words currently in list unsigned

int m_max_words; // The total size of the list.

char** m_list; // The list storing the words

}; The m_list will be dynamically allocated through the functions you will implement. The m_list will be essentially an array of cstrings. Recall that cstrings are character arrays that are null terminated (\0), see the end of the specification for more details on cstrings. The member variable m_list can also be viewed as a 2-dimensional array of characters, or a matrix of characters. For example, lets suppose we have a WordList named wordlist that has been allocated enough space for 5 words but only stores the following three: harry ron hermione. Suppose we created wordlist with the following: WordList *wordlist = new WordList(5);



wordlist->addWord("hermione"); With m_max_words = 5, and m_count = 3. Observe that the rows in this matrix are the words and the columns are the characters of the words. You may assume that words will be no more than 19 characters in length ( +1 for the null character) and that words stored in the list contain no white space. For the sake of simplicity lets make our member variables public (something you can always do when youre developing so it is easier to test, just make sure you make them private again before you submit), we can then do something like this: cout << wordlist->m_list[0][2]; which will output the third character in the first word, or the first r in harry. Also, cout << wordlist->m_list[1]; will output the entire second word or ron. Note that empty cstrings (cstrings with just the null character) will not be considered words for this project. Following this, there should be no empty slots between words in the list. For example, the following is an invalid m_list and would be considered incorrect. In order to be valid, hermoine would have to be moved to the second row and the m_count would be 2 words (m_max_words 5). IMPORTANT: For this and every class you create, the member variables must be consistent with the intended state of the class. That is to say for this project, that m_max_words of the WordList must always be consistent with the amount of memory allocated to store that many words; if you allocated enough space to store ten words, then m_max_words must be 10. If you change the size of the WordList then you must adjust m_max_words accordingly. Further, the m_count must reflect the intended number of stored words. Any inconsistencies in this regard will result in buggy code. Note that a quick way to clear the WordList is simply to set count to 0, that way when words are entered into the list they overwrite the contents starting from the beginning of the list. You may not use or include the string library, or any other libraries not already included. However, you are provided with and may use the functions in the cstring library, e.g. strlen, strcpy, strcmp, etc; discussed in further detail at the end of this specification. A bit about nullptr nullptr in most programming languages refers to the value zero. Weve seen the null character when we discussed cstrings, which has the value 0 in ASCII encoding. With regards to pointers, a nullptr pointer is one that points to nothing. We can explicitly do this by calling int *ptr;

ptr = nullptr; // ptr points to nothing Where nullptr is defined by the language. Recall that when we declare a variable, we have no guarantees about what may be at the memory location, unless we explicitly set its value. With pointers, it can be more dangerous since we have no guarantees about what address is stored in that pointer, and if we accidentally access that address the behavior is undefined, but we would hope that our program would crash. So, it is often necessary to either initialize or set our pointers to point to nothing until we have use for them. What you get: You will be provided with three files in addition to this specification, all three files need to be present in your project/working directory in order to compile. You will create three objects.

wordlist.cpp: This file will contain your function implementations. You cannot change the function signatures for the functions described in this specification or include any libraries not already included.

main.cpp: This file will have your main function. You will be testing your algorithms and functions using main, so you may make any changes you want. We will be using our own main to test.

wordlist.h: This file contains the class definition for WordList. Do not make any changes to this file. Do not submit this file. When you setup your environment with these files, make sure everything compiles without error before making any changes.

Meet the functions In addition to the specific instructions for each function, none of your code should result in memory leaks or unintended aliasing of dynamically allocated variables. Weve seen examples in lecture on how these situations can cause severe bugs in any program. Function 1: WordList(const int max_words); Specification: Constructs an empty WordList that is allocated enough space to store max_words many words. If max_words is less than 1, set m_list to nullptr and the other member variables should be made consistent with this state. Otherwise, will allocate a new WordList with zero word m_count, and allocates enough memory to store m_max_words, sets the member variable max_words appropriately. Will return the address of the newly allocated WordList on success.

Usage: WordList *wordlist = new WordList(5); // new WordList can store 5 words Function 2: WordList(const WordList &other); Specification: Copy constructor for WordList, constructs a new WordList from an already existing WordList. The newly constructed WordList should have the same attributes as the existing one, but it should own its own dynamically allocated memory.

Usage: WordList existinglist(5); // WordList can store 5 words

//... Some WordList operations

if (...) {

WordList newList(existinglist); // Copy Constructor

} // Should not results in undefined behavior

Function 3: ~WordList();

Specification: Destructor for WordList. Releases any dynamically allocated memory.

Usage: Called when a WordList leaves scope, like in Function 2 Usage, or when delete is called on a

dynamically allocated WordList: delete wordlist; // From Function 1 Spec

Function 4: int printList() const; Specification: Prints all the words in WordList in a single line with spaces between each word, then followed by a newline after the last word. Returns the number of words printed. If m_list is nullptr there is nothing to print, return -1.

Usage: WordList *wordlist = new WordList(5); //... add harry ron hermione into list int retval = printList(wordlist); // print harry ron hermione to console

Function 5: char* getAt(const int index) const;

Specification: Returns the word at the index position in the WordList. If the index is out of bounds return nullptr.

Usage: //Assuming wordlist is the example in the beginning of the spec

char* word = wordlist->getAt(1);

if (word != nullptr)

cout << word << endl; //ron

Function 6: int getCount() const;

Specification: Returns the number of words currently stored in the WordList.

Usage: //Assuming wordlist is setup to the example in the beginning of the spec

for (int i = 0; i < wordlist->getCount(); i++) {

cout << wordlist->getAt(i) << " ";

} //pritns harry ron Hermione Function 7: int addWord(const char word[]);

Specification: Adds the word into WordList (words have no spaces). If WordList does not have enough space to add word, addWord will resize with just enough space to allow for the addition of word. If addWord needed to resize then return 1, otherwise if there already enough space to add word without resizing, return 0. If word is empty do nothing return -1. If m_list was nullptr, everything above still holds true except return -2.

Usage: WordList *wordlist = new WordList(5); // Dynamically allocate

// WordList can store 5 words



wordlist->addWord("hermione"); //wordlist is identical to

//example at beginning of spec

Function 8: int removeWord(const char word[]);

Specification: If m_list is nullptr, returns -1. Otherwise, searches for every occurrence of word[], and removes that word of the list, returns the number of words removed.

Usage: WordList serenity(10);











// prints "Mal Inara Wash Jayne Kaylee Simon River Wash " serenity.removeWord("Wash"); // :(


// prints "Mal Inara Jayne Kaylee Simon River " Function 9: int appendLists(const WordList* src_list);Dificulty: 2

Specification: Appends the contents of *src_list to the WordList. If WordList does not have enough space appendList should dynamically allocate enough space to append the contents of *src_list to WordList, returns number of words appended. If *src_list is nullptr or empty appendList does nothing and returns -1. If this WordList::m_list is nullptr everything above still holds but returns -2.

Usage: WordList wordlist1(0);


wordlist1.addWord("mia"); // count 2, max_words 2 WordList wordlist2(4);



wordlist2.addWord("dean"); // count 3, max_words 4 int retval = wordlist1.appendLists(&wordlist2);

wordlist1.printList(); // print susannah mia odetta holmes dean

// Assuming member variables are public

cout << retval<< " "<< wordlist1.m_count<< " " << wordlist1.m_max_words; //prints 3 5 5 Function 10: int findWord(const char word[]) const;

Specification: Finds the first occurrence of the word in the WordList returns the position of that word in the list. Otherwise, if the word is not in the WordList or if m_list is nullptr return -1.

Usage: WordList wordlist(4);



wordlist.addWord("Waldo"); int retval = wordlist.findWord("waldo");

if (retval < 0)

cout << "Not found" << endl; Function 11: int sortList(WordList* wordlist);

Specification: If wordlist is nullptr return -1. If there is only one word in the m_list return 1. Otherwise, sortList sorts the words in WordList in ascending order, returns 0.

Usage: WordList neverwhere(5);







neverwhere.printList(); // prints "Abbot Carabas Door Islington Richard " Function 12: WordList& operator=(const WordList& other);

Specification: Copies from an existing WordList to another exiting WordList. Should not result in any memory leaks or aliasing of dynamically allocated memory.

Usage: WordList ben(5); // WordList can store 5 words

//... Some WordList operations

if (...) { WordList ann(4);

ann = ben;

} // Should not results in undefined behavior

ben = ben; // should not result in undefined behavior


Cstrings are the way C implements text/variable functionality, they are simply character arrays with an additional character \0, null terminated character, to indicate the end of the cstring. C++s string class uses character arrays as its underlying data structure, but does not include the use of the null terminated character.

Characters in programming languages are encoded, the simplest encoding on modern machines being ASCII, meaning there is a unique numerical value associated with each character. A consequence of this is that upper case characters are different from their lower case counterparts. In particular, A is encoded as 65 and a is 97. This also means the A is less than a, which might seem counter intuitive but for this project it is easiest simply to utilize these character encodings. In particular, since hAt is less than hat due to the differences in the second character; hAt would come before hat in a sorted sense. You can declare a statically defined cstring with: char cstr[] = "This is a Cstring."; This cstring has 18 characters +1 for the null termination character, so the total size of this character array is 19. You can also specify a fixed sized character array and initialize the first few elements to a cstring: char cstr1[20] = "Hi"; The total size of cstr1 is 20 elements but in terms of the cstring itself, there are currently only 2 characters +1 for the null terminiation character. There are many prebuilt functions you can use in working with cstrings, details can be found in any C++ reference for the cstring library. Below is a brief description on a few of the more common ones. You can obtain the length of a cstring by using the the strlen function from cstring library, it will return the number of characters in the cstring, not including the null termination character: char cstr[] = "This is a Cstring.";

int len = strlen(cstr); // 18 characters in length

cout << "Len: " << len << endl; // 18

// The 19th character is the null terminated character

if (cstr[len] == '\0') cout << "null terminated" << endl;

You can compare two cstrings using the strcmp function. This will return 0 if they are identical, any other value returned indicates they are not the same, it can be positive or negative. If the return value is negative the first word is smaller than the second, if it is positive, the first word is greater than the second. For example: cout << "strcmp: " << strcmp("hAt", "hat") << endl; // -1 You can copy from one cstring into another using the strcpy function: char cstr1[20] = "Hi";

char* cstr2 = new char[20]; strcpy(cstr2, cstr1); cout << cstr2 << endl; // Hi strcpy(cstr2, "This is a test"); cout << cstr2 << endl; // This is a test strcpy is considered unsafe since it doesnt do any bounds checking among other issues. However, as long as you ensure that all your static/dynamic character arrays are the same size and reside in different regions in memory and you make sure the cstrings have length 1 less than the array sizes there should be no issues. Tips

Pointers offer a large amount of flexibility to our programming. However, with that flexibility comes a fair amount of complexity, which seems to depend on the context of how were using our pointers. The key to success in using pointers will depend on your ability understand the context, i.e. how is this pointer being used? What is its type?

It is good practice to develop your test cases prior to developing your code. Identify, the different inputs to your functions that will exercise a single aspect of that function and have a known expected output. That way when you implement that particular aspect you can see if it behaves as expected, if not you make the necessary adjustments.

Encapsulation dictates that we make our member variables private so users of our code cannot affect the intended behavior of our code, among other reasons. However, when developing there is nothing stopping you from making member variables public to make testing easier. This is especially useful when you have not implemented any printing functions yet and have no way to see if say your constructors are doing what they should be. Of course, when it comes time to deploy make the member variables private again.

Work on a single function at a time, start with implementing the constructors, addWord and printList and testing those to ensure they work to spec. This will generally always be the first things to implement for classes, you need a way to create your object and some way to observe its state in order to conduct any meaningful testing of later functions.

When submitting over Canvas, it will give me your most recent submission. Every time you finish a function or two, and your code compiles; submit it. This way youre guaranteed to have something I can grade. But, be sure your code compiles first.

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